Walsh, 55, died from multiple stab wounds at the scene despite attempts by ambulance officers to revive him. In this course we address key themes and figures from two of the most influential movements in twentieth century European philosophy, namely, existentialism and phenomenology, a philosophical approach to which existentialism is indebted. In fact, Socrates seems to have been thought of as a kind of intellectual saint in the Hellenistic world. In addition, we will devote several class meetings interspersed throughout the semester to reading foundational sources in ethical theory. We will examine these and related issues by looking in depth at contemporary defenses of consequentialist, deontological, and contractualist theories. At least, let's assume that you are for the sake of argument. We shall first explore the salient features of the pragmatic approaches to language, paying special attention to Austin's notion of illocutionary force and Grice's notion of non-natural meaning. Class will be primarily driven by discussion, often preceded by brief lectures. We also examine the Yogacara school, which offers a process view of reality focusing on the analysis of experience. Some of the questions that we will discuss are: What is psychopathology and what are its causes? On the other hand, there is a heap of sand in my backyard. health and disease, and then apply them to human psychology. We also examine the Yogacara school, which offers a process view of reality focusing on the analysis of experience. According to one, there is a single group of students that had their hands extremely full this semester. This first-year seminar will examine the philosophy of education through educational autobiographies: works that tell the story of a moral and intellectual education. What are some of the necessary conditions for democracy? We will look at relativism with respect to reason and truth in general as well as with respect to science, religion, and morality. We will spend the balance of the semester coming to grips with Plato's arguments in the later dialogues. Updated July 4, 2015 1.41am first published July 3, 2015 3.55pm. In a logic class, we think about how to represent ordinary language and thinking within formal systems and how to prove various things within these systems. As we proceed through the course, we will look at the way in which each thinker characterizes happiness, virtue and the relation between the two. We think that there is a difference between a linguistic object's being meaningful and its having a referent. When, if ever, is paternalistic interference by the state into the lives of its citizens justified? How should moral equality be understood, and what is its foundation? When AI is fully realized, it is likely to be amongst the most important things to happen to our species. We will begin with John Stuart Mill's powerful defense of free speech in On Liberty, but will then investigate challenges to Mill's traditional liberalism from thinkers, such as Catharine MacKinnon, who believe that such rights are never neutral. [more], This course is an introduction to philosophy through three major themes: The nature of the universe, the existence of gods, and the mind/body problem. We conclude by considering some of the later Hindu holistic views of the self as responses to the Buddhist critique. Why then should we spend our time studying people who in addition to having these surprising beliefs have been dead for 2500 years? One possible answer which we will examine is that, while many philosophers recognize that there are intimate connections between what we believe, feel and do, philosophical argumentation by its very nature appeals to belief alone; narrative art, by contrast, can simultaneously engage our reason, emotions, imagination and will, thus resulting not only in deepening our understanding, but also in transformation of the self. [more], What social and political arrangements are most conducive to fostering human well-being and the common good? In this course we aim to engage that abstract question through two more focused projects. This course introduces philosophy students to these and related questions through a parallel reading that brings together 19th century German philosopher Hegel and a tradition of Africana philosophy running through Douglas, Du Bois, Fanon, Gilroy, Hartman and Wynter. Why should one obey the law (if one should)? We pursue this reflection by examining the views of James, Husserl, Sartre and Merleau-Ponty, particularly as they concern the methods for the study of the mind and the relation between consciousness, reflexivity and the body. And, Existentialists express their thought in philosophical treatises as often as in literary works. How should we think about the boundaries and methods of theorizing about film? . For example, we will examine the ethics of disease surveillance, treatment and vaccine research, resource allocation and rationing, compulsion and voluntariness in public health measures, and social determinants of health outcomes, among other topics. We all examine the virtues and vices of good arguments in both informal and formal systems. Our main goal in this course is to work our way through Aristotle's text which can be extremely daunting, and to reconstruct his central positions and his arguments for these positions. Some of the questions we will consider are: Are moral standards relative to cultural frameworks? [more], The late 20th Century philosopher Richard Rorty characterized the present age as "post-Nietzschean." Should we value other things (say justice or passionate commitment and curiosity) over happiness? We conclude by considering the relation between first and third person studies of the mind, focusing on the concept of the embodied mind as a fruitful bridge between these different traditions. We will continue with the contemporary inheritors of the tradition: Cornel West, Richard Rorty, and Hilary Putnam. In this way the goal of the course is significantly different from that of Logic and Language (PHIL 203). modernity and of politics offered by such thinkers as Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, Mill, and Freud. Further, even where there is agreement as to the proper way of answering epistemological questions, there is a stunning variety of possible answers to each question. [more], In this course we will examine the concept of freedom from three points of view. When