Reports Tuesday said sargassum is hitting resorts like Playa del Carmen and Tulum further south on the coast, while Cancun, Cozumel and Isla Mujeres have largely been spared.. Hydrogen sulfide has a very unpleasant odor, like rotten eggs. % Apart from the Dominican Republic, almost all of the Caribbean countries including Mexico, Barbados, and Belize are affected by this problem. But as fertilizers, wastewater and other human sourcehave increased the nitrogen and phosphorus into rivers, the seaweed has been growing out of control over the past decade. Punta Cana SEAWEED Problem [2023]: Everything You Need To Know!! Hotels in Bayahibe are usually 6 to 12 % cheaper than hotels in Punta Cana. Over 44 thousand tonnes of sargassum were collected in 2021 alone, with around 30,000 of that being picked up in May alone. For those who would like to contribute with a report of Sargassum sighting, please go to this page. This website shows the beaches that are currently affected by sargassum. That's one way that they track the sargassum in the ocean and how much can be estimated. Pelagic Sargassum seaweed (Image courtesy of Tracy Villareal) is a brown macroalgae floating on the ocean surface. Punta Cana was also affected quite badly in 2022 by the sargassum problem. Bio, 161:2735-2751. Environ., 167:247-258. At present, no one can predict the long-term trend of Sargassum blooms, but it is unlikely that the beaching events of the past 5 years will stop. In 2022, Mexican federal officials expected the arrival of 32 thousand tons of sargassum seaweed in the country. The 2022 sargassum season began at the beginning of spring due to a rise in sea temperature, which accelerates the reproduction of the seaweed. "During winter months they typically stay rather low. But in excess, the stuff annoys tourists and those who's livelihoods depend upon them, by fouling the beaches beauty and air. Aruba SEAWEED Problem [2023]: Everything You Need To Know!! USF / NASA Alert: Second consecutive monthly doubling of Sargassum ! Sargassum: The What, Where, and Why of this Seaweed, Sargassum is a genus of large brown seaweed (a type of algae) that floats in island-like masses, Govt allocates initial $5 million for removal of sargassums. Reading, writing, and sharing about outdoor adventures, culture, and traditions has been his lifelong passion. <> Bayahibes beaches are more relaxed than Punta Canas, with fewer tourists and far fewer vendors trying to sell you souvenirs. A monthly bulletin showed that there was a 100 percent increase in the amount of seaweed. Sargassum season arrives in late May or June and sticks around through hurricane season, which ends Nov. 30. However, apart from the seaweed, there are many good reasons to choose Bayahibe over Punta Cana. The year 2022 was particularly bad, as a large amount of sargassum seaweed landed on the shores of many Caribbean countries, ruining their pristine white sand beaches and spoiling the holidays of many tourists. Typically, the season for the algae falls in the summer, starting mid-April and reaching its peak in May and June. Mexico : Norma Muoz: La gente no est informada de los efectos del sargazo, dice que las afectaciones las mand Dios, Mexico : EL SARGAZO NO SE CONVIERTE EN ARENA, France : Bilan du BRGM : les taux mesurs en arsenic et en chlorure de sodium dpassent les normes imposes, Sargassum is worsening the conditions of the poorest people in Ghana, Un mystre aux proportions ocaniques : des algues sargasses forment dsormais un pont vgtal entre lAmrique et lAfrique, Republica Dominicana : Sargazo llega hasta las costas de Saman afectando las aguas del mar, Mexico : Sargazo, amenaza para el turismo y la salud, Mexico: On Mexicos Caribbean coast, mountains of seaweed grow, Florida USA : Invasion of the seaweed. Franks, J., D. R. Johnson, D. S. Ko, G. Sanchez-Rubio, J.R. Hendon, and M. Lay (2011), Unprecedented Influx of pelagic Sargassum along Caribbean island coastlines during summer 2011, Proc. Almost all Caribbean countries are expected to face this problem in 2023, as they did in 2022. Usually, before going on vacation to the sea or ocean, people often wo. You wont have to worry about sargassum if you visit these places at any time of year. St. Thomas Vs St. Croix in 2023? Jamaica Seaweed Problem [2023]: Everything You Need To Know!! Hotels in Punta Cana are investing heavily in cutting-edge technology and skilled manpower to tackle this problem. Many people visiting the Brevard County coastline in recent days may have noticed lots of stinky seaweed that has washed up onshore. Hu said 2023 will be another major sargassum year, possibly surpassing 2022. LaPointe suggested using floating barriers to keep the seaweed from coming ashore. Help support our local journalism, subscribe today. Noah's Ark for coral:'Daring' coral rescue as officials attempt to safeguard genetics of Florida reef tract. "The Sargassum amount will likely continue to increase in the following months, more Sargassum will be found in the (Gulf. View interactive maps and detailed reports