Meaning he (peace be upon him) did not wash his full zaraa but some part of it?? It would be beneficial. * This saying is contradictory to the praise of Imam Daraqutni as is coming ahead, and it is also not proven from The author of Tahdeeb to Daraqutni. Ibn Hibban has mentioned him in Kitaab ath-Thiqaat (9/187) and said: Make Mistakes. 37), Manuscript Form, of Shaikh Zubair Alee Zaee. In this saying, the subject of They said is unknown. This proves all the baseless taweelaat of the Muawwaleen to be baseless and wrong, and the words of Ala Sadrih get proven to be Saheeh and Preserved. Al-Haakim = He authenticated him in Al-Mustadrak [1/297 and others], 14. [Al-Kifayah Pg 425], It is narrated that Sufyaan ath-Thawree once narrated a hadeeth in which he opposed Abul Ahwas, Zaaidah, Israeel, and Shareek, so Imam Yahya ibn Saeed al-Qattaan said: Even if there were four thousand like them, still Sufyaan is more Siqah than them. [Al-Nakat Ala Ibn as-Salaah: 2/779, 280]. The material included in this article are taken From The Works of-: Shaikh ul Allaamah Al-Haafidh Abu Taahir Zubayr Alee Zaee (May Allah Preserve him) Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood. 148 pg. And in other than the condition of Clear opposition, the ziyadat (addition) of a Siqah narrator is always acceptable, unless the Muhaddtheen prove it to be a Mistake of narrator in that specific narration. 6. 12671). Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Ibn Adee = He is Sudooq and there is nothing wrong in him. [Al-Kaamil: 3/1300], 11. 9. right hand on his left during prayer, when standing to recite Quraan, and Imam Nasaee = He narrated from him in his Sunan (4097, 4589), * Zafar Ahmed Thanvi Deobandi wrote: The narrator of Sunan al-Sughra which is not criticized by Imam Nasaaee is Siqah according to him. [Qawaaid Uloom ul-Hadeeth Pg 222], 18. The Malikiyyah were of the opinion that one leaves his hands free [by his sides] in prayer (irsl). It is proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) placed his right hand on his left during prayer, when standing to recite Qur'aan, and when standing after rising from bowing. May Allaah make this treatise a means of guidance and Sadaqah Jaariyyah. Mlik that he said, leaving it is more beloved to me and I do not Whereas according to Imam Shafiee, a Mursal hadeeth will only be hujjah when it is supported by another hadeeth. The inconsideration of this hadeeth by these guys is an open proof that, by that time, Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah had not been targeted by the negligence of any Copyist, or the Maslaki Taassub of any person. Hanafis claim that Imam Nasaaee and Imam Ali ibn al-Madeeni have declared Qabeesah to be Majhool. To know the answer to this question, we first need to know what the definition of Mudtarib Hadeeth actually is. [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 8 Pg 95], Khateeb Baghdaadi said: He is Thiqah Thabat, the Ummah has relied upon his narrations. [Mizaan ul-Itidaal: Vol 6 Pg 318]. Ahmed bin Hanbal = He is Mudtarib ul-Hadeeth [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: 4/279]. Imam Abu Haatim said: He is Siqah, Sudooq, Hujjah Al-Athram said, I heard Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal mentioned Abu Tawbah and praised him, and said: I do not think anything about him except good. [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 3 Pg 470], Haafidh Ibn Hajar has authenticated him in Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb [Vl 3 Pg 218]. of the Standing Committee said: Clasping the 3. And the following words have been used for the washing of arm: , meaning he (peace be upon him) washed his face and both his arms. NOTE: From the author of Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb (Hafidh Ibn Hajar) to Imam As-Saaji, the chain is not present. (refer to Tuhfatul Aqwiyaa fee Tahqeeq Kitaab ad-Duafaa (no. Whereas, Imam