Syrian, Teddy Bear, and Golden are all interchangeably used to describe this type of hamster breed. If your hamster does bite you, it does not necessarily mean that it is aggressive by nature, as it is possible to learn how to train your hamster not to bite. They do not exist in the wild. There are several things that you can do to prevent and dissuade this behavior. With time, they will allow you to pet them and play with them. . But, it can be a fun way to help young children get excited about their new pet! The care usuallytaker can control other environmental aspects. Although most hamsters are rehomed before they hit sexual maturity, female hamsters are able to get pregnant from as early as 6-8 weeks old. As long as you handle your hamster for a little bit every day, from a young age, they will love interacting with you. The only difference with teddy bear hamsters is that they are often easier to handle. Therefore, you should make sure you have sufficient funds to purchase the essentials. Hamster cages come in all shapes and sizes, and choosing the right one can be really fun! Mine hasnt bitten me yet but he squeaks every time I get close to his cage. Hamsters can even learn tricks and habits, so this is a pet youll interact with a lot. Its hilarious, he scrunches up his little face and sometimes screams at me. Unlike what many may think, there is no dwarf teddy bear hamster. A teddy bear hamster is one of several names for a Syrian hamster. As Syrian hamsters are the largest breed, the average lifespan for a teddy bear is two to three years. The study found that chronic treatment of Syrian hamsters with low-dose selegiline extends the lives of female hamsters but not males. Wild teddy bear hamster lifespan ranges from 1 2 years on average. All hamsters need more space than you might first think. As we look at some of the other great teddy bear hamster facts, youll see how they link to this first point! The cost of a wheel will vary depending on the size required. The hamsters incisor teeth never stop growing as they age, so they must be regularly worn down by chewing on things. What Do Teddy Bear Hamsters Like To Play With? To find out more about the use of running balls for your hamster, read How Long Can You Keep A Hamster In A Ball? One of the more notable physical features of Syrian hamsters is their long and sharp incisor teeth. Adults should always be fully involved in the caste of hamsters and other small animals. Weve had hamsters for years. But before you succumb to a moment of weakness, youll want to find out what goes into Teddy Bear hamster care. The bigger one can be almost 12 inches long which is double than dwarf hamsters. So, although you may think that a teddy bear hamster is a breed in its own right, these furry friends are in fact Syrian hamsters in disguise. This could be so they avoid owls who mostly hunt at night or to avoid extreme temperatures of day and night. There is a world record for the longest living hamster. In fact, there are 26 species of wild hamster that run free in parts of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, including Mesocricetus auratus, the Syrian hamster, which comes from the region . Before giving in to a weak moment of buying one, do your homework. However, pet teddy bear hamster lifespan often reaches up to 3 years old. In the wild Syrian hamster numbers are declining due to a loss of habitat and the effects of climate change. For the first time, it has been shown to extend animals average and maximum lifespans in a reproducible way. While in this period, they release a number of hormones that lower the males aggression and make them more receptive to mating. The average lifespan of a teddy bear hamster is about 2-3 years in captivity, and less time in the wild. Have a question? Others claim their Syrian hamster lived to be as much as 5 or 6 years old. I LOVED HIM SO MUCH. Golden hamsters are a great choice as a pet because they are quite tame pets! For example, a teddy hamster is long-haired . I see a living being. The SWEETEST LITTLE MAN EVER! The same applies for hamster snacks, especially the pre bought varieties, which although are great for keeping teeth in check, are often laden with honey, syrups and extra sugars. These little animals are much cheaper to care for than bigger pets. Puppies should be taken from the cage at 4 to 5 weeks, or their mothers will turn against them. Wild teddy bear hamster lifespan ranges from 1 - 2 years on average. However, there have been instances where these little furballs make it past the average estimates. Cute Guinea Pig Names 200 Unique Names To Choose From, Cow Names Over 400 Amazing Names For Your Cattle. A Data-Backed Answer, How To Tame A Hamster: 10 Safe And Proven Tips. Fancy bear hamsters are curious and adventurous, so they will love wandering around, burrowing, and exploring! Their burrows also serve as useful protection from predators because they are built about 1 meter underground. Wild hamsters rely on sand baths to clean themselves. Wild hamsters, How about a tiny hamster that can fit in a tablespoon? Hi, this is quite normal, moving from the pet shop to your home can be a very stressful experience for your hamster. With their round black eyes, tiny twitching noses, and fluffy fur, youll fall in love with the Syrian hamster. Signed: Oldest of eleven children, teacher and grandma. Tubes satisfy the burrowing behavior in hamsters. A teddy bear hamster should live without any hamster roommates, or they will be very stressed. It was found that males live an average of 577 days. Syrian hamsters in the wild live much shorter lives than our domesticated pets. A teddy bear hamsters testicles are often very prominent, so try and observe them whilst they are asleep on their backs or grooming themselves in this area. How long do Syrian hamsters live? When it comes to the distinctive long-hair, teddy bear look, youll only find that in Syrian hamsters. I had the seat belt over the carrier to keep him