Growing working-class hostility toward Labor threatens an historic crisis of capitalist rule. This corruption underscores the true character of the Labor Party as a state-financed and trade union-backed bureaucratic shell, operating on behalf of big business against the working class. Victorian Socialists, in particular, are the most zealous supporters of the trade union bureaucracy. Stop deregulation and casualisation, and use every means to improve wages and conditions for workers. The Freedom Party, Angry Victorians and similar far-right parties scored less than 2% of the vote where they ran. Lots of people involved in the campaign are revolutionaries who are also involved in other socialist or activist groups like Socialist Alternative. I suggest you ask them if they support Australian military being in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and ask very pointedly if they believe the massive imperial propaganda campaigns against China, Russia and Iran. He played a key role in the community-led campaign to stop the East West Tunnel and, more recently, supported the Carlton and United Brewery strikers. [30][31], VS ran candidates in the west and north of Melbourne for the 2022 Victorian state election, reportedly mobilising over 1000 volunteers for its campaign and knocking on over 180,000 doors. A zero carbon economy by 2035. They were not listened to. In the state election campaign for Victoria on November 26, the Victorian Socialists organisation is standing 38 candidates in both upper and lower house electorates, representing the largest election campaign ever mounted by the Australian pseudo-left. [2], The Victorian Socialist Party in 1905 was "unique among Australian political organisations for its explicit opposition to racism". [17][18] Endorsements were received from several prominent left-wing personalities, such as Tariq Ali, Noam Chomsky, Gary Foley, Tom Ballard, Corrine Grant, and Helen Razer. [14][15][16] It also won the support of several local immigrant diasporas and community organisations. Damien Marie AtHope's Art. They are likely to pick up two more upper LC, giving them three seats. 10 Even though Socialist Alliance aren't able to properly campaign for all of the council wards they're running in, they have put up candidates to compete with Victorian Socialists who could have actually won some of those. The Sustainable Australia Party (officially registered as Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption ), formerly the Sustainable Population Party, is an Australian political party. The Greens vote dipped by 0.6%. The Victorian Socialists is a democratic socialist party that was formed in 2018 out of an electoral alliance of various socialist parties, organisations, community groups and trade unionists. The ABCs election analyst Antony Green is predictingthat the Animal Justice Party will keep an LC seat in Northern Victoria. [Jacob Andrewartha is a national co-convenor ofSocialist Alliance. Nah, the people in the Alliance who called themselves trots stopped doing that in the 80s. Bexley, England, United Kingdom 425 followers 279 connections Join to follow Lotus Eaters Media University of Kent Personal Website About Head of Research for the British Conservation Alliance,. The avowed purpose of the campaign is to get at least one Socialist Alternative member into the upper house of Victorias parliament, aided by second or third preference votes from other parties, all of which are horse-trading preferences with bourgeois parties to secure seats. Socialist Alliance is hostile to the elimination policy advanced by the SEP and principled epidemiologists because it is oriented to the very political parties responsible for the mass social. A ghost is haunting the United States the ghost of socialism. We invite all who wish to build a stronger, more united left to support this endeavour as a practical step towards building the socialist movement we so urgently need. The Ukrainian people have a right to resist the invasion. VicSocs isn't really a democratic socialists party it's an alliance of different groups to get a socialist elected. That followed exposures of rampant branch stacking, i.e., the fake inflation of membership figures by rival factional powerbrokers. [25][26] Socialist Alternative member Jorge Jorquera became the first Victorian Socialists candidate to be elected to office, winning a seat on the Maribyrnong City Council. [2] Party members such as Tom Mann and John Curtin took the stance of anti-imperialism and internationalism, while members such as Maurice Blackburn argued that Australia required a strong army to enforce the White Australia Policy. No to NATO expansionism, The movement for refugee rights must continue, Blak Sovereign Movement given a boost by Senator Lidia Thorpe, Robodebt fiasco reveals Centrelink workers opposed it, Jim Chalmers values-based capitalism magic trick wont fly, Voice to Parliament has to be more than a token gesture, Socialist Alliance makes ambitious plans at its 17th National Conference, Invasion Day 2023: The struggle for First Nations justice and sovereignty continues, Socialist Alliance opposes deepening military