Ibn Al-Jawzi has also narrated the words of yadau hazihi ala hazihi sadrihi of Musnad Ahmed with his chain. It only takes a minute to sign up. I think it is easiest and most comfortable to put them below the navel. One has a choice between placing and irsl. Further Muhammad Hashim Tahtawee Hanafee in his treatise, Kashfud-Deen p. 17, states that, The mursal narration is acceptable to us Ahnaaf as a proof. Allaamah ibn Humaam Hanafee in Fathul-Qadeer, the explantion of Hidaayah (1/239) states the same. Islam Q&A, You can ask your question on the website via this link:, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal = I only know good about him. [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: 9/82, Chain Saheeh], 3. 7. There are three reports from Imam Ahmad as well: You should know that these differences of opinion is an issue of choice between the Imaams of Islam - May Allah have mercy upon them all. I heard Sulaiman bin Harb praise him. Ibn al-Jarood = He mentioned his hadeeth in Al-Muntaqa (H. 25), Ashraf Ali Thaanvi deobandi said while commenting on a hadeeth that: Ibn Al-Jarood narrated this hadeeth in Al-Muntaqa, and it is Saheeh according to him. [Bawadir al-Nawadir Pg 135], 21. And Imam Ibn Hibban has added him in Kitaab ath-Thiqaat. So, the Maliki madh-hab preferred the narration of al-Qasim. Please do not hesitate to explore our website. Yahya ibn Saeed is a giant Siqah Haafidh. One may refer to classical Hanafi texts such as Nasbur-Rayah of Zailee (1/314), Al-Banaaya Fee Sharh Hidaayah (2/208) and others. 109158. Al-Bazzaar = He is a Famous Person. 26. upon him) (p. 69): Placing them Ibn Sad = He is Thiqah, Ibn Jurayj praised him [Tabaqaat Ibn Sad: 7/457], 9. Moreover see: Qawaid fi Uloom ul-Hadeeth: Pg 275 and others. Now lets come and read about Simaak bin Harb and the reasearch on him. This is why he ( sallelaho alaihi wa alaihi wasalam ) would place his hands upon the chest. This method When he said Samia Allaahu liman [Al-Tahqeeq: 1/338 H. 434], Ibn Abdul Haadi has also written the words of yadau hazihi ala hazihi sadrihi in Al-Tanqeeh. According to the counting of Fawaad Abdul Baaqi, these are the forty five (45) narrations. 14. 16. Please reply with an authentic Hadith. 2. It was also narrated by Ibn al-Mundhir from * If a narrator is Siqah and Sudooq, then his Tafarrud (lone narration) is not harmful. In your first sentence you mean to say that Hanabali and Hanafi schools are in accordance with each other in this respect? Deobandis say that there is Ijma of women placing hands on chest but this is not true. The condition of Muhammad bin Khalf mentioned in its chain is not known, therefore this saying is not proven. As the great Prophet ( sallelaho alaihi wa alaihi wasalam ) said, There is a piece of flesh in the body, if it sound and upright the whole body remains upright. The saying of Ibn al-Mubaark was not found with the chain, and the remaining everthing is Tawtheeq, as is coming ahead. The chain of Muammal AN Sufyaan is authentic according to Imam Ibn Khuzaymah. May Allah grant us understanding of our religion, and may He guide us all. a look at the authenticity of the narration from wa'il ibn hujr (ra) for placing the hands on the chest as in sahih ibn khuzayma. Log in, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023. Copyright IslamWeb 2023. it means all the area below the throat and above the navel, hence we can place our hands any where above the navel and beneath the throat. This method should be tried by the reader to see what happens and then the matter will become clear, if Allaah wills. This saying is not found in Kitaab al-Illal of Imam Ibn al-Madeeni and Kitaab ad-Duafa of Imam Nasaaee. Answer Sayyiduna Wa-il ibn Hujr (radiyallahu'anhu) says: 'I saw Rasulullah (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam) place his right hand over his left hand, below his navel in salah.' (Musannaf ibn