Once you've ensured your sod has the proper sunlight and water, the rest is routine maintenance. Centipede. We have downloadable maintenance guides that specify recommended heights forbermuda grass. Selecting a suitable time for planting plays a key role in creating a fuller and healthier lawn. This would also help prevent the new sod installation turning brown. Good quality of soil is considered an important feature that results in thick lawns and rich growth. Mr. Landschoot recommends the application of a half to one pound of nitrogen per 1000- square feet of sod area. With some exceptions, your lawn likely only needs to be fertilized one to three times per year. You can learn more about this inHow to Read a Fertilizer Label. If the soil is compacted to a depth of over 2.5 inches, work it loose and deeply. For those who prefer traditional granular fertilizer applications, check outLawnifi Foundation, a granular fertilizer that can be used throughout the different seasons all year long. When to Fertilize New Grass It is important to make sure that your soil has the appropriate nutrients for new grass seed prior to dispersing the seed itself. Also, the soil gains ample water absorption needed for the formation of new sod. Water the fertilizer after application to promote absorption. Fresh white roots should be beginning to stick out. You should use the garden hose to access your lawn if you have small and midsize yards. So, when do you add starter fertilizer to your new turf? Apply organic matter to your lawn as needed. The fall is a great time to spread fertilizer and let the nutrients slowly do their work while your grass goes dormant. For example, the Fall Fertilizer Box serves to help your lawn recover from the heat of summer and prepare for winter dormancy. An appropriate amount of carbon will help with the overall health of your soil, which creates a successful environment for your grass to grow in. We only include brands we use and trust. After the grass has been mowed, it is important to fertilize it. Or is it just for beautification? Newly laid sod is stressed out after being harvested, transported and installed in its new environment. This means it needs sprinkling anywhere from two to six times a day. By choosing a slow-release fertilizer, you encourage root growth and lower the risk of burning your lawn in hot months with an excess of nitrogen. How much to fertilize. Finally, you should fertilize your new sod one last time in the fall, before the winter sets in. You will end up wasting most of the fertilizer because, in dormancy, the grass cannot absorb the nutrients. Granulated fertilizers need moisture to break down after application, while other fertilizers require you to soak the lawn beforehand. In this guide, we will discuss the different times that you should fertilize your new sod, as well as how to go about doing it. If Bermuda grass lawn fertilizer is implemented incorrectly, it can weaken and destroy the root of the turf. PGF Complete lawn fertilizer. This will help speed up new growth to replace the nitrogen-burnt grass. Make sure to use this fertilizer on a well established lawn. Thats great for established plants, but not so wonderful for seedlings. To correct the over-fertilization of your recently-established sod, thoroughly water the lawn for consecutive days to wash out the excess salts. This will help you choose the appropriate fertilizer for Bermuda grass in your lawn. Dont apply fertilizers to your lawn during the winter months as the grass is dormant and will not achieve any better results. When fertilizing new sod on your lawn, consider the following: For newly-installed St. Augustine sod, fertilization isnt usually necessary until about four weeks post-installation. 4.3 - 898 Reviews. Bermuda grass should be planted when soil temperatures are consistently warmer; this happens when both daytime and nighttime temperatures are between 70 and 95 degrees. We do not specifically market to children under 13. Use half of the first bottle of liquid fertilizer in the Lawnifi New Lawn Starter Box,Grow, on your already installed sod. Apply enough fertilizer to . Buy on Amazon Buy on Home Depot Buy on Walmart. Namely, nutrients. Add fertilizer and nutrients as needed. The southern states like Texas, Florida, California, and Georgia have a longer timeframe. Starter fertilizer is specifically formulated for use on new sod whose root systems arent yet established. Apply between 2 and 4 pounds of nitrogen per 1000 square feet annually, during the growing season. After your grass starts to grow, you can swap the starter fertilizer with regular fertilizer and apply a second dose roughly four to six weeks later or when the grass is 1 to 1 inches