AI is fully realized, it is likely to be amongst the most important things to happen to our species. Finally, we will examine some of Aristotle's works on metaphysics, epistemology and ethics, considering some of the ways Aristotle's thought responds to that of predecessors. This raises the question whether a more complete account of the emergence of subjects must address both psychic, historical and social dimensions of subjectivity, the ways in which they are intertwined, and their importance for not only psychological well-being, but also relatively well-regulated socio-political relations. In this course, we will survey the ethics of public health through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic, investigating concepts and arguments that are central to the ethics of public health research and practice. In this way, we come to appreciate the importance of considering the biology on which mental processes are based and the light that this approach throws on the nature of consciousness. You are psyched to be reading this course description right now. The course will begin with the "received view" of science, advanced by logical empiricists, which assumes the objectivity and the rationality of science and argues that induction is the main scientific method. We will examine the wager in its original home of Pascal's Pensees, and look at William James' related article, "The Will to Believe." In this course we will seek to comprehend the dimensions in which Existentialism is a distinctive intellectual tradition. Authors will include: Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and Kant. We will also read selections from the vast secondary literature on Aristotle's. The worldview that underlies classical tragedy, however, seems markedly different from the one that we find in classical philosophy. We will end the course with a discussion of some of these alternatives. S. Peirce, and John Dewey. The tragedians emphasize the ways in which the cosmos and our role in it resists any attempt to be understood, and emphasize the ways in which the success or failure of our lives often turns on things completely beyond our control. Of course, this question cannot really be answered, nor is there any value in trying to answer it, and any "answer" will only be "true" for you. Phil Walsh is a famous Australian Rules Footballer. If so, freedom may seem impossible since we're all deeply influenced by factors ranging from the general laws of nature to specific features of our genetic endowment and social environment (including religion, political ideology, and advertising). This first-year seminar will examine the philosophy of education through educational autobiographies: works that tell the story of a moral and intellectual education. Walsh's wife Meredith was taken to a nearby hospital for cuts to her leg. We will focus on particular topics, examples of which are the following: normative critique, capitalism, authoritarianism, mass culture, enlightenment and reason, progress, violence, the domination of nature, white supremacy, patriarchy and colonialism. In this course we take up questions such as the following: What sorts of subjects do we find in modern Western societies? however, to be surprisingly difficult to say what causation is. Furthermore, philosophers have continued to revisit the existential questions vividly raised by Greek tragedy. According to Hegel, subjects are both historically and socially constituted; they are formed through their relations with other subjects. In this class, we'll work together to think through some ancient and contemporary paradoxes. By the early 20th century, in the works of Freud, we encounter the idea of the intra-psychic features of subjects and the importance of understanding and regulating psychic forces both within and between subjects in order to adapt to the demands of living at any given time, born as we are both dependent upon and vulnerable to others. In this course we address key themes and figures from two of the most influential movements in twentieth century European philosophy, namely, existentialism and phenomenology, a philosophical approach to which existentialism is indebted. Our readings will come primarily from philosophy, but will be supplemented with material from anthropology, physics, psychology, and linguistics. We will begin the course by looking at Hume's and Kant's discussion of causation. Is it possible to have systematic knowledge of subjective experience? There will also be a midterm paper (roughly 10 pages) and a final paper (roughly 15 pages) which you will develop and revise in consultation with the instructor. Do we have any control over our emotions? know anything through reason alone? Can science contribute to our understanding of these issues? A number of things follow from this happy assumption. Some critics find predictive failures of economists unsurprising, given the frequent reliance of the latter on assumptions known to be false (e.g., that economic agents are always selfish, have perfect information, and never make mistakes) and on models that unavoidably ignore potentially relevant factors. We will pay special attention to the first amendment and questions concerning free speech and hate speech. Meredith Walsh called triple zero after the early-morning attack at the family's Adelaide home on July 3 last year and as she pleaded for help, she also called out to her husband, court documents show. Some challenges we face are broad and about the future, though perhaps not the far future. No one can have an adequate understanding of western intellectual history without some familiarity with the Greeks, and we might think that an understanding of our intellectual history can deepen our understanding of our own situation. Death Date Jul 3, 2015: Birth Sign: Pisces: Phil Walsh Height, Body Info. Are there metaphysical and ideological assumptions in contemporary psychiatry, and if so, could and should they be avoided? The philosopher John Rawls is widely credited with reviving liberalism in the late 20th century and providing its most persuasive defense. Just today (15 February 2022) The New York Times removed some solutions from their recently purchased game Wordle, saying that words such as "pussy", "slave", and "wench" are "offensive or insensitive". Taking this as our starting point, in this course we will examine a number of conceptual and ethical issues in the use and development