safe. Although red or pink eyes are considered rare, there is a very rare eye color that consists of two different colored eyes. Make sure your hamster gets proper nutrition, and they are not fed too many unbalanced snacks. Male hamsters develop quicker than females and attain sexual maturity between 4 and 6 weeks. If the smell is a concern for you, then the man teddy bear hamster is really a better choice. Here are some interesting facts, such as the average Syrian hamster lifespan, that may help you better bond with your pet hamster and learn more about their habits. How Long Do Teddy Bear Hamsters Live? Hamster Leash: Is It An Accessory Worth Considering? But do they make good pets? Daily interaction with a new hamster is a must. However, hamsters are delicate and will bite when stressed or in pain. In addition to a running wheel, you can get your hamster out from the cage during its active time of day. Despite their poor vision, hamsters have relatively good hearing and can distinguish between and communicate with sounds in the ultrasonic range. Most hamsters can be tamed quickly with regular, gentle handling, but in order to build up complete trust, there are certain steps you should follow. Hamster Guru is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Likewise, the tail can be stubbed and nearly non-existent, while others may be tiny in size. Instead scoop them gently into your hands using a cupping motion whilst remembering to support their weight in the process. 3 useful ways to treat a sick hamster You can, How Many Babies Do Hamsters Have In A Litter? It appears that all existing laboratory and pet Syrian hamster are descendantsof a brother-sister pair that were captured in Syria in 1930. Their coats might be of solid colour or a combination of colours, and bellies are mostly white. Syrians are also known as Golden or Teddy Bear and are the largest hamster species. Hamster personalities could be different regardless of sex. Baby Mouse vs Baby Rat: Whats the Difference? You dont ever want to replace all bedding because it will cause unnecessary stress on your hamster. Follow our blog as we share our hamster experiences with our lovable Syrian hamster Oscar. Syrian hamsters are the most common pet hamster. I recommend you wait about a week before attempting to handle your hamster and you should start slowly. There are some notable differences between males and females. Djungarian/Winter White/Siberian Dwarf; Campbell's Dwarf; Chinese Dwarf There are two different breeds one are called dwarf golden hamsters and the other is called the biggest hamster breed. ), Nightshade vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes), Accessories (wheel, nesting box, bedding:) $30 $65 (USD). As much as wed love to tell you these little guys will be around for a long time, they have short lives. Know about your hamster and the primary causes of stress. You can create a golden hamster maze, or jungle gym. They need to live with other hamsters to be healthy, whereas Syrian hamsters have to live alone to become healthy. Individual hamster can live shorter or longer depending on their lifestyle, diet, and care. I loved my teddy bear hamster- Bugsy. Teddy bear hamsters like wooden and cardboard chew toys. Just like us humans, hamsters do not like to be roused from their sleep. While tracking these furry friends in the wild is a tough task, some information has been found. On our drive home, he was busy in the little cardboard carrier that he was traveling in. Teddy Bear Hamster Facts 14 Reasons To Buy A Syrian Hamster. Syrian hamsters are solitary creatures and will aggressively defend their territory against others, especially males. colors, patterns and with different coat types. Thank you for reading! Those cute little hamsters melt the heart when gazing through a pet store window at you. In the wild, hamsters would need to run to escape predators. your own Pins on Pinterest Through daily handling, they will become very docile and social to their human owners. Some of the information on this page is incorrect. Likemice, hamsters are omnivores and feed mostly on seeds, nuts, small insects, and food that is left behind by humans. Depending on care and health however, it is possible for teddy bear hamsters to live as long as five years although this is unusual. But, they can also have light or dark patterns and markings all over their bodies! Theres a cage for every budget. These larger hamsters make cute and cuddly pets, and are the most popular hamster breed around. Hamster pups rely on their mums until they are weaned at 3 weeks of age although you can start to introduce softened food that is moistened with water from around 10 days old. The average lifespan of the Syrian hamster is 2-3 years as pets. Therefore, you should resist the urge to prod them awake as they may not take too kindly to it and may react by biting. Wake him with your voice, not your fingers! Teddy Bear Syrian Hamster - The teddy bear hamster, . I dont know of any parent that would just hand over an animal to a child and hope for the best. When it comes to their little ears, they may be pointed or rounded, or dark or light. Teddy bear hamsters can grow to around 4-7 inches in length and are one of the largest breeds, coming in at almost double the size of a dwarf hamster. The Syrian, Russian Dwarf Campbell and Roborovski breeds are the most popular for . Syrian hamsters are expected to live 2-3 years on average while in captivity. They have a stout, stocky body with little tails that are barely visible underneath their fur. "So my hamster ate my other hamster, and I'm 8 years old. His little fluffy face is so sweet! Teddy bear hamsters need brain stimulation and are incredibly active (especially at night). Aug 26, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Erika Billiot. These bags cost around $18. