is a registered service mark of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. ** Minimum land area is 50 acres for all communities in the rapid transit, commuter rail and adjacent community types. Why: Deciding special permits is a statutory power of the ZBA and this explains that. Dept. aresubject to the new requirements ofSection 3A of the Zoning Act. of Housing and Community Development.Contains an explanation of the law and general information including links to local bylaws and design standards. 5p Quincy College Board of Governors Finance & Facilities Committee Meeting. Aquinnah General Bylaws Aquinnah Zoning Bylaws Lighting Bylaws Personal Wireless Facilities Rules & Regulations Governing Subdivision. Home values in the most restrictive metropolitan areas grew an average of 23.4%, more than double the home value appreciation in the least restrictive metros. Workgroup agreed to change it to 3 years for site plan review as well. article i. An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, This page, Zoning and Land Use Resources, is. height of four feet six inches and shall be free of limbs below seven feet. Why: Article 3 Definitions was part of the Consultants contract to reorganize, rewrite some definitions for clarity and add missing definitions. The feedback will only be used for improving the website. In some cases, the minimum unit capacity is derived from an extrapolation of the required minimum land areamultiplied by the statutory minimum gross density of 15 dwelling units per acre. The Recodified Zoning Bylaw can be found here: Town of Falmouth Massachusetts Zoning Bylaw, Town Code Chapter 240 Articles 1 - 14 . Walpole Massachusetts. 02535 Phone: (508) 645-2300 Fax: (508) 645-7884. Looking for a licensed retail Marijuana Establishment near you? Find a retailer. 0000006120 00000 n Chapter 40A, 3A: compliance guidelines,Mass. Government Website Experts. Recommended by staff and Workgroup agreed. 6:30p City Council Meeting. MBTA communities that are noncompliant with Section 3A are ineligible for funding from certain funding sources provided by the Commonwealth. The compliance model is the primary tool for measuring a zoning district for compliance with Section 3A of M.G.L. The AG's Office review and our consultant's responses can be found here. Based on many conversations with the Planning staff and the Workgroup , the result was a the updated Definitions Article in the Recode. Please limit your input to 500 characters. Town's zoning board could stop a homeowner from tearing down a small house and replacing it with a bigger one. 0000003588 00000 n Thank you for your website feedback! Zoning Bylaw. The Boston Zoning Code dictates the allowed shape, density, and use of development in a given area. We encourage applicants to consult with local officials in the municipality in which they plan to operate for current information. Why: This paragraph is new to create an intent before the purpose. Why: An index of definitions was added for ease of use. Top-requested sites to log in to services provided by the state. Revised December 30, 2016 - This edition of the Zoning Act will aid planning boards, other municipal officials, and interested residents. Use Zoneomics, to search for real estate records and find the precise property data you need. New text: Section 240-12.3D authorizes the ZBA to extend a variance for 6 month and. Revised November 2009 - This outline covers: The public hearing and decision and voting requirements for Special Permit Granting Authority and Zoning Boards of Appeal are also outlined. Please do not include personal or contact information. An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, This page, Multi-Family Zoning Requirement for MBTA Communities, is, Multi-Family Zoning Requirement for MBTA Communities, Minimum gross density of 15 units per acre, Located not more than 0.5 miles from a commuter rail station, subway station, ferry terminal or bus station, if applicable, No age restrictions and suitable for families with children, to determine if an MBTA community is in compliance with Section 3A. The Guidelines allow communities to create and complete an online Action Plan form that outlines the municipalitys process for adopting compliant zoning. Zoning Bylaw; Zoning Map; Q - Z. Recreation Commission. The lack of zoning for multi-family housing is a barrier for new housing development in Massachusetts. Web Accessibility Website Policies Contact Us. 525 Canton Avenue, Milton MA 02186 617-898-4800 Town of Sturbridge. If you still have questions, feel free to download our FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS document or simply contact the Planning Office at 508-495-7440. Language related to use of open space is not new language. The Municipal Tracker identifies the zoning and bylaws of adult-use marijuana for all 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts. ", Read More About the Town of Sturbridge, MA, 308 Main Street, Sturbridge MA 01566P: (508) 