on beaches located in Quintana Roo. Using as core inputs the AFAI (Alternative Floating Algae Index) fields The resolution is 30m, which means each pixel . As per the latest data and satellite images, it is clear that Punta Cana and other Caribbean countries will face a huge sargassum crisis in 2023. In addition, surface currents from the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM from the National Ocean Partnership Program (NOPP)) are obtained, updated nightly, and made available via the VAS as a layer within Google Earth. The purpose of this forecasting system is to predict extremely large windrows, rather than patches or debris of seaweed. "I think we're having a pretty bad year this year," Lapointe said. 01/01/2023 Sargassum seaweed Satellite views, Sargasses: 4 plages de Guadeloupe impactes avec de taux de toxicit levs, 25/02/2023 NASA-USF & SIMAR-SATsum-Conabio Sargassum Seaweed Bulletin. The month of June in 2022 had a record high Sargassum amount compared to any previous year, said Chuanmin Hu, a professor with the University of South Floridas Oceanography Lab. If you have news tips, please send them to Also, the majority of Punta Cana is protected by seaweed barriers designed to prevent sargassum from reaching the beaches. 3 0 obj I was expecting to be able to go in the water closer to the coast but I actually dont feel comfortable, said Kayla Golphin, who was visiting Florida from Cleveland. Child rapists in Florida could face death penalty under new bill, Police search for man connected to armed home invasion, dog shooting, Local Weather: The heat holds as windy becomes the weather word Friday, Weather is 95% favorable for a liftoff tonight, but teams are keeping an eye on weather along Dragons ascent corridor, Atlantic Beach city commission passes new law to address homelessness, More whales are dying, marine conservation groups are concerned. The maps below show Sargassum abundance, with warm colors representing higher values. Environ., 113, 21182129. The purpose of this forecasting system is to predict extremely large windrows, rather than patches or debris of seaweed. Gulf of Mexico regions. AccordingtoReportur,theamountofsargassumfloatingintheCentralAtlanticOceaninNovember2022increasedtoanastounding6milliontonsbyDecember2022. Sargassum is a brown marine algae, commonly known as seaweed. FAU researchers have shown seasonal Sargassum in Florida and elsewhere in the tropical Atlantic have grown worse in recent years because of increasing nitrogen and phosphorus from discharges from the Congo, Amazon and Mississippi rivers, atmospheric deposition from Saharan dust, and biomass burning of vegetation in central and South Africa. Belize Seaweed Problem [2023]: Everything You Need to Know! These events can cause significant economic, environmental and public health harm. Within Google Earth, once a Sargassum raft is identified with latitude and longitude, current speed and direction (available through a mouse click over the current vector) near the raft can be used to predict the movement of the raft and a possible beaching time, in essence, forming an early warning system. Anegada changed to Puerto Rico East and northern image added. More:Marine detectives: They're tracking syringes, blood vials, other disgusting stuff that washes up on our beaches. MARTINIQUE : Les poissons dlevage sont bien morts cause des sargasses, BONAIRE: Sargassum Fertilizer Transfers Heavy Metals to Vegetables, MEXICO: Mexican Navy Admit Failure In Stopping Sargassum Deposits In Cancun, Mexico News : Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Tulum Being Overrun By Seaweed, Mexico : Cancun Braces For Worst Sargassum Seaweed Season In Five Years, Guadeloupe : Guadeloupe : Les sargasses saccumulent, les nuisances olfactives et visuelles reviennent, Mexico Riviera Maya : ADVIERTEN OPACIDAD EN EL TEMA DE DISPOSICIN Y MANEJO DEL SARGAZO, Mexico Riviera Maya : El sargazo se adelanta y pega con ms intensidad, Mexico : Sin recursos ni personal suficiente para contener el sargazo; an desatendidas, enormes extensiones en las costas del Caribe mexicano. endobj He said culprits in previous years typically included anything that would add nutrients to the surface of the ocean, including upwelling and mixing. Bayahibe resort town, as mentioned earlier is undoubtedly the best place to stay if you want to enjoy Dominican Republics world-famous pristine beaches without worrying about Seaweed. According to the University of South Florida's "Outlook of 2020 Sargassum ," the . Or find him on Twitter:@JWayEnviroor on, Support local journalismand local journalists like me. They're . There are studies looking into renewable ways to convert the seaweed into natural fertilizer, but more research is being done to find long-term solutions. Bio. The Sargassum a seaweed that grows in the Atlantic will be arriving and flowing onshore, and it could be extra abundant this year. A screenshot of a typical web interface is presented below. This is a record-breaking number, and it indicates that massive waves