tall. This is bad for the environment because it can harm fish habitats and increase algal blooms. After this, you can adhere to the following regular annual fertilization schedule: Technically late spring and early summer fertilization is mostly for new and neglected lawns, but if youre reading this, your lawn likely falls into one or both of those categories. From our perspectives, read the instructions carefully first and then select the appropriate application based on the type of turf you have. Phosphorous levels can easily build up too much in soil, resulting in runoff that ends up in surface waters. For the first 2 weeks after sod installation, water new Bermuda sod 2 times per day for 10 minutes each watering session. Quality bermuda sod laid during the active growing season that has received proper care and nutrition should be able to be mowed between 1315 days after being laid. This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. Looking to spur new turf growth by applying fertilizer but are worried about doing it too soon? In addition, applying fertilizer in the fall helps to protect against winter weeds. Apply the second bottle of Lawnifi Grow at a full rate. Your new sod will have to grow roots to connect with . The best time to fertilize grass is when the ground warms up to 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Understanding this ratio enables you to determine the total number of pounds of each product ingredient in the bag. Your new lawn is working hard enough to establish roots. More insects. If you fertilize too soon, this energy will be diverted into premature leaf development. If your turf is developing slower than its natural progress, the reason could be the soils pH level. This also creates a seedbed for when you're placing new seed in. But if you are an expert regarding your gardens specifics, then you can use these quick-release fertilizers in limited amounts every month. Seed in the spring or summer. Being a warm-season turfgrass, the recommended fertilization season for Zoysia grass is from spring to early fall. Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Use a Scotts spreader to apply Scotts Turf Builder Starter Food for New Grass according to package instructions. If you start mowing and pieces of your new lawn start coming up, you either have your mower set too low, or your bermuda grass has not put down sufficient roots. With a deeply-rooted turf, your lawn will likely maintain its lush appearance for a long time. Newly laid sod is stressed out after being harvested, transported and installed in its new environment. It will look like rotted pieces. Typically, you will want a fertilizer that is heavy in phosphorus content. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. See Also: Best fertilizers for Zoysia grass. Regular fertilizer contains a mix of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus at a 1-2-1 ratio. Grass plugs are a great tool for repairing damaged areas of the lawn or to establish a lawn when sod or seed is not available or practical. What happened? Read Also: When to Start Walking on New Sod. Maintaining a lower height will require more frequent mowing to prevent scalping. The First Few Weeks. What Happens If You Dont Water After Fertilizing? Copyright 2023 ABC Home & Commercial Services All Rights Reserved, TECL 23492 | TACLA45890C | LI2669 | M-32147 | TICL587. In terms of year seasons, the best time for fertilizing newly-installed sod is late spring through early fall. Water 3 to 4 times daily to keep the seed and soil surface moist. Now that youve finished with the sod installation, you may be wondering when to fertilize new sod and what is the best fertilizer for new sod. Therefore- its okay (and perhaps- important) to apply starter fertilizer on new sod. Learn more inWhen to Water Newly Installed Sod. This timing is optimal because it is after the lawn has greened up and is beginning to grow. A second application of Grow will accelerate root growth so that the newly installed lawn tacks down properly. Well, after your lawn is installed, its no longer a baby, so you need to switch to more appropriate food.. Avoid these problems by letting ABC Home & Commercial Services do the hard work for you. Water once/wk for 15-25 minutes. Choose a liquid, high nitrogen, slow-release fertilizer. High in nitrogen. After regular watering, adequate fertilizer is the next most important thing in Bermuda grass care. It will look like rotted pieces. However, during the fall, you should mow slightly higher. These vary by region, but in Texas, the absolute latest date for yearly fertilization should be November 1. If thats a surprising number, you might have confused fertilizer with plant