347-2500 | F: (508) 347-5886Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm,Tuesday 8:00 am - 7:00 pm, Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pmThe Town of Sturbridge is an equal opportunity provider and employer.Site Map | Government Websites by CivicPlus , Cable Advisory Committee & Public Access TV, Economic Development and Tourism Coordinator, Codification - Planning Board Rules & Regs. MTM recently obtained a favorable summary judgment decision before the Land Court in the case captioned, Bellingham Massachusetts Self Service Storage, LLC, et al. zoning bylaw of the town of stockbridge page 10 . Better access to work, services, and other destinations by increasing mobility and utilization of public transit, Reduced reliance on single occupancy vehicles, which helps in our larger effort to confront the climate crisis, Appendix 1 MBTA Community Categories and Requirements, The compliance model was developed to create, Compliance Model User Guide & Methodology Documents, District Compliance is achieved when an MBTA community adopts a multi-family zoning district that meets. The Zoning Map for the City of Quincy in Massachusetts divides the citys real estate into zones based on land use and building regulations. Contains an explanation of the law and general information including links to local bylaws and design standards. Chapter 40A. Revised January, 2009 - Due to the numerous questions that have arisen over the years concerning the "Approval Not Required" (ANR) process of the Subdivision Control Law, DHCD felt it would be beneficial to produce and distribute a publication concerning this issue. Agendas and Minutes for the Zoning Board of Appeals are located below. This is especially so when the structures involve reconstruction on nonconforming lots. New: Removed time limit and now is subject to reasonable conditions, Why: To provide residents with the ability to have more time if needed for events, New text: Table of uses special permit uses funeral homes allowed by SP-Z in B1, B2, Why: The old text called this use undertaker. Undertaker is not a use, it is a profession. Why: Workgroup discussion tweaked existing text to strengthen the language related to the vegetative barrier. trees. 0000006630 00000 n permitted uses, maximum building height, maximum floor area ratio etc. Top-requested sites to log in to services provided by the state. such as comprehensive permit guidance, design review, housing production plan guidelines, unit sale prices and rents. 1p Remember the Ladies: Conversation and Tea. The ordinances are hosted by e360. Such accessory unit shall be limited to a maximum of twenty-five . This new Zoning Bylaw has all of the basic provisions of the old Zoning Bylaw; the text was was transferred, repositioned, and renumbered and some new information was added and necessary changes were made. In the Bellingham matter, the Land Court found a 2019 zoning amendment that changed the zoning districts of certain properties invalid due to the failure of the Petitioner (i.e., the individual who . All communities served by the MBTA must zone to allow for multifamily housing as of right, with a greater obligation for communities with better access to transit stations. An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, This page, Massachusetts law about zoning, is, Massachusetts law about housing and real estate. Quincy Zoning Ordinance A copy of the City of Quincy Zoning Ordinance (Title 17, as amended) may be obtained from the: Office of the City Clerk City Hall 1305 Hancock Street 2nd Floor Quincy, MA 02169 (617) 376-1132 Documents Why: This is language direct from Chapter 40A and should be in every zoning bylaw as a point of information for the ZBA and applicants. Read the lettersent to each MBTA Community from Secretary Mike Kennealy and Undersecretary Jennifer Maddox. v}2`u3cyi'Js (I~Au\:{jT+UZ^h:ifa_#se+V|p8,B.F? each day Workgroup agreed and changed the text to AM and PM.. (a)(1) An MBTA community shall have a zoning ordinance or by-law that provides for at least 1 district of reasonable size in which multi-family housing is permitted as of right; provided, however, that such multi-family housing shall be without age restrictions and shall be suitable for families with children. 0000000736 00000 n The compliance model ensures a standard way of evaluating and estimating multi-family zoning districts on these metrics across all MBTA communities. This work will likely happen over several months and will involve a number of meetings of the Working Group. These uses were added to be in accordance with state statute. Why: This change was made by the Workgroup to simply have a more accurate statement. Old text: Section 240-64.2 does not permit any municipal uses in the LI-C district. New text to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the community, Old text to conserve the value of land and buildings, including the conservation. Both very vague terms. You skipped the table of contents section. Procedural Requirements of the Subdivision Control Law, The ANR Handbook (Approval Not Required Plans), Municipal Planning and Subdivision Legislation. 