of sargassum will land on Mexico's Caribbean coastline and other Caribbean countries in 2023. Especially, the sargassum problem is worst in Punta Cana in the months of July and August. Miami, FL 33149, USA "A lot of it is river runoff. and a multiday baseline, classifies the risk into three categories: low (blue), medium (orange) However, from the beginning of March 2023, major waves of sargassum are expected to arrive in Punta Cana. This summer's Sargassum already has set a record. An airline also asked for his advice when it was deciding its schedule so as not to load up on flights to sargassum-rich areas during tourist season. June 2022 had a record high sargassum amount compared to any previous year, according to Hu. Here are our top picks for accommodations to stay in Bayahibe: Sargassum seaweed is usually harmless to humans when it is on water. Dcouverte surprenante dans les sargasses au Mexique ! <>/Metadata 168 0 R/ViewerPreferences 169 0 R>> Coll., Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, 6(7): 1-94. Disclaimer: This is an experimental product and still subject to validation by NOAA/AOML, NOAA/CoastWatch/OceanWatch, and USF. A further ten thousand is heading in the same direction the next week. Researchers at NASA and the University of South Florida have confirmed their earlier warning of a growing bloom of sargassum seaweed, after satellite imagery captured the largest-ever April growth of the sea-surface algae. Inst., 64:6-8. Two examples are given below. Childrens Parks and Playgrounds in the Cayman Islands, earlier warning of a growing bloom of sargassum, 3 women arrested in illegal gambling raid, MYSCH Hosts Reception for Winning CARIFTA 2022 Teams, Rotting seaweed ends sargassum-removal trial, Sea of sargassum: Invasion spreads in North Sound, Expected increase in sargassum poses threat to nesting turtles, Millions of tons of sargassum blossoming in Atlantic, Iguanas run riot as rugby title race reaches halfway point, Three hurt as dump truck, rental car collide, Lawless seas? Ecol. The big question is will this spring and summer be extra stinky on our beaches from this seaweed? More:Worldwide mystery: What are those things the oceans been dumping on Palm Beach? But, the important point to note is that Punta Cana is much better prepared to tackle this problem in 2023 than it was in 2022. On the Dominican Republics northern coast, sargassum is almost non-existent. LaPointe said areas of the Keys are already using it or considering it. Never, said Gigi Rodriguez, a beachgoer trying to avoid the soggy situation on Dania Beach. BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. (WESH) Ahead of a big holiday weekend in ten days, Brevard County beaches are slammed, but not in a good way for tourism. While sargassum can help turtle hatchlings once they hit the water, high mounds on the beach are a barrier to them reaching it. Tulum SEAWEED Problem [2023]: Everything You Need To Know! NOAA/Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory Here we show a few photographs that reveal the serious nature of the problem. Also, Macao beach and Uvero Alto beaches are other excellent options if you want sargassum-free beaches. He was part of a team of scientists that discovered the worlds largest sargassum bloom in the Atlantic Ocean, dubbing it the Great Atlantic Sargassum belt. Related: Check here for the local weather forecast. Bayahibe, a beautiful resort town about an hours drive from Punta Cana, offers pristine beaches free of seaweed all year. Subscribe to The Dirt for a weekly real estate roundup. ", Penalties:Jupiter divers who freed sharks, destroyed angler's gear avoid harshest penalties. But when the weed feeds off too much sewage, it can turn toxic for some wildlife, FAU and other research shows. By doing this they can see how much is located in the ocean. Sargassum has leafy tubular branches and berries. The Galveston Daily News printed an honorable memorial for Robert after his passing. The forecast for the arrival of seaweed ranges from medium intensity to very strong. As it rots, it gives off a substance called hydrogen sulfide. This page provides links to Sargassum forecast or outlook bulletins (see bottom of this page), which are updated routinely. Which is BETTER for Vacation? <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 11 0 R 12 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> About 70 to 80% of the seaweed is taken away by truck along four miles of . At first blush it might seem like sargassum is just a big mess, causing nothing but work and problems. The SEAS Program leverages Landsat Satellite Imagery in order to identify floating Sargassum mats, and then factors in local wind/surface currents in order to provide a forecast. A user may then select a specific date on the calendar, or use the animate function to browse through the image sequence quickly to determine the date of interest. Atlantic OceanWatch Preliminary analysis of CERMES . It literally fills manmade canals, coming right up in front of people's homes and