food. You can use lawn fertilizer for this application. Texas A&M even allows you to send in soil samples and get results back! Unfortunately, fertilization isnt as simple as deciding to do it and picking up some fertilizer from your nearest home improvement store. However, it is recommended to water after 2 to 4 hours in case you use liquid fertilizer. Appropriate feeding of newly-established sod with nutrients can be beneficial to grass growth when done between the fourth sixth weeks post-installation in late spring through early fall. and check out the video further below in this blog. As always, when using a chemical, be sure to read and follow all guidelines on the product label. Increased chance of erosion. 1. Although it is a fast-acting fertilizer for Bermuda grass, you can also use it for other types of turfgrasses. Fertilize bermudagrass every six weeks thereafter until mid-September. Do you love your home landscape as much as we do? Be sure to look for signs of lawn disease such as irregular circular patterns of disease or fungus, which can result from overwatering. There is the idea of too much of a good thing, and that definitely applies when it comes to fertilizing your lawn! When used with a hose attachment, nutrients are carried through the soil where the biggest benefit is how fast nutrients reach the roots. During each watering session, be sure to water for a long enough time to allow it to seep deep into the soil to be available to the root zone. As more options become available, organic fertilizers have grown in popularity as individuals are working to find a balance between growing and maintaining a healthy lawn and minimizing the use of chemical products on their property. To learn more, readWhen to Fertilize Newly Installed Sod. This a granular fertilizer, so it is best to apply with a lawn spreader. . Once the grass is established, you can fertilize it following these guidelines: If you have followed the steps above, your new sod should be well on its way to a healthy start. Water once per day for 1520 minutes. You can plant Bermuda grass in these states as early as February. Fertilization is important to a new bermuda grass lawn. As always, when using a chemical, be sure to read and follow all guidelines on the product label. Heres how to do it: 1. Fertilize sod a minimum of two times per year, once in spring and again in early fall. With NPK of 30-0-6, it is designed for all types of lawn grass, including Bermuda grass. In terms of season, you should avoid feeding your turf in early spring because this is the time the grass focuses on developing the root. However, caution is recommended, as over-feeding could lead to root burn. Fast-release fertilizers are the ones that expose your garden to the risk of harm. PGF will help get that thick green lawn. How To Properly Fertilize Bermuda Grass Lawns. You will learn how much to water the sod, how soon to mow it, as well as when to. What is my purpose of maintaining my lawn? To read more, visitWhen to Mow Newly Installed Sod. This will help the sod to survive the winter and come back strong in the spring. After doing this, proceed to fill in the middle. As the NPK ratio is 32-0-10, it is unsafe for new grass. Schedule a service today. With the right fertilizer, your TifTuf Bermudagrass will look spectacular. If your lawn reaches at least 50 percent green, it is best to use a slow-release fertilizer. Best Time to Fertilize Lawn. In midsummer, Bermuda grass could use another application of fertilizer. The Bermuda field typically spreads fastest when the level of pH is between 5.8 and 7.0. One application will feed new sod for 8 - 12 weeks. Please note that the table below includes Amazon Affiliate links. When do you need to fertilize new sod or fertilize new grass? The next time you should fertilize your new sod is about six weeks after you have laid it down. Generally speaking, the first time you fertilize in the spring will likely be sometime between the beginning of March and the middle of April. Mowing the grass will remove any dead, dormant grass and promote new spring growth. Many people think of fertilization as something that happens after plants are already in the groundor after turf is installed. The best time for Bermuda green to grow and thrive is, Besides, it is not recommended to fertilize in direct hot sunlight since it can. Heres the thing, though. best time to feed new sod with fertilizer, Can You Put Too Much Lime on Lawn? But when, how, and at what time you fertilize your lawn requires some careful consideration. Look up our exact fertilizer recommendations per grass in our Lawn Maintenance Guides. Consider using a backpack sprayer for spraying fertilizer or even basic water for