0000004536 00000 n MGL c.40A Zoning Applications are currently available at. New text (h) to conserve the value of land and buildings and to prevent blight; Why: To add clarifying and clearer language. Zoning Ordinances Zoning Ordinances Thank you for visiting the City of Quincy Zoning Ordinances Page. The result of transit-oriented development is: The requirement is codified as Section 3A of MGL c. 40A: Section 3A. As required by G.L. Thank you for your website feedback! However, within a citys zoning system individual zones can be more restrictive and less restrictive, including different single family zones. Text also references 935 CMR 501. registration issued by DPH. The Zoning Enabling Act, Chapter 40A, was enacted by Chapters 368 and 551 of the Acts of 1954 and became effective on August 1, 1954, replacing the previous zoning enabling legislation, Section 25 to 30B, inclusive, of the Chapter 40, General Laws. Zoning Bylaw and Map. The listing below includes all legislation received by Municipal Code since the last update (printed or electronic) to the Zoning Ordinance. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the official website. Massachusetts municipal law, 2nd ed., MCLE, loose-leaf, Chapter 29 Land use regulations. Zoneomics operates the most comprehensive zoning database for Quincy Massachusetts and other zoning maps across the U.S. Zoneomics includes over 50 million real estate properties, each property features zoning code/district, permitted land uses, development standards, rezoning and variance data. New text: Section 240-9.4C. Massachusetts has among the highest, and fastest growing, home prices and rents of any state in the nation. Please note, submitting an Action Plan is not the same as achieving Interim Compliance which occurs when DHCD makes such an affirmative determination. Zoning Board of AppealsThe Zoning Board of Appeals consists of five full time members and three alternate members who are appointed by the Mayor. Please listen for phone menu options for DHCD divisions. The Subdivision Control Law was enacted in 1953 and this publication includes any amendments since its enactment. High housing costs are a primary driver of homelessness. If both appear on a single webpage from the town, the link to the town will include both. Zoning | Boston Planning & Development Agency Boston's Zoning Code dictates the appropriate heights, densities, and uses allowed in different areas of the City. A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts. If you need assistance, please contact the Trial Court Law Libraries. Early Action Technical Assistance Mini-Round. City of Quincy. Loading. Please do not include personal or contact information. Site includes: Handbook of Massachusetts land use and planning law : zoning, subdivision control, and nonzoning alternatives, 5th ed., Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2022 with supplement. More housing closer to the places that we go every day, such as local shops, jobs, schools, restaurants, parks, etc. Zoning. Agendas & Minutes. The Zoning information reported here may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Boston Zoning Commission. A copy of the Action Plan form and access to the online Action Plan form are available below, Technical Assistance with Section 3A compliance is available from many sources, including the, Energy and Environmental Affairs Land Use Grants, Starting this summer, MHP will provide direct technical assistance to a limited number of municipalities interested in working to evaluate an existing or proposed multi-family zoning district using the compliance model. Suggestions are presented as an open option list only when they are available. MGL c.40B Regional planning F. Area limitation. The requirement is codified as Section 3A of MGL c. 40A: Section 3A. This page is located more than 3 levels deep within a topic. If you would like to continue helping us improve, join our user panel to test new features for the site. Mayor Koch commissioned the biggest overhaul of the City's Zoning Code in a generation, and the process was completed in the summer of 2011. Why: There was a section for the Zoning Board Overview but not one for the Planning Board to explain their duties. Gives cities and towns authority to adopt ordinances and bylaws to regulate the use of land, buildings and structures. If it is not, we will be unable to verify your age. New text: Table of uses allows religious institutions by right in the Senior Care Retirement District. When a question of legal interpretation arises, local officials should always seek the advice of their municipal counsel. 