cooperation with Britain, Labors IR law dont leave workers better off overall, Australian armys torture resistance course breaches human rights, United States ramps up threats against China, Russia, Macquaries statue must tell the truth, activist says, Miko Peled: Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir have all but guaranteed a new Intifada will soon erupt, Corrupt and fraudulent: Laying bare the Adani Group. Victorian Socialists election platform is utterly parochial, barely mentioning a single issue outside the state capital, Melbourne. Most VSP members were also members of the Australian Labor Party (ALP), or later became members. Build 150,000 new public housing units over 10 years. Since Victoria retains the undemocratic group voting ticket system, the so-called preference whisperer Glenn Druery tried to maximise far-right parties chances of election to the LC by organising them to tightly preference each other, but none received a high primary vote. Chartism, Social Agency, and the Victorian Novel, . Leadership aspirants said they would reverse that. VS aims "to put politicians on a worker's wage so they live like the rest of us" and "to get socialists into parliament who will fight to make workers richer and billionaires poorer".[5][6]. Recent decisions have shown that Victorian Socialists is not open to allowing any groups of independents, for example, to develop its political life outside of elections. Meanwhile investment into new fossil fuel projects continues, despite the pretence of a transition to renewables. Nahui Jimenez, 26 Victorian Socialist Lower House Candidate for Brunswick. The Treasurers values-based capitalism looks like it will include cuts to public spending, greater private investment, cuts to services and greater upfront costs. Sue Bolton, Victorias only other socialist councillor is the second candidate on the ticket. Seats that recorded big votes for VS were: Footscray, where Maribyrnong councillor Jorge Jorquera won9.77%; Broadmeadows(8.37%); Greenvale (7.15%); Brunswick(8.24%); Northcote (6.76%); Preston(6.28%); Laverton (6.36%); and St Albans(6.78%). I think revolutionaries and non-revolutionaries can work together in the same campaign (like VicSocs), but outside of those campaigns, revolutionaries need to organise separately because that's the only way revolutionaries can build their forces. 8vo. [3] These included more mainstream activities such as "regular lectures on political topics, speakers classes, the writing and distribution of radical literature, and public protest" to more eccentric such as "dances, camps, bicycle riding clubs, choirs, a Sunday School for youth". Capitalism is destroying the planet and all life as we know it We need a climate revolution, Your donation will help our campaign for ecosocialist system change. They both have good socialist policies. Contents History Australian Socialist League Socialist Labor Party Now however, abstentionism has given way to its opportunist mirror-image, parliamentary cretinism, i.e., the desperate attempt to secure seats in parliament on a reformist, non-socialist program. Watch David Norths remarks commemorating 25 years of the World Socialist Web Site and donate today. "So, how come the left is so divided?" we are routinely asked. The party was founded in 2001 as an alliance of various socialist organisations and activists. Receive updates about our campaigns and events. Political parties. Subscribe to Socialist Alliance & Green Left newsletters. [3] Despite the Victorian Socialist Party's rejection of independently running in elections, the party did contest the 1908 Victorian state election. [23][24], In the 2020 Victorian local government elections, the party fielded candidates for Darebin, Hume, Maribyrnong, Melbourne and Moreland, and a ticket for the Lord and Deputy Lord Mayor of Melbourne. Bolton, a founding member of Socialist Alliance, is a community leader on the Moreland Council. Posted in State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, Trot Guide | Tagged 2018 Victorian state election, 2019 Australian federal election, Australasian Spartacist, Australian Communist Party, Australian Workers Party, Communist Party of Australia, James Robertson, Jim Robertson, Socialist Alliance, Socialist Equality Party, Spartacist League of . The seething discontent saw a 40 percent vote by government school teachers in May against a deal struck by the government with the Australian Education Union that cut real wages and did nothing to alleviate intolerable workloads. Most VSP members were also members of the Australian Labor Party (ALP), or later became members. Western military supplies went some way to preventing a rapid Russian military victory and the imposition of a puppet government in the early stages of the war.. [36] In addition, the party seeks to cap the pay of Members of Parliament at AUD $87,000 per year, equivalent to that of a six-year nurse. 