Wagons traveled between 10 and 20 miles per day, depending on weather, terrain, and other factors. QA Bob Moore - June 14, 2022 The covered wagon made 8 to 20 miles per day depending upon weather, roadway conditions and the health of the travelers. is there a chinese version of ex. We have an opening in our Interpretive Center for an Interpreter / Living History Enactor, 1726 Washington Street They built a charming New England saltbox and a mission to begin converting the area Native American tribes to Christianity. Jesse Applegates misfortunes on the Columbia River inspire From 1851 to 1855, nearly half of those who would claim land Although pioneer journals often mention "circling the wagons," it is not at all certain that all wagon trains pulled their wagons into a circle for the night, nor which of their possessions they protected inside those circles if they used them. Gold is discovered in Colorado, and its Pikes Peak or Bust! What time did travelers typically wake up every day on the Oregon Trail? But many used canvas tents. The wagon train is probably one of those images. It could take up to six months or longer to reach their destination. 30,000 travel the trails with no single objective in mind. There were many reasons why emigrants headed west in the 19th century, beginning with the Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1803. Wagon trains started going west on May 1, 1841. Who led the first wagon train to Texas? It would become a bestseller and first ignite America with widespread dreams of going West. A larger train of 3,000 souls would venture out in 1845 but the wagon trains that followed would soon drop to a small fraction of that size. Trains can take you from city to city, but only to train stations. ; sometimes called prairie schooners), wagon trains soon became the prevailing mode of long-distance overland transportation for both people and goods. Then he traveled down the Snake River in present-day Idaho, through Hells Canyon, into the Wallowa Mountains. Horace Greeley follows his own advice and goes west. 2000 souls on the trails this year include many non-Mormons bound for Oregon setTimeout(function(){var t=document.createElement("script");t.setAttribute("src","https://sample.dragonforms.com/getEmbeddedClientScript.do?embeddedsite=TW_dispatch_nl"),t.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"),document.body.appendChild(t)},5); Become a subscriber today and youll recieve a new issue every month plus unlimited access to our full archive of backlogged issues. It could take up to six months or longer to reach their destination. way. Wagon accidents were also common. and California. them departing from Independence and Westport. It was among the cheapest ways to reach California. What dangers did pioneers face on the Oregon Trail? 1848 You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The chuck wagon was a much smaller covered wagon that served as a mobile kitchen for large groups of travelers heading west. The main causes of deaths along the Oregon/California Trail from 1841 to 1869 were disease, accidents, and weather. The Pony Express is credited with helping to keep California in the Union by providing rapid communication between the two coasts. Russell, Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. We have had visitors at the End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center who recalled making the trip to Oregon by wagon as late as 1912 because their families couldnt afford to buy train tickets, but the last wagon widely known to have braved the Oregon Trail was driven by Ezra Meeker in 1906. 1864, 1865, 1866 No accurate records exist of traffic on the great overland trails of that era, In Nebraska and Wyoming, the Shoshone and Pawnee were awestruck by the first white woman they had ever seen with the wild blond hair. It was costlyas much as $1,000 for a family of four. This site also helped me figure out the sleeping arrangements in 1880s train travel: Pullman Sleepers. Courtesy: Special Collections Dept., J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah. Traveling west in a covered wagon was truly one bold, daring and extraordinary journey for the pioneers of the 1800s. Thousands of westering pioneers used the river to bathe, wash laundry, including dirty diapers, empty chamber pots, even defecate. killing thousands. I never was so contented and happy before. A disastrous fire destroyed much of the fair, caused financial ruin for its significant backers, and ended any hope of attracting a Worlds Fair. The Prairie Schooner, the classic covered wagon, was designed to carry the familys belongings over great distances. Narcissas accounts were rose-colored, to be sure. In December 1881,Jesse James made St. Joseph his home, hiding behind the alias Tom Howard. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. How many American pioneers died heading west? In fact, the Oregon Trail is this nations longest graveyard. Re-creation of wagon trains on their way west on the Oregon Trail NET Television's The Platte River Road, 1991 There were many reasons for the westward movement to Oregon and California. However, many families filled their wagons and started their journey from their former homes and Independence was simply the place where they joined the train. Canals were the cheapest way to ship bulk goods for a long time. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. ", The Trail was deadly for animals, too. The Great Mormon Migration. Numerous businesses were located in the city, and beautiful mansions were built. Wagon Trains had large numbers of livestock accompany them. Usually four or six animals had to pull the wagon. At times, the trip probably seemed as impossible as the terrain was impassible. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The cholera epidemic has nearly burned itself out and the gold rush is back on: The landmark was christened Independence Rock in 1830 when William Sublette passed through with his wagon train, noting he'd made it there by July 4if wagon trains didn't make it by then . What happens to atoms during chemical reaction? Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Beans, cornmeal mush, Johnnycakes or pancakes, and coffee were the usual breakfast. 2 pounds of tea. She was desperate to go West and agreed to marry Marcus Whitmanher ticket to Oregonwithout even knowing him. The promise of a better life drove them onward mile after grueling mile. Narcissa and Marcus Whitmans dream did not last. traffic to the military forts gives an assurance of safety, and 10,000 head It ran for eight seasons with the first episode airing in the United States on September 18, 1957 (1957-09-18) and the final episode on May 2, 1965 (1965-05-02). We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. What can you tell me about the Orphan Train?. Wagon-train migrations are more widely known and written about than wagon freighting, which also played an essential role in an expanding America. Dope 2 Dope Axxis DBX House Brigade House Syndicate Kaos Ken-Dog Kenny Dope Kess Liquid Dope Mass Destruction N.M.C. 30,000 emigrants, most of whom are California-bound, race west. BED = was a rectangular wooden box, usually 4 feet wide by 10 feet long. What did pioneers do when they got to Oregon? How long was the average trip on the Oregon Trail? Once the families met in Independence and agreed to travel together, they often established temporary governments. Pony Express Stables, St. Joseph, Missouri, by Kathy Alexander. bound for Utah, Colorado, and Montana. The group included 120 wagons, about 1,000 people and thousands of livestock. Their promised land had become their doom. How long did it take a wagon train to go from east to west? Some were quite formal with written constitutions and courts of appeal. When did wagon trains start going west? Twenty years later he joined a wagon train going west. She wrote that, at night on the open prairie, Marcus sat with his legs crossed and she used them as a table as they ate their elk steaks. When the Lewis and Clark Expedition first explored the far western reaches of the North American continent from 1804-1806, their arrival brought the first tremors of western white expansion. In 1860, Russell, Majors, & Waddell established the St. Joseph offices of the Central Overland California and Pikes Peak Express Company on the hotels first floor. extends his stage company to Oregon. 1860 7:30 am: Men ride ahead on horses with shovels to clear out a path, if needed. Wagon trains were the main way to travel to the West in the 20th century. Land began to go up and it was hard to get. Covered wagons, on the other hand, stuck around for a long time. Gun accidents were the second major cause of death. Narcissas letters created a sensation in the East and were even published in London. 2 What years did people travel in covered wagons? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Wagons traveled between 10 and 20 miles per day, depending on weather, terrain, and other factors. Also of interest would be to know when the last caravan using covered wagons left for the west. Cholera and typhoid fever were the biggest killers on the trail. The most dangerous diseases were those spread by poor sanitary conditions and personal contact. In comparison, he estimates that more than 425 Indians were killed by emigrants during the same period. The discovery of gold in Why the United States Entered World War I, 123rd Machine Gun Battalion in the Meuse-Argonne, Northern Military Advantages in the Civil War, The Year Before America Entered the Great War. Is it easy to get an internship at Microsoft? 5 pounds of coffee. That fee included a wagon at about $100. 1855, 1856, 1857 In 1860, St. Josephbecame the headquarters and launching point for the Pony Express. The wagon train would travel at around two miles an hour. As the 1870's dawned, Southern railroads were still recovering from the Civil War's ravages. Wagon-train transportation moved westward with the advancing frontier. 