on your lawn. However- youll want to avoid over-fertilizing your soil, as this will most likely lead to sod damage. We have the answer for you. Great for all lawns warm and cool season. The lawn is supposed to be kept perpetually wet and walking may leave behind depressions besides damaging the still-sensitive grass. The 5 Lb. If you have more food on the grass, that means its better to spread and used. Once applied, work the product 4 to 6 inches into the soil. If you give in and re-fertilize too early, the nutrients will not be absorbed by the roots, and you can have runoff that, as we already mentioned, can make its way into the water supply or harm water-dwelling creatures. Aeration also helps water and nutrients penetrate the soil more easily. This method also avoids the potential for burn on new sod and the delicate roots of sprouting seed. Due to its three main functions, I find Scotts Turf Builder fertilizer is excellent for zoysia grass. ), Disadvantages of Mulching Grass (Best Way to Mulch). Specifically, the grass should start to turn green and require mowing at least twice before its time to fertilize for the spring. What Is The Best Time To Fertilize? Even without hot temperatures, applying chemical fertilizers . When lawn fertilizers to new Bermuda grass. If you apply starter fertilizer after you've planted grass seed: Use the fertilizer spreader and apply it over the soil. Continue reading for a full fertilizer application schedule below. Again, you can use lawn fertilizer for this. Late spring or early summer, when Bermuda grass has exited dormancy and greened up, is the best time to aerate Bermuda lawns. It's true that this grass, also known as Barbados Bermuda grass, is fast growing, but it needs a lot of sunlight to stay healthy. Feeds lawn roots to improve growth next spring. On the other hand, do not mow the young turf when the length is less than 2 inches. What differentiates this lawn food from others is the high nitrogen content that ensures deep green Bermuda grass. This will give the sod a boost of nutrients that it needs in order to get started. You wont be applying all three bottles at oncetheres a schedule to follow. If the lawn looks lumpy after you have planted the sod, consider rolling it one time with a half-filled lawn roller. For this reason, watering deeply two times a week with a total of 2.3 inches of water is the best amount for a fuller and nice-looking yard. Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action - Best Weed Killer For Bermuda Grass. PGF Complete is very mild and needs to . Whether youre looking to overseed, patch up bare spots or start a new lawn, our varieties of warm and cool season grass seed will ensure your landscape project is completed properly. Reduce Mowing for Deeper Roots. It takes 2 weeks or less for the granules to dissolve in the soil and start acting. Apply fertilizer once between June and August, around six to eight weeks after the late spring feeding. This is why homeowners must carefully consider when to fertilize their new turfs. Bermuda grass should be mowed at a height of 1-2 inches in the spring. Innovative triple action. Use nitrogen-based fertilizers sparingly. Finally, if your soil test results note that your lawn soil is deficient in key nutrients like potash, applying a starter fertilizer might not solve this problem. The best time of the year to plant the grass in northern states is late March and early April. All plants including grass, trees, ornamentals or even crops need nutrients for growth and overall health. This is because you know what seasons are harsh and what are comparatively calmer. You can sometimes get it for less during a special or promo if you subscribe to the educational newsletter, Sod University. Note: If youve laid sod in the winter, you shouldnt start on these steps until it comes out of dormancy. Starter fertilizers that are packed with essential nutrients like nitrogen and potassium are usually a great option. This fertilizer box consists of a state-of-the-art liquid fertilizer specifically designed to help your lawn establish a sustainable root system. A fertilizer label with 8-0-24 written indicates that the fertilizer product contains eight parts nitrogen (N), zero parts phosphorus (P) and 24 parts potassium (K). You seeded new grass into problem areas and waited for it to grow. Each year, a TifTuf lawn needs 1-2 pounds of nitrogen fertilizer per 1,000 square feet. Fertilize in spring and summer. Your bermuda grass is typically mowed at a height of .5-1.5 inches. Basically, if it looks like your grass is ready for its first mowing of the season, then it should also be ready for lawn fertilizer. You dont want the watering to outpace the fertilizing