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the oldest hamster lived to be 7 years of age. However, pet teddy bear hamster lifespan often reaches up to 3 years old. The lifespan is shorter for wild hamsters. Occasional treats from the pet store/vet. They are often used to test treatments for various genetic diseases or cancers. The oldest recorded teddy bear hamster lived for 8 years. Exercise is vital for the teddy bear hamsters health, and an exercise wheel is a favorite toy of all hamster breeds. Testosterone and estrogen played key roles in determining how long males and female hamsters live. Teddy bear is a term used to describe a Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) with long hair. Make sure to section off an area, so there is no place for your little friend to escape. You will need to clean out a fancy bear hamsters home regularly. You have entered an incorrect email address! Discover (and save!) Teddy bear hamsters are low-maintenance and easygoing. Syrian hamsters are more likely to get wet tail than dwarf varieties, which is severe diarrhea with a low survival rate in all hamsters. Her temperament may also change, shell start to make a nest for her young and she may make it clear that she no longer wants to be handled. But there are key differences between male and female genitalia that are easy to detect and will allow you to determine the sex of your hamster. A female hamster will have 6 pairs of nipples although they may be difficult to spot on a teddy bear hamster due to the length of their hair. Obviously, we want to care for our hamsters as best we can, so providing them with a large space to burrow and play and spending time cuddling them allows you to better understand their behaviors. Adolescence arrives quickly in hamsters since they only live a few years. Mikos Teddy Bear Hamster by Melbelle via Wikimedia Commons is licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 Although they are small, the responsibility is not. Hamsters do have tails, but they are very short relative to their bodies and so are somewhat hidden. In addition to coat length, sheen, and patterns are colors. A teddy bear hamster will need a wheel of between 8-12 which should cost no more than $40 max. Domestic hamsters do not require sand baths because they are not exposed to the elements of the wild. I was surprised that he snuggled right up to me when I was settling him from his destroyed box to his new home! Domestic teddy bear hamsters are omnivores by nature, which means they enjoy a diverse range of foods including plants, insects and vegetables. Fancy bear hamsters are friendly, curious and courageous, and enjoy wandering around, burrowing, and exploring their surroundings! Females are more prone to bite, and this may be because they are more territorial. The color of your hamster might not matter to you. Are Male Or Female Teddy Bear Hamsters Better? Another great reason to buy a fancy bear hamster as a pet is its personality. Although they are often referred to as nocturnal, most teddy bear hamsters are crepuscular, which means they are more likely to be active at dawn or dusk which fits in perfectly with the school day. One of the most important things to get when youre buying a hamster, is a safe, spacious home for it. Im done with men. . Cardboard tubes from toilet paper and paper towels can be reused as hamster toys. Best Cages for 2 (Or More!) Lifespan: 2 to 4 years Syrian Hamster Behavior and Temperament Syrian hamsters sleep during the day and are active at night. Syrians will either be one color (known as self) or have a crescent shape on their cheek and a light belly (known as agouti.). Caring for Teddy Fur Therefore tunnels, tubes and bridges are great for them to run around in and on. The average lifespan of teddy bear hamsters, which in actuality is just another name for the Syrian hamster or golden hamsters, is two to three years. In particular, experimentation on Syrian hamsters has shed light on tumorigenesis in human patients with non-small cell lung carcinomaand the progression of various metabolic disorders like diabetes. In the wild, teddy bear hamsters will only live for 1-2 years on average. Of course, we are bias, but we think teddy bear hamsters are undeniably cute and make the best first time pets. After being bred in Jerusalem, members of the subsequent breeding colony were exported to the US where they becamepopular house pets. In the long-term hamsters need very little, relying on us daily for the basics of food, water and shelter. Teddy bear hamsters are great pets because they come in so many different colors and patterns. Syrians coat (fur) will either be shiny, which is known as satin, or have a dull, matte look which is known as non-satin. I just adopted Mr. Bodhi Lucas P. today. Despite the constant badgering from our children, we spent a long time researching whether a teddy bear hamster would be the right fit for our family. Syrians reach maturity when they're between 8-12 weeks old. The taller the cage, the more opportunity of providing your hamster deep bedding to burrow in. It is of course tempting to want to hold your hamster immediately after purchasing them, but they are likely to be scared and confused at first, so you should wait a few days to let them relax and adapt to their new surroundings. Several factors contribute to the hamsters lifespan. Breeding & Reproduction Guide. Especially for children who have school in the day, or adults who work outside of the home. , so they must be regularly worn down by chewing on things species! Golden or teddy bear, and choosing the right one can be really fun in.! 200 Unique Names to Choose from, Cow Names over 400 Amazing Names for a Syrian.! In all shapes and sizes, and care & # x27 ; re between 8-12 weeks old the heart gazing! & # x27 ; m 8 years bitten me yet but he squeaks every time i close. For 8 years old most important things to get when youre buying a hamster: 10 safe and Proven.. Run to escape predators 5 weeks, or adults who work outside of the more notable physical features of hamsters... 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