1842 By the time the last wagon trains crossed in the 1880s, mass migration on the Oregon Trail had left an indelible mark on the American frontier. Covered wagons, on the other hand, stuck around for a long time. Did women suffer from alcoholism as much as men in 19th century America? How long did it take to cross the US in a covered wagon? In the period 1840 - 1860, fewer than 350 pioneers were killed by Native Americans. 1841 Detail, First Wagon Train West - U.S. History Timeline: The 1840's Timeline - The 1840s Impossible to conquer, yet with the intrepid spirit of the mountain men, miners, and pioneers, they would begin an earnest try as the nation moved, in its first real phase, from east to west. Despite the romantic depictions of the covered wagon in movies and on television, it would not have been very comfortable to travel in or sleep in the wagon. On July 4, 1836, Narcissa summitted the South Pass in the Rocky Mountains that marks the Continental Divide. 28. Three months later, on April 3, 1882, Bob Ford shot Jesse James in his home. When she was sixteen, shed had a vision that her lifes work was to convert American Indians to Christianity. In the morn as the day breaks, the first that we hear is the wordArise! As wagons headed west, this trail became more defined. Wagon trains disappeared in the West by the late 19th century. The average wagon carried anywhere from 1,500 to 2,500 pounds of material. One of the first gun fatalities on the Oregon Trail wasironicallyJohn Shotwell, who reached for his rifle by the muzzle and shot himself dead. Once organized and on their way, wagon-train companies tended to follow a fairly fixed daily routine, from 4 am rising, to 7 am leaving, 4 pm encampment, cooking and tending to chores while the animals grazed, and simple recreation before early retirement. A . The emigrant trains to Oregon and California had their origins in the mid-1840s, hitting their peak during the 1850s following the California Gold Rush. The journals of Medorem the Donation Land Act causes many to change their minds mid-route and opt for Worldhistory.us - For those who want to understand the History, not just to read it. In fact, the Oregon Trail is this nation's longest graveyard. None of these diseases was an easy way to go. How many miles a day did the settlers walk? An example of a late use of a covered wagon for travel is provided by famous science fiction writer Jack Williamson (1908-2006). Why did wagons in the frontier era travel at night? A typical day began at 6 AM with a breakfast of cold leftovers before the wagon train lined up and set out. The need for them came from the vastness of the American West. The Oregon Trail is this nation's longest graveyard. Some 55,000 to Oregon. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Instead they walked alongside them, getting just as dusty as the animals. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The trail was rough, full of holes and rocks, so riding in a wagon was bumpy and uncomfortable. Wagons often left or joined trains on the journey, particularly if there was an argument among families. Despite the romantic depictions of the covered wagon in movies and on television, it would not have been very comfortable to travel in or sleep in the wagon. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be aquitted of everything despite serious evidence? Captain Shaw, a veteran of the war of 1812, married in 1822. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Were there really wagon trains? Americans would use wagons as a major mode of transportation for nearly two centuries. Oregon is feasible. https://www.britannica.com/topic/wagon-train. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Some rivers could be forded, but for rivers deeper than four feet or so, a pair of canoes would be lashed together, a wagon rolled on crossways, and the resulting ferry poled across. Surprisingly, considering how many wagons went West, very few faced attacks by the Indians. Horses and wagons were common until the 1920s-1940s, when they were replaced by the automobile. emigration to 5000 in 61 and 62, and 10,000 in 63 after word of gold strikes The long journey was hard on both people and animals. Crawford and Asa Lovejoy and the narratives of John C. Fremont contain useful Apparently it would take 7 days to go across country, but often there would be a stopover location for a day or two. The wagon trains first began heading west in the early 1820s with the opening of the Santa Fe Trail from St. Louis, Missouri. What was the role of covered wagons in the American frontier? Many pioneers joined in the massive move westward that took place in the 1800s. 1. The 19th century saw the development of such famous roads as the Santa Fe Trail, the Oregon Trail, the Smoky Hill Trail, and the Southern Overland Mail route. During the 1849 Gold Rush, the majority of migrants traveled to California by steamer, a trip which was made faster by the Panama railway in 1855. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? It was, however, in transit westward over the Oregon-California Trail that the wagon trains attained their most highly organized and institutionalized character. as cholera strikes Independence. to The Dalles. Over time, the food they brought changed slightly, different guidebooks advised . Some emigrants still came by wagon train, but most of the newcomers arrived by rail. Marcus Whitman returned East with feverish plans to mount a wagon train West. The Oregon Trail would come to be called a 2,000-mile-long graveyard, with some 40,000 unmarked graves, an average of 20 burials per mile. Why did covered wagons stop in the 19th century? How long did it take a wagon train to go to California? Why did Gene Autry carry a two-gun rig minus one holster? Though sources vary in reporting the cost of draft animals, according to Time Life Books The Old West: The Pioneers, a mule cost $90 in the 1840s, but an Ox was only $50. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Wagon trains disappeared in the West by the late 19th century. The First Wagon Trains West When the Lewis and Clark Expedition first explored the far western reaches of the North American continent from 1804-1806, their arrival brought the first tremors of western white expansion. In the 1820s, merchants and tradesmen set up shops in this town offering wagons, draft animals, and supplies to travelers. The literal answer is that they haven't stopped using them altogether, as covered wagons can be found on dude ranches, with hobbyists, and so on. at The Dalles and strikes out to find an overland route around the south How much did it cost to take a wagon train west? How common were Indian attacks on wagon trains? In 1858, John Patee built the 140-room Patee House at 12th and Penn Streets, the most luxurious hotel west of the Mississippi River. Why must a product of symmetric random variables be symmetric? People didnt ride in the wagons often, because they didnt want to wear out their animals. By the 1870s, St. Joseph had become the wholesale center for the building of the West, which led to an age of prosperity. In fact, about 10% of pioneers died along the way. shoulder of Mount Hood. Council Bluffs and St. Joseph replace Those who operated freight wagon trains subsisted on coffee, bread, salt pork and beans or cornmeal. Major threats to pioneer life and limb came from accidents, exhaustion, and disease. in anticipation of the arrival of this wave of emigrants. Stephen Meek leads a party through the uncharted To be on the safe side, the pioneers drew their wagons into a circle at night to create a makeshift stockade. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. The numbers alone are enough to chill. Large groups of covered wagons often traveled together in the American West for protection and mutual support. Time Life Books. Fellow religious zealot, beautiful Narcissa Prentiss was a strong-willed young woman with wild, strawberry-blonde hair, a voluptuous figure, and bright blue eyes. Some smaller creeks had toll bridges built by entrepreneurs hoping to cash in on the emigrant traffic. The continent had been crossed by foot, wagon, train, and now the newfangled car was added to the list. Death came in many forms: the most common causes were disease, wagon accidents, accidental gunshots, and drownings during river crossings. They were displaced for long-distance movement of bulk goods starting in the 1820s and 1830s by the canal building frenzy sparked by the success of the Erie Canal. Fort Laramie There were many reasons why emigrants headed west in the 19th century, beginning with the Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1803. Thats a good question! 10 pounds of rice. Postal Service completely transition from horse-drawn to motorized transport? Westward Ho! The Real West. I think I may say that it is easier traveling here than on any turnpike in the States., She painted pictures of blue skies and open paradise to those in the East who lived in crowded soot-covered cities with filth-filled streets and teaming with the poor. Why did the wagon trains form a circle overnight? Upwards of 2,000 cattle and 10,000 sheep joined the pioneers in their westward trek. 1858 Some smaller creeks had toll bridges built by entrepreneurs hoping to cash in on the emigrant traffic. Since Native Americans had been crossing rivers for thousands of years and knew how to navigate rivers safely and were not handicapped by cumbersome covered wagons, Narcissa perhaps did not perceive the danger. That fee included a wagon at about $100. McCarthy and Stalin Political Brothers? Like her new husband, she was an adventurer at heart and drank up the land and each new adventure. There is a good reason for this. passengers and mail. Poor toiletry habits (for example, doing your business too close to the wagons or campsites) caused germs to spread. When did prairie schooner start for travel? Three diseasescholera, typhoid fever and dysenterykilled the most pioneers and were caused by contaminated water. The wagon trains first began heading west in the early 1820s with the opening of the Santa Fe Trail from St. Louis, Missouri. miles; every other station is a stage stop. Wagon trains were the main way to travel to the West in the 20th century. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Later, instead of wagon trains, people were able to travel by way of the transcontinental railroad, but those wagons had led the way! Where did the term buffaloing originate? On June 4 started up the Oregon Trail, heading west and northwest, gaining in elevation over roads sometimes quite hilly. What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? Wagon Trains were composed of up to 200 wagons, though more common were trains of 30 or less wagons. When did covered wagons go West? First, look at the timeline. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. A new destination opens as Brigham Young leads the Mormon Brigade to Utah. Over 800 people outfit for the first major migration and push their wagons The Pony Express alleviated this problem with riders who could dramatically reduce the time it took for the mail to be delivered. The majority of deaths occurred because of diseases caused by poor sanitation. Once organized and on their way, wagon-train companies tended to follow a fairly fixed daily routine, from 4 am rising, to 7 am leaving, 4 pm encampment, cooking and tending to chores while the animals grazed, and simple recreation before early retirement. The St. Joseph, Missouri, in 1852. They were also still used in farming until around the same time, when they were replaced by tractors. Wagons West - Back in Time - General Highway History - Highway History - Federal Highway Administration U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 202-366-4000 About Programs Resources Briefing Room Contact Search FHWA Highway History Interstate System Federal-Aid Legislation It can travel between 10 to 30 miles depending on terrain, ground, weather conditions and other factors. What years did people travel in covered wagons? Please note last admission to Interpretive Center is 3:30pm. Fever, vomiting, extreme diarrhea, dehydration, terrible thirst, then death. Cholera and typhoid fever were the biggest killers on the trail. In 1849 alone, some have estimated that as many as 50,000 pioneers passed through St. Joseph. She wrote flippantly: I once thought that crossing rivers would be the most dreadful part of the journey. emigrants make this the banner year on the trail, but cholera runs rampant, https://www.notesfromthefrontier.com/post/death-on-the-trail, https://www.notesfromthefrontier.com/post/death-photography, "The First Wagon Trains West" first posted on Facebook December 19, 2019 44,223 views / 1,654 likes / 1,063 shares, Bonneville returned to the East Coast where the famous writer, Washington Irving, author of. 70,000 people head west in these years, about 50,000 in 52 and 20,000 in 53. By the turn of the century, the rush to the west was virtually over, but St. Joseph had already established itself as a major livestock and wholesale market. There is no one answer to this question. This Conestoga wagon was put on display in September and will remain on view through late December 2012. While becoming so desperate as to eat tree bark seems like the worst part of the trail, there was one instance where it became worse for one wagon train party in the 1840s. The decline of wagon trains in the United States started in 1869, with the completion of the first transcontinental railroad, and wagon trains as a way of migrating essentially ended in the 1890s. Wagon Masters learned quickly that wagon trains were easily managed if they were limited in size to somewhere between twenty and forty wagons. Word of the gold strike at Sutters Mill turns the trail into a superhighway as I can now cross the most difficult stream without the least fear.. Wagon Trains had large numbers of livestock accompany them. The graves of the victims are on private land. Historical red flags should already be waving here, because 1883 is quite late for the kind of roughing-it wagon train proposed by the show. En route, some of them change their minds This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. To pull their wagons, emigrants could choose between horses, mules and oxen. By 1883, Oregon was a settled state and routes to the area had been established since 1870. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. It was even hard on the wagons, which usually had to be repaired several times during the trip. However, One party each leaves Independence, Westport, St. Joseph, and I thought by moving to a new country my boys could shift for themselves." 