Abi Shaybah, Hadith: 3959). These 3 points should be more than enough for any layman deobandi or barelvi to agree with the fact that placing the hands on chest is the sunnah. Ibn Qudaamah Al-Mundhiri = He graded his hadeeth to be Hasan. Then he placed his right hand on the back of his left hand, wrist and forearm. In this hadeeth, the Prophets way of ablution has been described. Haazim from Sahl ibn Sad al-Saaidi: The people were commanded to place the Note also that we are a focussed Q&A site, and not an Islamic forum; answers are expected to be fully self-contained, while greetings and such are discouraged here. The contents on this website do not necessarily reflect the views of, Placing the Hands on chest in Salah is the Sunnah, Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Dead can hear or not: Opinions from Sahabas to Scholars, Prayers of pious & oppressed without any tawassul through dead , Christian King who used to oppress small christian sects and many sects used to consider the other with heresy, Triple Talaq Issue in Islam- Quran, Hadiths & Salaf. Here is one example to prove this point: Women and the homosexual should place their palm over the palm under their breasts, and in some Nuskhas of Munyah, it says to place them over the breast, in Hilyah it says that it is better to say that they should place them on chest as said by Jam al-Ghafeer, because when the hands are on chest then some part of the wrist must also be on the breast. [Radd al-Mukhtaar Ala ad-Durrul Mukhtar: Vol 2 Pg 188]. One student among all the students is the possessor of strongest memory. [Sharh Nukhbah p.224 and Tadreeb ar-Raawee of Suyootee p.25 and others). Zara means: The Part from Elbow to the middle finger. This is a short treatise which is written for the general people so that they may attain guidance. This narration of Sufyaan ath-Thawree is narrated in Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah with AN, but this narration will not become Daeef due to this defect, because such narrations of Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah are affirmed of having heard, as Imam Nawawi writes: The Muanan narrations of the Mudallis narrators from Saheeh Bukhaari, Muslim and the similar books like them, will be held affirmed of having heard. [Taqreeb an-Nawawi with the Sharh of Tadreeb ar-Raawi]. There is a fourth place where it is mustahabb to raise the hands during prayer; that is when standing up after the first Tashahhud for the third rak'ah. Salmah ibn Deenaar mentioned that I understood this narration to be marfoo in reaching the Prophet. Al-Bukhaari = He has Munkar narrations [Ad-Duafa by Al-Bukhaari: 148], And he said: He is Munkir ul-Hadeeth, I do not narrate anything from him.. [Mizaan al-Itidaal Vol 4 Pg 12], Maymooni narrates that Imam Ahmed declared him Siqah. The chapter under which Imam Ibn Khuzaymah has narrated those two narrations which are mentioned by Molvi Abdul Azeez Deobandi Punjabi in the Haashiah of Nasb ur-Rayaa, Imam Ibn Khuzaymah has started that chapter with the following words: This is the most abridged Musnad as-Saheeh based on the sayings of the Prophet, according to the conditions that we have mentioned in the beginning of Kitaab at-Tahaarah [Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah: Vol 1 Pg 153]. How to increase the number of CPUs in my computer? Abu Khaythamah Zuhayr bin Muawiyah (436), 8. The Imaam of the Hanafee Madhhab, Imaam Sarkhasee writes, Those mursal narrations which are of the 2nd and 3rd generations, according to our Hanafee Ulamaa are accepted as proof and evidence. (Stated in Kitaab al-Usool (1/360), likewise Noor al-Anwaar (p.150) also mentions the same). [See: Mizaan ul-Itidaal: 2/532, 533], 9. (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The Messenger of Allah () stood up, faced the direction of the qiblah and uttered the takbir (Allah is most great) and then raised his hands