365 0 obj <> endobj The new text brings the Bylaw into conformance with state statutes and regulations. c. 40A, 17. The Cannabis Control Commission conducts While served by the MBTA, Boston is exemptedfrom the Zoning Act, including section 3A. The left-hand column of each section of the booklet includes bold-faced annotations which are not part of the law but have been inserted to facilitate research. c.40, s.32, the Recodified Zoning Bylaw approved at the November 2021 Town Meeting, was sent to the Municipal Law Unit of the Office of the Attorney General for their review and approval. We will use this information to improve this page. New Text - Table of Uses allows religious institutions by right in the LI-C district. This is an additional informational paragraph to clarify what the total ;points mean as to the Restaurant classification category. There is technical assistance available for municipalities seeking support as they use the model. The Zoning Board is a quasi-judicial board that is charged with granting or denying variances and special permits pursuant to the City of Quincy Zoning Ordinance. Why: New text made this section more sensible. Registration details will be available soon on our website at MHP 3A-TA. Why: Added a cross reference to Article Six Use Tables to direct the reader to that Article to understand in which zoning districts the different restaurant are allowed, or not allowed. New text simply clarifies that it can be dedicated to the Town. MA 02184, Phone: 781-794-8000 Town Hall is open Mon, Wed, Thur 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Tue 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM, Fri 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM. $fqJHhd$HT@ S#S,P,l'DBQM@U=E I*T}`PA(u*{ PL;Bt DP@W9C#D6HII!4"+0)018 )FAAV 45!- dHL)6fcRfccZ + |@FKA\#x6dP. It was agreed to change this to funeral home., Old text: no mention of the use agricultural, horticultural and floriculture in the BR district, New text: Table of Uses allows agricultural, horticultural and floriculture in the BR by. Old text: Section 240-204 prohibits use variances except use variances granted prior to the, Section 240-206, Section 240-210, 240-12.4, Administrative Appeal, Section 240-12.5 Judicial Appeal, and Section 240-, Old text: Section 240-206 states a variance lapses after one year and may be reestablished, 240-13.2B - Performance Indicators and Summary, Old text: column C for hours of operation says noon. Use Zoneomics, to search for real estate records and find the precise property data you need. See below for upcoming meeting dates or take a moment to view the Zoning Board Agendas and Minutes. Why: Agricultural horticultural and floricultural uses are by-right uses under Chapter 40A, section 3. Ct. 134 (2011)A town ordinance limiting overnight off-street parking on private property of single-family residencesshould be done through a zoning ordinanceand not a general ordinance. The municipality has enacted zoning ordinances or bylaws governing the operations of Marijuana Establishments, but has enacted a ban on marijuana retail establishments Ban in Place The municipality has enacted zoning ordinances or bylaws prohibiting all types of Marijuana Establishments Ban in Place; Litigation Pending Board of Health; Friends of Norwell Recycling Facebook Page; . A brief summary of "where we are now" and the path forward can be viewed here and in the video below. Please remove any contact information or personal data from your feedback. You skipped the table of contents section. Delivery of adult-use marijuana or marijuana products by a delivery-only licensee or a Marijuana Establishment with a delivery endorsement is geographically limited to the municipality identified as the Marijuana Establishment licensees place of business; any municipality which allows for retail sales within its borders whether or not a retailer is operational; or any municipality which, after receiving notice from the Commission, has notified the Commission that delivery may operate within its borders. Ct. 670 (2021) On August10, 2022, DHCD issued the final guidelines to determine if an MBTA community is in compliance with Section 3A. off-street parking on private property of single-family residences. Agendas & Minutes. Applications are currently available at MHP 3A-TAand will be accepted through August 31, 2022. The Town of Walpole was founded in 1721 after a group of sawmill residents who built along the great Cedar Swamp petitioned the Town of Dedham for the privilege of becoming a separate Town with their own minister. - site plan review; article vii. For copies of certified ordinances, please contact the City Clerk at or 617-625-6600. massachusetts zoning by-laws . By allowing multifamily housing near transit, we can create new housing in walkable neighborhoods closer to transit. date of adoption of this charter may be altered etc. Why: Municipal Uses were allowed in LI-A and LI-B and there appeared no reason to not allow it in LI-C, New text: Table of Uses allows religious institutions by right in the Marine District, Old text: identifies sanitoria (240-23 (C)) and allows it by SP. If discrepancies exist, the official signed Code Maps shall be . Keywords . The development of the model was completed with the input and assistance of consultants and other experts and key stakeholders. The Guidelines establish timelines for municipalities to adopt compliant zoning districts. Zoning and land use resources, Exec. Town of Aquinnah, 955 State Road, Aquinnah, MA. Looking for a licensed retail Marijuana Establishment near you? On December 22, 1975, the Governor signed Chapter 808 of the Acts of 1975, the Zoning Act, which . Some page levels are currently hidden. These publications are intended only for informational and reference purposes. We encourage you to visit this page often as it will be updated from time to time. Share this page on your favorite Social network, Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday. The ordinances are hosted by e360. (b) An MBTA community that fails to comply with this section shall not be eligible for funds from: (i) the Housing Choice Initiative as described by the governor in a message to the general court dated December 11, 2017; (ii) the Local Capital Projects Fund established in section 2EEEE of chapter 29; or (iii) the MassWorks infrastructure program established in section 63 of chapter 23A. Section 240-7.5 - Search and Rescue Corridor Overlay District. It is in the current Bylaw. App. This section includes resources to help you understand Boston's Zoning Code, the BPDA's involvement with zoning, and more. Why: The current bylaw language infers that the open space can be dedicated to the Town. . In cases where the required unit capacity from these two methods would exceed 25% of the community's housing stock, the required unit capacity has instead been capped at that 25% level. Zoneomics attracts a large community of Massachusetts real estate professionals. If you have any questions about zoning, please contact Jay Duca, Director of Inspectional Services, at (617) 376-1456 or using this Contact Form . in accordance with the requirements of the MA Building Code or the Architectural Access Board. Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development, MBTA Communities - Table Appendix 1_10-21-2022_1.csv, contact the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development. Therefore, while the outputs from the model provide good estimates relative to the compliance metrics, they do not provide absolute measures of development potential. New text: Section 240-12.2H states that site plan shall lapse after 3 years. Decision Making Requirements of the Zoning Act. Ct. 233 (2018) c. 40A, 17: de novo review and deference to boards, Land Court 2006 manual of instructions for the survey of lands and preparation of plans, Handbook of Massachusetts land use and planning law : zoning, subdivision control, and nonzoning alternatives, Massachusetts law about the gig or sharing economy, Massachusetts law about backyard chickens, Massachusetts city and town ordinances and bylaws, Overview of the Subdivision Control Law(2009), Adopting and Amending Zoning Bylaws(2009), Decision Making Requirements of the Zoning Act(2009), Grandfathered Lots and Plan Protection(2009), Procedural Requirements of the Subdivision Control Law(2009), The ANR Handbook (Approval Not Required Plans)(2009), Municipal Planning and Subdivision Legislation(2008). Use this button to show and access all levels. of the open space for recreation, parkland and open space. 386 0 obj<>stream These high costs are a disadvantage as we compete economically against peer states. To view a database of city ordinances, please visit the Quincy Zoning Ordinances Page.To file a Zoning Board of Appeals application please use the Online Application Page.Upcoming MeetingsZoning Board meetings are open to the Public. Bjorklund v. Zoning Board of Appeals of Norwell, 450 Mass. trailer The Guidelines refer to this tool as the compliance model. xb```"V\^e`C*6|cZY;' App. The Recodified Zoning Bylaw can be found here: Town of Falmouth Massachusetts Zoning Bylaw, Town Code Chapter 240 Articles 1 14, November 2022, November 14, 2022 Fall Town Meeting Presentation. c. 40A, 17: de novo review and deference to boards, Jeffrey Angley, 2012. and is certified by DHCD. The left-hand column of each section of the booklet includes bold-faced annotations which are not part of the law but which have been inserted to facilitate research. The deadline to submit a compliance application to DHCD varies by community category as shown in the table below. MHP Technical Assistance for MBTA Communities MHP (3A-TA). To remain eligible for the calendar year 2023 round of. MGL c.40R Smart-growth zoning ;rsYK"b,v)+Lfd7a3gN This new law requires that an MBTA community shall have at least one zoning district of reasonable size in which multi-family housing is permitted as of right and meets other criteria set forth in the statute: On December 15, 2021, the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) issued draft guidelines on how to comply with the law. The second phase of the project is focused on reviewing the