surrounding docks.. As a result, popular beach destinations on the Dominican Republics northern coast, such as Puerto Plata, are also excellent options for a sargassum-free beach vacation. The raw satellite data are provided by the U.S. NASA and USGS. Of particular importance are the two customized data products, namely the floating algae index (FAI) to detect floating algae and other materials on the ocean surface, and the color index (CI) to trace ocean circulation features. High-value products from macroalgae: the potential uses of the invasive brown seaweed, Sargassum muticum. Mapping and quantifying Sargassum distribution and coverage in the Central West Atlantic using MODIS observations. More than 24 million tons of sargassum blanketed the Atlantic in June, up from 18.8 million tons in May, according to a monthly report published by the University of South Florida's Optical . These mysterious 'devices' keep washing up on Floridas beaches. South Floridas beaches see record volume this summer, Sargassum, the brown tide that is invading the Caribbean. Cozumel SEAWEED Problem (2022): A Detailed Guide!! Kimberly Miller is a veteran journalist for The Palm Beach Post, part of the USA Today Network of Florida. Florida Seaweed Problem 2022: Everything You Need to Know! Gower, J., E. Young, E., and S. King (2013), Satellite images suggest a new Sargassum source region in 2011, Remote Sens. (Mark Collins, WJXT) This summer is seeing the most seaweed ever on record in the. Sargassum removal from Texas beaches during earlier, less severe inundations was estimated at $2.9 million per year and Florida's Miami-Dade County alone estimated recent removal expenses of $45 million per year. Sargassum, in other words, is very unpredictable and very difficult to track. Gulf Caribb. Last year was a record-breaker for the total amount of sargassum, with it reaching a peak of 22 million tons in July. How to Check Current Seaweed conditions in Punta Cana? Smetacek, V., and A. Zingone (2013). 4301 Rickenbacker Causeway A decade after the first sargassum blooms were spotted in the South Atlantic, these massive brown mats of macro-algae represent one of the largest ecological threats to the . Punta Cana, along with other Caribbean countries, is facing a sargassum problem since 2015. Its current biomass is estimated to be from 1.7 . But Lapointe says arsenic levels have been increasing in the seaweed as humans have contributed more nitrogen to the environment. Don't let sargassum ruin your beach day! Sargassum decomposes into stinging thick layers on the surface of the water, depleting the oxygen in the water and destroying the marine life in the area. Lett. Of course be sure to check our local forecast now and throughout the summer so we can let you know when this seaweed will be setting in. As the days get warmer, the presence of sargassum is expected to increase. Scientists are concerned. Sargassum: Erosion and Biodiversity on the Beach, Spatial Sciences Laboratory, Dept. <> Sargassum can affect ocean vessels by the clogging of engines and pumps and reducing the ability to navigate. This summer's Sargassum already has set a record. Gower, J., C. Hu, G, Borstad, and S. King (2006), Ocean color satellites show extensive lines of floating Sargassum in the Gulf of Mexico, IEEE Trans. Milledge, J. J., B. V. Nielsen, and D. Bailey (2015). All indications point to a major bloom impacting the region, starting in the next two months. Based on satellite observations and statistics of historical events, in early February 2018 the Optical Oceanography Lab developed the first 1-page Sargassum outlook bulletin for the Caribbean Sea. is a website that keeps an eye on the current sargassum level on the beaches. More than a mile of floating barrier was placed off the coast of Mexicos Tulum National Park in August. Check here to see Dr. Simmons presenting a 3D Model of our waterways for students at Mayport Middle. Punta Cana encountered thousands of tons of sargassum in 2022 that ruined the pristine beaches of Punta Cana and made it almost impossible for tourists to explore water activities. When this is clicked, a KML file is generated for that image. Thus, both the image and surface currents can be displayed in Google Earth with a simple mouse click (see example below), thereby facilitating visualization and navigation. Hu, C (2009), A novel ocean color index to detect floating algae in the global oceans, Remote Sens. Besides being a stinky and itchy nuisance, experts say were seeing more Sargassum seaweed than usual across the entire Atlantic. Scientists at the USF College of Marine Science who have used NASA . Find the most up-to-date forecast, map, and images of Cancun's seaweed . Does Punta Cana still Have a Sargassum Problem in 2023? Are You Living Paycheck to Paycheck? Environ., 183:356-367. Palm Beach, like many towns, cleans its public beaches with mechanical raking devices. Jupiter divers who freed sharks, destroyed angler's gear avoid harshest penalties. It is produced thousands of miles away in the Sargasso Sea, but it washes up on the shores of Caribbean countries due to ocean currents. TheCaribbean Sea keepsgifting Central Florida's beaches with moundsof mushy, stinkybrown seaweed. However, once it reaches the beach, it begins to rot. For instance, almost all hotels in Punta Cana employ dedicated staff that works hard to keep beaches sargassum-free on a daily basis. It seems now that extreme blooms appear on an almost yearlybasis, and with increasingly more toxic potential. Scientists are concerned. Beaches up and down the Central Florida coast, at least from . Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology. Puerto Rico Seaweed Problem [2023]: Everything You Need to Know! But experts at the . Bayahibe, a historic fishing village, offers a more authentic and local experience than Punta Cana. . So things could soon get messier, smellier andeven potentially slightly toxic in the weeks to come as seaweed rots along Space Coast beaches, presenting major snags for surf fishermen and a tangled, smelly mess for other beachgoers. Seasonal seaweed strikes back: Tons of seaweed washes up on the Space Coast. "The air was so toxic I couldn't walk down there," Lindsay said. Sign up for NBC South Florida newsletters. MS Thesis, University of South Florida, 118pp. Feb 22, 2023 5 min. This is very rare in history, said USF oceanography professor Chuanmin Hu, about the rapid growth. "All we can do now is keep a close eye on what's going on.". The University of South Florida Satellite-based Sargassum Watch System has predicted 2018 will be a major bloom year, which is already impacting the Caribbean. Nitrogen-dense runoff from fertilizers, winds and currents could be a factor too. A record in January does not exactly mean a record in June. an A&M Galveston research project dedcated to predicting Sargassum. Since then, the bulletins have been generated and distributed to subscribers by the last day of the month. The numbers for July are starting to level off for now. Combined, the total amount of the weed increased from 18.8 million tons in May 2022 to 24.2 million tons in June 2022, setting a new historical record, according to the University of South Florida scientistsJuly 2 bulletin on the algae. Hyperspectral discrimination of floating mats of seagrass wrack and the macroalgae Sargassum in coastal waters of Greater Florida Bay using airborne remote sensing. Biologists say the vegetation washing up on the Space Coast and shorelinesstatewide this week usually is beneficial to the beach. She coversreal estate and how growth affects South Florida's environment. environmental and public health harm. Thats why the seaweed problem is most prevalent in Punta Cana during the warm summer months of March to September, while it is almost non-existent during the cold winter months of November to February. They founddramatic changes in the chemistry and composition ofSargassum weed since the 1980s, "transforming this vibrant living organism into a toxic dead zone, FAU's announcement said. Cancun Seaweed Forecast. The last time the Florida Keys experienced a heavy sargassum loading year was 2015. Whether you are swimming or wading in it it's going to smell bad. As of last month, sargassum in the Caribbean Sea and Central West Atlantic totaled an estimated 10.1 million tons, which is second only to the amount in April 2018. Fish. sargassum seaweed 1 year ago Save Heading down to Marathon and Key West May 8th for the week to get married and honeymoon and cant wait! The Sargassum a seaweed that grows in the Atlantic will be arriving and flowing onshore, and it could be extra abundant this year. February 17, 2022. To facilitate visualization and navigation, the imagery products are divided into different geographic regions, for example Central Atlantic, Eastern Caribbean, Western Gulf of Mexico, Bermuda, etc. Environ., 167, 229-246. doi: doi:10.1016/j.rse.2015.05.022, Huffard, C. L., S. von Thun, A. D. Sherman, K. Sealey, and K. L. Smith Jr. (2014). Visit this Facebook group to check the current sargassum conditions in Punta Cana. The rotten egg smell in the Keys from the decomposing sargassum has prompted at least one online guidebook to have a chapter titled Why do the Florida Keys smell like sulfur?. - 6p.m. in the Gulf of Mexico and tropical Atlantic. However,thefrequencyandquantityofsargassumwashingup on Caribbeanbeacheshasconsiderablyincreasedsince2015. With around 30,000 of that being picked up in May and June Outlook bulletins ( see bottom of forecasting... That are currently affected by sargassum is seeing the most seaweed ever on record in the,! Showed that there was a record-breaker for the algae falls in the amount of seaweed: tons of.... A stinky and itchy nuisance, experts say were seeing more sargassum seaweed in the amount of sargassum in. Abundance, with around 30,000 of that being picked up in May June. Is 30m, which ends Nov. 30 already has set a record top for... The country facing a sargassum Problem in 2023, as they did 2022... 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