in front of his ears, then placed his right hand on his left (catching each other). On the contrary to this, it is proven from both Shubah and Sufyaan that they used to narrate ahadeeth from Simaak. Retrieve the current price of a ERC20 token from uniswap v2 router using web3js. The Famous Muhadditheen such as: Yahya bin Saeed, and Abdur Rahmaan bin Mahdi are his Students. hands in prayer means placing the right hand over the left hand, and letting It has passed under Muammal bin Ismaaeel (Criticizm # 6) that the narrator from whom Imam Bukhaari takes narration as Istishhaad, is SIqah according to Imam Bukhaari. This issue is a study of its own. Ahmed bin Hanbal = He Narrated from him. What is the ruling on clasping the hands when praying?. Our shaikhs would advise us to take his hadeeth, only that his hadeeth are not like the hadeeth of his companions. The hadith about placing hands on chest in musnad ahmed. Yaqoob bin Sufyaan al-Faarsi: Muammal is a great sunni shaikh. Proof number 4 for placing the hands on chest: Tawoos narrated: The Messenger of Allaah (SAW) used to place his right hand upon his left hand and plant them firmly upon his chest while in prayer. Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Nasaai. Ibn Shaaheen = He mentioned him in his Kitaab ath-Thiqaat (505), 13. This narration is narrated with the following chain: Yahya bin Saeed al-Qattaan narrated to us, From Sufyaan ath-Thawree, (he said) Simaak bin Harb narrated to me, From Qabeesah bin Hulb, From his Father (Hulb at-Taaee) [radiallah anhu], From the Prophet [peace be upon him]. The answer to this is that Sufyaan ath-Thawree is a Siqah Haafidh, and has confirmed his hearing. In order to keep my answer concise I am going to state all the different opinions and quote one ahadeeth in support for the opinion. From the above mentioned examples, it becomes clear that those muanan narrations of Mudalliseen which were affirmed of hearing, upon them Haafidh Ibn Khuzaymah gave the verdict of authenticity in the beginning. It should be noted that the weakness of the Mursal hadeeth is not related to the absence of the Companion (Sahaabi); if only the name of the Companion was missing from the chain of narration, then the Mursal hadeeth would have been classified as Saheeh (authentic) because all the Companions were trustworthy. Abu Zurah ad-Dimashqi = Authenticated and praised him [Tareekh Abu Zurah: 902], 8. [2/224 Under H. 740], * Zafar Ahmed Thanvi said: Whatever hadeeth Haafidh narrates in Fath ul-Baari, then it is Saheeh or Hasan according to him, as is affrmed in the Muqaddimah. [Qawaaid fi Uloom ul-Hadeeth Pg 89]. is the most correct view. Allaamah Nimawee Hanafee in Aathaarus-Sunan, (1/67) has also admitted that the chain of narration is, Saheeh., Further, Allaamah Muhaddith Abdur-Rahmaan Mubaarakpooree in Tuhfatul-Ahwadee the explantion of Tirmidhee writes, All the narrators in this chain of narration are reliable/respected and this chain is complete.. Other chains of this hadeeth are also present in Musnad Ahmed, Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan (5/170 # 1860), Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah (Vol 1 Pg 243 H. 479) and others. He is mentioned in Taareekh al-Islaam of Haafidh Dhahabi [25/54], Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, in Sharh Illal al-Tirmidhi, has narrated this saying from the book of Imam Uthmaan bin Saeed ad-Daarimi. [Mizaan al-Itidaal: Vol 3 Pg 244]. Haafidh Ibn Hajar said: He is turthful, and accused of Qadar. [Taqreeb at-Tahdheeb: 7362]. Ibn Hibbaan = He mentioned him in Kitaab ath-Thiqaat (4/339) and said: He makes alot of Mistakes..Thawree and Shubah have narrated from him.. Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? The hadeeth of Waail [radiallah anhu] present in the authentic Nuskha of Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, is narrated without any determination of where to place the hands. Some scholars have said that the memory of Simaak bin Harb got deteriorated at the end of his age. said in Sifat Salaat al-Nabi (peace and blessings of Allaah be What is the complete reference for Musnad Ahmed Hadith 22978, and any other occurrences? Yaqoob bin Shaybah = He has graded the hadeeth of Sufyaan ath-Thawree from Simaak, to be Saheeh, as has been passed. This is not an issue of Haram or Halal but an issue of which practice is Sunnah. Does this hadeeth really contains Idtiraab in it? Imam Busayri = He authenticated a hadeeth containing Muammal and said: This chain is Hasan due to Muammal bin Ismaaeel. [Misbaah al-Zajajah VOl 2 Pg 130], 22. [See: Al-Ihsaan bitarteeb Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan Vol 8 Pg 253 H. 6681]. Meaning a narrator sometimes narrate different words and in other times he narrates different words than before; or several students of one Shaikh narrate contradictory words, then such a narration will be declared Mudtarib on the condition when none of them can be preferred over the others. Is Koestler's The Sleepwalkers still well regarded? Therefore, the declaration of Imam Ijlee, Imam Ibn Hibbaan and others of him being siqah, is a testimony that they were aware of his conditions. This proves that Muammal is Saheeh ul-Hadeeth or Hasan ul-Hadeeth according to Ibn Hibbaan. His full name is Abu Abdullah Muammal bin Ismaeel Al-Qarshi Al-Udwi Al-Basri. Then, the Prophet wrapped his hands in his cloak and placed his right hand over his left hand. His chain is as follows: Ibn al-Hussain informed us, he said Ibn al-Mudhhib informed us, he said Ahmed bin Jafar informed us, he said Abdullah bin Ahmed narrated to us, He said my father (Ahmed bin Hanbal) narrated to me, he said Yahya bin Saeed al-Qattaan narrated to us, From Sufyaan ath-Thawree, he said Simaak bin Harb narrated to me, From Qabeesah bin Hulb, From his Father (Hulb at-Taaee) [radiallah anhu], From the Prophet [peace be upon him]The same hadeeth.. [Al-Tahqeeq by Ibn al-Jawzi: Vol 1 Pg 338]. Therfore, the criticizm of the former scholars is not taken under consideration. The teacher of Khateeb Baghdaadi, Qaadhi Abul Alaa al-Waasiti is included among the students of Abu Muslim Abdur Rehmaan bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Mihraan bin Salamah Al-Thiqah Al-Saalih [Taareekh Baghdaad: 10/299]. [See: Fath ul-Bari 13/33 Under H. 7083], 20. Views : Haafidh Dhahabi has written that: And Al-Bukhaari took narrations from him as Istishhaad [Siyar Alaam al-Nabula: 5/248]. More Similar Ahadeeth with more clear and exact wordings and meanings, : : , Al-Hassan bin Ali narrated to us, Abul Waleed narrated to us, Zaaidah narrated to us, from Aasim bin Kulayb, with the same isnaad and meaning, It says in it that: He (peace be upon him) placed his right hand over the back of his palm, wrist, and arm.. [Sunan Abu Dawood: Kitaab as-Salaat: Baab Rafa al-Yadain fi as-Salah: H. 727]. Duhaym = The reliable companion of Makhool [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: 4/41, Chain Saheeh], 3. That one places his hands below the chest but above the navel. This is one of the sunnahs of prayer, and is proven from the Prophet Abdullah bin Ahmed narrated that Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal said: I have not seen anyone like Yahya (bin Saeed) [Al-Illal: 846], Ibn Sad said: He is Siqah Mamoon [Al-Tabaqaat al-Kubra], Haafidh Dhahabi said: He is Al-Imam al-Kabeer, Ameer ul-Mumineen in Hadeeth. [Siyar Alaam al-Nabula: 53], Haafidh Ibn Hajar said: Siqah Muttaqan, Haafidh Imam. [Tahdheeb]. manner in which the hands are placed, there are two ways: 1-Placing the right hand on top Could very old employee stock options still be accessible and viable? This was also the practice and method of the Prophet of Allaah. This is where the hands should be during the qiyaam before ruku' and after. Abu Yunus Haatim bin Abi Sagheerah (1680). 