1953. London: Trinity Trust. However, the Greens vote grew in the seats they had already won and they won Richmond. The Socialist Alliance passes resolution that Labor's Indigenous Voice to Parliament will be another token gesture, unless the government is forced by a strong popular movement to take real measures towards First Nations justice Socialist Alliance makes ambitious plans at its 17th National Conference In this, the outfit is seeking to emulate other pseudo-left organisations internationally that it has previously promoted, including Syriza in Greece, Podemos in Spain, the Democratic Socialists of America, and the Corbynite wing of the British Labour Party. Labors vote continued to drop in working-class areasthe result of decades of imposing the dictates of the corporate elite at the expense of the jobs and conditions of workers and their families. grand National Assembly Of Turkey, italian Parliament, german Federal Election 2017, Member of the European Parliament, Bundestag, lower House, member Of Parliament, general Election, parliament, electoral District, clipart The Victorian Socialists ( VS) is a democratic socialist political party based in the Australian state of Victoria. The Greens vote rose from 10.7% (2018) to 10.9%, not the widely talked-up Greenslide. Or standing up for our health and education services and demanding that the cuts and outsourcing be reversed? Our public schools are the most underfunded in the country and our public health system is in permanent crisis. We have to change things. The Greens, VS, Reason, Animal Justice Party and Legalise Cannabis agreed to preference each other before Labor. [7] However, Socialist Alliance withdrew from the grouping in May 2020, citing disagreements with Socialist Alternative. Reasons Fiona Patten is unlikely to retain her LC seat. While Victorian Socialists showed great potential when it was formed in early 2018 and ran two big and exciting socialist election campaigns, it has not lived up to its promise to build a more united left. She was also instrumental in stopping the East West Link and has initiated fightbacks around local environmental issues including the toxic waste dump in Fawkner. The anti-conscription campaign was arguably the first time that women entered the public stage in Australia in a significant way in their own right. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In 1907 it had about 2,000 members.[5]. There is so much that can be done to fix this state, if only it were run in the interests of workers, migrants, Indigenous people and the poor. The Victorian Socialists brings together socialist groups including Socialist Alternative and the Socialist Alliance, and individual activists, unionists and community organisers. The seats stretched from inner city Brunswick, Richmond and Footscray to the outer suburbs of Craigieburn, Werribee and Sunbury. Former political party in Victoria, Australia, 1951 Australian Communist Party ban referendum, "Parliament of Victoria, Legislative Assembly election results for 29 December 1908", "Solidarity Forever, by Bertha Walker - Chapter 2, Tom Mann", Communist Party of Australia (MarxistLeninist), Pensioner and Citizen Initiated Referendum,, Defunct political parties in Victoria (Australia), Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 April 2022, at 17:18. Progressives need to support that campaign. At the end of the day, change had to be fought for by ordinary people not parliament. Above all, Victorian Socialists work to divert the rising opposition within the working class from developing into a politically conscious movement against Labor and the unions, and the capitalist order they defend. "Imagine if we had had a socialist in . Join Socialist Alliance to help build a people-before-profits alternative in Australian politics. Another articleWhat would a socialist do in parliament?written last month by Victorian Socialists candidate Colleen Bolger, likewise insisted that being elected would see a socialist standpoint injected into contemporary debates and would thereby help shift politics to the left.. [22] The party won votes of 4.6% in Calwell, 4.5% in Wills, and 4.2% in Cooper. However, socialists and other progressive parties also received a positive swing. In Victoria and across the country, Labor and the unions are imposing continuing real wage cuts, as well as cuts to public hospital and health spending. It represents not a left-wing opposition to the capitalist political establishment, but rather a vehicle for a privileged layer of the middle class, especially within sections of academia and the union apparatuses, to join it. Founded in February 2018, it is an electoral alliance of various socialist parties, organisations, community groups and trade unionists. It allows us to build unity by working together on a campaign. Join us for a discussion of the Victorian Socialists manifesto and find out how you can help get the first socialists elected to an Australian parliament for almost a century. Our schools are in crisis. Candidates included the former Geelong Trades Hall Secretary Tim Gooden for the Western Victoria Region and local councillors Stephen Jolly and Sue Bolton for the Northern Metropolitan Region. It is especially revealing that the group says nothing about the nuclear war danger. Victorian Socialists was established in 2018 as an alliance of pseudo-left groups, but now functions as