bylaw for errors, inconsistencies, or areas that need to be better defined. Extensive discussion of "parties in interest," "parties aggreived," and "standing.". If you need assistance, please contact the Housing and Community Development. New text: Table of Uses allows municipal uses by right in the LI-C district. Related Data e.g. Participants will be selected based largely on readiness to proceed, and with a goal of representing a range of community types and community categories. A Word About Norwell's New "By-Right" Accessory Dwelling Unit ("ADU") Zoning Bylaw. Zoning Districts - Use Restrictions. - administration and enforcement; article iii. A compilation of laws, cases and web sources on zoning law in Massachusetts. that the Planning Board is recommending for Town Meeting approval. Members from Massachusetts include brokers, investors and service providers, many of whom specialize in Massachusetts Real Estate. The signed Code Maps, enacted by the Boston Zoning Commission and available at the BPDA, together with any amendments, remain the official Zoning documents. There is no minimum land area requirement for adjacent small towns. Alteration to nonconforming structures and uses, Exemption of single and two-family residential structures, Non-use and abandonment of nonconforming uses and structures. This was done to make it clear that residential uses may be allowed along with commercial uses in all Business Districts. Current:Zoning Bylaws - Revised Through May 2021Former:Zoning Bylaws - Revised Through May 2019Pending Zoning Articles: Skip to main content. MBTA community is defined by reference to Section 1 of MGL c. 161A: In total, 175 MBTA communities aresubject to the new requirements ofSection 3A of the Zoning Act. The first phase of this project involved recodifying the Towns Zoning Bylaw into a new version" having a redesigned, contemporary, sound framework, and solid foundation. The feedback will only be used for improving the website. Old text: Section 240-186 states the purpose is to preserve three-thousand foot wide helicopter flight corridor. Old text: Section 240-144 allows garages only where lot size is such as to make it possible, Old text: Section 240-250 (D) requires a MTC to be approved for operation with a, 240-9.7 - Planned Residential Development, New text: Section 240-9.7H (3) allows the Town to own the open space and limits the use. Massachusetts zoning manual, 7th ed., MCLE, loose-leaf. *** Developable station area is derived by taking the area of a half-mile circle around an MBTA commuter rail station, rapid transit station, or ferry terminal and removing any areas comprised of excluded land. No MBTA community may remain in interim compliance after its district compliance deadline has passed. 0000006369 00000 n In July, the town received an informal review from the AG's Office indicating that the Recodification effort included substantive changes, not just reformats, updates or clarifications. If you are a municipality that wishes to update the information listed below, please contact the Director of Government Affairs and Policy, Matt Giancola at, Cannabis Control Commission Massachusetts, Delivery permitted; Host Community Agreement signed with business maintaining/pursuing delivery license, Zoning in place; license cap; delivery ban. a municipality that has been added to the MBTA under G.L. open space developments and multifamily open space residential development respectively. Why: To make the titles of all Overlay Districts consistent, those without Overlay in their title had that word added. c. 161A, sec. Suggestions are presented as an open option list only when they are available. 2007 Master Plan; Annual Reports; Capital Commerce Center; Devens 2020 Traffic Monitoring Program; Economic Development Plan; Expedited Permitting Guide; Forms and Applications; Lancaster Housing Plan 2020-2024; . A brief summary of `` where we are now '' and ``.! 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Citys real estate into zones based on many conversations with the input and assistance of Consultants and other and! Uses in the LI-C district Planning boards, Jeffrey Angley, 2012. and is certified DHCD. N Chapter 40A, 3A: compliance Guidelines, Mass Ordinances page such accessory unit shall limited... And regulations plan is not the same as achieving Interim compliance after its district compliance deadline passed... Encourage you to visit this page, Zoning and land use regulations to... # se+V|p8, B.F: // means youve safely connected to the vegetative barrier of transit-oriented development is the., MCLE, loose-leaf your favorite Social network, Hours: 8:30 to... For ease of use located more than 3 levels deep within a citys Zoning system individual can... Of M.G.L municipal law, 2nd ed., MCLE, loose-leaf, Chapter 29 land use Resources,.. Simply contact the Planning Board to explain their duties Consultants contract to reorganize, rewrite definitions! 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