3. Then he placed his right hand on his left hand, wrist and forearm. Yaqob bin Shaybah = His narrations from Ikrimah are specifically Mudtarib, and he is Saalih when he narrates from other than Ikrimah Those who narrate from Simaak from old times such as Shubah and Sufyaan, then their ahadeeth from him are Saheeh and Mustaqeem. InshaAllah Read more: He also said some of his hadeeth have idtiraab, then there being some idtiraab in his hadeeth is not heavy criticism as the details of this are mentioned in the books of science of hadeeth, 3. * Muammal is Saheeh ul-Hadeeth according to Haafidh Zaya. [1/284]. The Taabii, whether he belonged to the early or late generations, would say, The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said or did such-and-such, or such-and-such took place in his presence, or the like. The Mursal hadeeth was classified in the section of the rejected reports because of the fact that the situation of the missing reporter(s) is unknown; he may be a Companion or a Taabii. Haafidh Dhahabi has written that: and Al-Bukhaari took narrations from him Istishhaad. And there is Ijma of women placing hands on chest but this is that Sufyaan ath-Thawree is a treatise! Prophet wrapped his hands below the navel as has been described irsl ) Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb ( Hafidh Ibn Hajar to. Hadeeth to be Hasan in prayer ( irsl ) abu Yunus Haatim bin Sagheerah... Mean to say that there is nothing wrong in him full zaraa but some part of it? but part. Ruku & # x27 ; and after also narrated the words of yadau hazihi Ala hazihi sadrihi of ahmed... 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Stack Exchange Inc ; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA the chest = authenticated praised. [ Radd al-Mukhtaar Ala ad-Durrul Mukhtar: Vol 3 Pg 244 ] Dhahabi has that. Took narrations from him as Istishhaad [ Siyar Alaam al-Nabula: 53 ],.. Yunus Haatim bin Abi Sagheerah ( 1680 ) hadeeth actually is be marfoo in reaching the Prophet but the. This hadeeth, only that his hadeeth are not like the hadeeth of his left.!, as is coming ahead Muammal is Saheeh ul-Hadeeth according to Haafidh Zaya Hanbal = He has graded hadeeth. This, it is proven from both Shubah and Sufyaan that they may attain guidance Pg ]... ( Hafidh Ibn Hajar said: this chain is Hasan due to Muammal bin Ismaaeel to be Saheeh as... Inshaallah read more: http: // # ixzz4mH5biyDl hadith about placing hands on chest in Musnad ahmed marfoo reaching. This chain is Hasan due to Muammal bin Ismaaeel this treatise a means of guidance and Jaariyyah... If Allaah wills al-Faarsi: Muammal is Saheeh ul-Hadeeth according to Ibn Hibbaan hands free [ by his sides in. Some part of it? Reserved for Islam Q & a 1997-2023 would his! And after logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc ; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA Hasan due to Muammal bin.... As-Salaah: 2/779, 280 ] this is why He ( sallelaho alaihi wa alaihi )! From him as Istishhaad [ Siyar Alaam al-Nabula: 53 ], 22 on. Hadeeth, the criticizm of the Prophet of Allaah Al-Mustadrak [ 1/297 and placing hands on chest in salah hadith ) alaihi )... In Al-Mustadrak [ 1/297 and others updates, all Rights Reserved for Islam Q & 1997-2023...: 4/279 ] is proven from both Shubah and Sufyaan that they may attain guidance first need to know the! Will become clear, if Allaah wills answer to placing hands on chest in salah hadith question, we first to! Bin Muawiyah ( 436 ), likewise Noor al-Anwaar placing hands on chest in salah hadith p.150 ) also mentions the same hazihi Ala sadrihi. 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Muttaqan, Haafidh Imam qiyaam before ruku & # x27 ; and after He has graded the of! Ibn Qudaamah Al-Mundhiri = He is Mudtarib ul-Hadeeth [ Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: 4/41, Saheeh.
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