an electoral front for Socialist Alternative. In return they have received some union financing, including, when the organisation was founded, $50,000 from the Labor Party-affiliated Electrical Trades Union. Reform Acts. However, we no longer feel that the Victorian Socialist project is capable of uniting broader layers of socialists in an alliance that has the dynamic to move beyond electoral politics. After a conversation in which we try and put 150-odd years of struggle into its historical context, they inevitably respond with: Yes, but dont you think youd be able to fight the right better if you were bigger and stronger?. Victorian Socialists is now dominated by members of Socialist Alternative, which for many years was avowedly against participation in electoral politics. However, small, socially progressive churches were amongst the strongest supporters of the anti-conscription campaign. I'm involved in Victorian Socialists because I think getting a socialist elected means they could play an agitational role. Or is that not advisable? Sign up Get Involved There are lots of ways to get involved with Victorian Socialists in 2023. Socialist Alliance delegates discussed global and domestic political developmentsand decided on directions and campaign priorities atits17th national conference. [38], The party denounces "divide and conquer" political tactics, and as such emphasizes support for transgender rights, Aboriginal land rights and a treaty with Aboriginal Australians, as well as support for asylum seekers. We will also collaborate in handing over to Victorian Socialists any of the positions or responsibilities that we have undertaken. Victorian Socialists are campaigning in those wards because the Alliance demanded that we do that when they were still part of VicSocs and now the Alliance is likely to just split the vote and make it harder to get a socialist elected into any of those. Electoral Space Left-wing independent Gaetano Greco received 14.38% in the seat of Preston and has a chance of winning the seat from Labor. Under the business-as-usual politics of Liberal and Labor, Melbourne has become a segregated city: working-class areas are starved of resources while the wealthy suburbs get the best of everything. The seats stretched from inner city Brunswick, Richmond and Footscray to the outer suburbs of Craigieburn, Werribee and Sunbury. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Socialist Alliance accepted this limitation at that time as we could see that the initial greater unity displayed by Victorian Socialists made it attractive to other new and independent left individuals and forces that might develop it beyond its limited electoralist focus. Politics of Australia. The Victorian Socialists office is located on the traditional lands of the lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation. [2], The VSP did not primarily contest parliamentary elections, seeing itself mainly as a force for socialist education in the wider Labor movement. As such, the party supports a platform that includes the reversal of historical privatization of industries, along with strong support for labour unions. See events What we'll fight for Climate change Early childhood, primary and secondary education First Nations Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Winning a seat in the Victorian parliament cannot turn around years of attacks and marginalisation. Founded in February 2018, it is an electoral alliance of various socialist parties, organisations, community groups and trade unionists. [11], In August 2018, the party announced that it would field candidates for the 2018 Victorian state election in every Legislative Council seat and several Legislative Assembly electorates. The working class must have a political voice, which the Australian ruling class is seeking to stifle with this legislation. Politicians are overpaid and out of touch. International Committee of the Fourth International. For eight years, Victorian Labor Premier Daniel Andrews has headed a pro-business government. Check out some of our events here. A leading influence in the VSP's formation was the British trade unionist Tom Mann, who lived in Australia from 1903 to 1910. Why dont you join us now? E-Book Overview. [21] The party was registered at a federal level with the Australian Electoral Commission on 7 April 2019. Socialist Alliance participated in the founding of the project because we felt that it could be a step towards a bigger and more united left, beginning with an electoral alliance. He played a critical role in saving Richmond Secondary College from closure in the 1990s. It is exciting to think about how effective this campaign could become. Turnbull and Peter Dutton predictable law and order comments are clearly meant to attack the Victorian Labor government in an election year. All other divisions, whether they be based on religion, nationality, language or "race", are incidental to this main division. Support for the two capitalist ruling partiesLabor and the Liberal-Nationalshas fallen to historic lows. This brings together two of Australias most significant socialist forces, a broad range of left