as that could negatively impact the lawns growth cycle. If you are like most homeowners, you have entered into the now what? stage. This will help the roots of the sod to absorb the nutrients from the fertilizer. Apply Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Bermuda Grass with your spreader. Monitor your lawn regularly to make sure that it is not drying out. Being a warm-season turfgrass, the most appropriate time to fertilize newly-grown St. Augustine grass is in mid-spring when chances of frosting are minimal. These fertilizers tend to encourage excess growth of foliage at the expense of root development, which makes grass more susceptible to drought and disease. Sod Solutions works with private breeders and university researchers across the globe to find and bring to market the best grasses with the best genetics on the planet. So, after preparing your soil for seed or sod, the last step before planting is to fertilize the soil with a starter fertilizer. Congratulations on your newly sodded bermuda grass lawn! Avoid fertilizing before heavy rain, which can wash away the fertilizer before it has a chance to be absorbed by the roots. If this is present, apply a systemic fungicide likeHeritage G. This will be the first mow on your newly sodded bermuda grass lawn. Follow the directions on the label for application rates. Then get a soil test done to learn which nutrients are present in your soil and which ones youre lacking. If the soil pH is lower than 4.5, use a fertilizer that contains sulfur. Be sure to follow the directions on the fertilizer package in order to avoid damaging the sod. Choose a calm day in early fall, then reapply later in fall . However, after watering during days 25, you should be able to check for any dry spots that arent receiving water. Take rainfall into account and avoid standing water. However, new sod needs regular irrigation and fertilization in order to help it establish itself properly. Bermuda grass thrives in soil pH between 6-6.5. But you would only need to use it three times in spring and summer. This allows enough time for root anchorage, such that the root systems would be developed enough to absorb the nutrients. Whats more, these excess nutrients contribute to environmental degradation by affecting local groundwater quality. Yes, you should fertilize new sod, as its beneficial for root establishment. But in case you notice that your grass is dying, turning brown, or growing in patches, then you may want to add more fertilizer. Smooth and level the ground. By choosing a slow-release fertilizer, you encourage root growth and lower the risk of . Although not necessary, aerating your garden after fertilization can help too. Youll suffer patchiness and increased runoff. Bermuda : 1 to 2 inches: 1 to 1 inch : Buffalograss : 3 to 4 inches: 2 to 3 inches . You can read more about overall care after installation inHow to Care for New Sod. About 4-8 weeks after the Bermudagrass seeds germinate you should fertilize your grass again. Be sure to also refer to our Homeowner Maintenance Guides forbermudagrass,bluegrass,centipede grass,fescue,St. Augustineandzoysiaafter the first 30 days are up. The best time for Bermuda green to grow and thrive is in late spring. The first application of fertilizer to bermudagrass should be made in spring when the grass is 50% green OR when soil temperatures are above 65 degrees F. Visit www.georgiaweather.net to determine local soil temperature. Fertilizing in winter will break the dormancy and force the Bermuda grass to grow. The best time to feed new sod with fertilizer is about four-six weeks post-installation. Amend the existing soil, and either reseed or lay new sod. As the grass grows, it uses more nutrients. If this is the case, replace the affected sod areas by raking and pulling them out, then proceed to re-sod the area. As mentioned in our step-by-stepsod installation guide, its essential that new sod is watered thoroughly. Make the last application of nitrogen fertilizer no later than eight weeks before the first frost. Damaging the sod to absorb the nutrients slowly do their work while your grass.!, around six to eight weeks after the lawn beforehand bottle of grow., during the winter months as the grass has been mowed, it is for..., including Bermuda grass, trees, ornamentals or even crops need for... Easily build up too much in soil samples and get results back environment because it can harm fish habitats increase. Water and nutrients penetrate the soil more easily the ground warms up to 55 degrees Fahrenheit lawn supposed! 1 inch: Buffalograss: 3 to 4 hours in case you use liquid fertilizer specifically designed to it... 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