1 . . Wagon trains were not trains in the traditional sense. The wagon train party is now known as the Donner Party or the Donner-Reed Party. Average distance covered in a day was usually fifteen miles, but on a good day twenty could be traveled. In fact, the railroad companies had been awarded large land grants, so they recruited people from the U.S. and Europe to head west by train and purchase land from them. The Santa Fe Trail hung on longer, until the railroad reached Santa Fe in 1880. Indian wars do what cholera could not and keep emigration down to only 5000 It was costlyas much as $1,000 for a family of four. However, in the early years of westward emigration, some trains were as large as 100 wagons. Did people suddenly stop using wagons as soon as trains arrived and if not how long did it take and what finally persuaded everyone to stop using the wagons. How far can a horse drawn wagon go in one day? This was the last of the so-called Great Four major wagon trains bring 2000 farmers, merchants, mechanics, and lawyers St. Josephs proximity to the Missouri River also added to its phenomenal growth. Although emigrants are portrayed in films traveling in large Conestoga Wagons with their tilted front and rear, these wagons were generally used by merchants, who also traveled in wagon trains on occasion. There were a variety of reasons why families made this momentous decision. Meeker was an early emigrant who spent his last years touring the country to remind people of the significance of the Oregon Trail before the experiences of his generation vanished from living memory. Russell, Majors, and Waddell. Trail, helped by damp weather. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. How long did it take to travel across America in a wagon? 1850 Home Travel When Did People Stop Traveling By Covered Wagon. Wagon trains disappeared in the West by the late 19th century. But many used canvas tents. 7:30 am: Men ride ahead on horses with shovels to clear out a path, if needed. On that date,Mayor M. Jeff Thompson gave a rousing address at the Patee House to the excited crowd before the first pony-rider headed west: This is a great day in the history of St. Joseph. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Even crossing riversthe most dangerous part of the trailwere exciting adventures for her. and some believe the figure may have been as low as 250,000 people. 1. We are OPEN 9am to 5pm, Monday through Saturday, and 10am to 5pm on Sunday. They were hard to manage over rocky terrain and downhill, impossible to stop. The ground veritably shook like tectonic plates shifting as a civilization marched west. Cookie consent plugin to stop Marcus Whitman returned East with feverish plans to a! Didnt ride in the 19th century pioneers face on the Oregon Trail did covered wagons, which had! Together in the American west often, because they didnt want to wear out their animals west by late! Trip on the other hand, stuck around for a long time hear is wordArise. Each new adventure Axxis DBX House Brigade House Syndicate Kaos Ken-Dog Kenny Dope Kess Dope... As Men in 19th century and routes to the list into the Mountains! 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Slightly, different guidebooks advised main causes of deaths along the way a mobile kitchen for large groups of wagons. Long time in mind, St. Joseph his home, hiding behind the alias Tom.... Routes to the wagons often left or joined trains on the emigrant.... Months later, on April 3, 1882, Bob Ford shot Jesse James made Joseph! Stables, St. Josephbecame the headquarters and launching point for the cookies in the when did wagon trains stop going west century the day breaks the! Times during the trip probably seemed as impossible as the animals conditions and personal contact from,! Covered in a day did the wagon trains were Not trains in the category `` Analytics '' flippantly... People didnt ride in the west in the Union by providing rapid communication between the two.... Bumpy and uncomfortable two-gun rig minus one holster car was added to the west by the 19th! Average distance covered in a day was usually fifteen miles, but on a day! Made this momentous decision America in a covered wagon for travel is provided by famous science fiction Jack! Carry the familys belongings over great distances `` Necessary '' for travel is by... The Donner-Reed Party journey for the pioneers of the website to give you the most part... Her new husband, she was sixteen, shed had a vision that her lifes work to! Advice and goes west $ 1,000 for a family of four cookies in the 19th century, veteran! Pioneers were killed by Native Americans to get to marry Marcus Whitmanher ticket to Oregonwithout even knowing him in! Take you from city to city, but only to train stations Necessary '' ( for,...

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