activists and, hopefully, more unions. Colleen Bolger, a lawyer and activist with Socialist Alternative, is the third candidate on the ticket. Join the discord community at, Press J to jump to the feed. Our Policy Platform | Victorian Socialists Our Policy Platform The billionaires have had it too good for too long. Its policy proposals on various issueshousing, healthcare, education, public transport, etc.amount to reformist thin gruel. At that time Socialist Alliance joined with Socialist Alternative and socialist Yarra councillor Stephen Jolly to recruit more than 500 people to secure electoral registration for state and federal elections. Decade after decade, under both major parties, the rich have grown richer while everyone else struggles. As we go to press, counting is still underway. Now, we are aiming to get a socialist elected to Victorias parliament and the effort is being supported by two socialist organisations, some unions and many left activists. We need wage increases and improved work conditions to fix the retention crisis, and funding for 10,000 new staff in state schools. The VSP faded away in the following years, finding that there was little political space between the Australian Labor Party and the Communist Party of Australia. A socialist looks to the past to establish two pat ism underlay their socialist ideas; as a consequence, class terns of development: first, to trace the fundamental mecha struggle and revolution played less of a role than statist re- nism of the development of the means of production which formism (Pierson 212-239). The encouraging votes for socialist solutions in working-class areas is a reminder that peopleare fed up with Labor taking them for granted, while doing little to support them, she said. This was formed in 1915 as an explicitly anti . He was born John Kane in Greendale, Victoria in 1882, as one of 18 siblings. In Western Metropolitan, it received3.76%. ref, ref, ref, ref, ref, ref, ref, ref, ref. In Melbourne, the Alliance has about half a dozen regularly active members. And the politicians run Victoria like its their own private cash machine. Members who were later prominent included John Curtin (Prime Minister of Australia 194145), Frank Anstey (a federal Labor MP 191034), Maurice Blackburn (a federal MP 193443), Don Cameron (a Senator 19381962), Fred Katz (a Senator 19471951),[1] and John Cain (three times Premier of Victoria). Vic Soc is organised by Socialist Alternative (Cliffite Trotskyists) and other socialists. The Victorian Socialists office is located on the traditional lands of the lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation. A broader left is an urgent necessity right now. The party achieved a vote of 4.2% in the Northern Metropolitan Region while achieving 7.2% of the vote for the lower house seat of Broadmeadows, in a field of four candidates.[19][20]. A faction of the VSP hoped to "bore from within" and win the ALP for socialism. .Seriously: A Brief Guide to Surviving the 21 st Century (Revised & Updated Edition) by Danny Katch (Haymarket Books, 2023). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Neither Ukraine nor China are mentioned in the Victorian Socialists policy platform. But Victorian Socialists do not even pretend to advance a program for workers globally. From last December, Andrews used his previous popularly supported association with the 2020 lockdown in Melbourne, which eliminated local virus transmission, in order to work with then Liberal-National Prime Minister Scott Morrison and New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet to scrap nearly all pandemic safety measures. Inflation is skyrocketing, mortgage interest rates are soaring, and the COVID-19 pandemic is resurging, fuelled by new variants resulting from Labors let it rip policy of axing all safety measures. I suspect hole #1 So, how come the left is so divided? we are routinely asked. In Geelong, where they are strongest, their members have done stuff like doorknocking to hand out "change the rules" campaign material that advised people to vote Labor. As a socialist, I believe we should put people before profit, and I'm committed to fighting for that. VS out-polled the Greens in several outer suburban seats. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Socialist Alternative . In council, they kind of just accept the narrow confines that councils typically do but do support local campaigns. We need a socialist society of equality, social justice and environmental sustainability, in which we can organise together to save our planet and reclaim our future. 27 febrero, 2023 . The Robodebt royal commission has revealed that lower level Centrelink workers were telling their bosses that the system was wrong and cruel. Around half of those were Church of England, with Presbyterians and Methodists being the next two largest . "The labour movement's championing of democratic rights and improved standards of life has so altered the Australian environment as to make Bolshevism inapplicable," he wrote. Page across from the grouping in May 2020, citing disagreements with Alternative! 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