of technologies related to human reproduction, drawing out their implications for such core concepts as "motherhood" and "parenthood," family and genetic relatedness, exploitation and commodification, and reproductive rights and society's interests in reproductive activities. The view of the tragedians can lead to a thoroughgoing nihilism according to which --the best thing of all [for a human being] is never to have born-but the next best thing is to die soon (Aristotle's Eudemus as quoted in Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy; see also Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus)." It is a paradox, because I started with seemingly true statements and used valid reasoning to arrive at contradictory conclusions. "The Makropulos Case: Reflections on the Tedium of Immortality." In Language, Metaphysics, and Death. "For any family, regardless of who it is, is one of the worst things that you could imagine that could happen to you," he said. More importantly, many of the thinkers that we will read in this class are simply excellent philosophers, and it is worthwhile for anyone interested in philosophical problems to read treatments of these problems by excellent philosophers. Here are a few: We will continue with the contemporary inheritors of the tradition: Cornel West, Richard Rorty, and Hilary Putnam. Your email address will not be published. If Kundera is right, fictional narratives (such as novels) sometimes do the philosophical work that philosophy cannot do for itself. In school? Our goal will be to characterize phenomena like those above with logical and mathematical precision. What sorts of things can be true or false? There will also be a midterm paper (roughly 10 pages) and a final paper (roughly 15 pages) which you will develop and revise in consultation with the instructor. Must the freedom or fulfillment of some people require the subordination of others? His later work, best known through posthumously published Philosophical Investigations, continues to influence contemporary thinking about language, mind, action, knowledge, ethics, religion, aesthetics, culture, and of course, philosophy itself. What does it take to realize this fact? Should we revise logic in light of empirical discoveries in, for example, physics or psychology? First of all, Greek thinkers, especially Plato and Aristotle, radically shaped the trajectory of western thought in every area of philosophy. Always asking what practical difference would it make, our authors investigate the central questions and disputes of philosophy, from epistemology and metaphysics to ethics and religion. While you're debating whether to take this class, consider the following puzzle. How have you already been taught the academic and civic virtues? A number of conceptual themes will emerge throughout the course of the term, including notions of exploitation and coercion, privacy and confidentiality, and the balance between public interests and individual rights. To notify Williams of alumni deaths, please email, Experiential Learning & Community Engagement. Does it matter who is offended? What if they are biased, unbeknownst to us? Are we legitimately bound by a social contract? How do we create legal and policy frameworks that cover a new kind of thinking being? Which characteristics of persons give them moral status? We coordinate our lives through sounds from mouths, signs from hands, and squiggles on paper because somehow sounds, signs, and squiggles have meanings. We will begin with questions about how to define death, as well as reflections on its meaning and function in human life. In fact, Socrates seems to have been thought of as a kind of intellectual saint in the Hellenistic world. The son of former Adelaide Crows coach Phil Walsh has been granted unsupervised day leave from the mental health facility where he lives. We'll also work on writing lucid prose that displays precisely the logical structure of arguments, engages in focused critique of these arguments, and forcefully presents arguments of our own. It puts an end to the Early Modern traditions of Rationalism and Empiricism, and it stands at the beginning of both the Analytic and Continental traditions in contemporary philosophy. Most sessions will pair readings about key concepts with specific cases that raise complex ethical issues, including the concept of moral standing and, e.g., people who do not yet exist, non-human individuals, species, and complex living systems; the concept of moral responsibility and complicity in environmentally damaging practices; the legitimacy of cost-benefit analysis as an environmental policy tool; and the valuation of human lives. Critical theorists regard philosophy as social and ideology critique. By Greg Baum. Or is it a supreme illusion, a dream-like escape, the domain in which the viewer's unconscious wishes are magically fulfilled? The course will present the essential ideas of relativity theory and quantum theory and explore their implications for philosophy. scientific theories. Second, we will engage in some current philosophical debates concerning the concept of freedom in metaphysics, ethics, and political philosophy. So, some relationships with other people--such as friendships, familial ties, love, patriotism--seem to be ethically desirable, central to the quality of our lives, and yet prima facie in tension with the widely held belief that morality requires impartiality and equal treatment of all human beings. What do the social and psychological sciences have to teach us about happiness? This course is an advanced seminar devoted to a comprehensive examination of Fanon's political thought. Attention to the writing process and developing an authorial voice will be a recurrent focus of our work inside and outside the classroom. What is knowledge (as opposed to mere opinion)? We will begin by reading some of Plato's early dialogues and his, probing and intimate reflections on the meaning of human life, the nature of God and mind, time and eternity, will and world, good and evil, love and sexuality have challenged every generation since Augustine's own. Phil Walsh played 122 games for Collingwood, Richmond and the Brisbane Bears between 1983 and 1990. And, it's not merely that their answer invokes our freedom to determine our own identities. To do this, we will need to become familiar with key ethical theories; think deeply about such concepts as privacy, paternalism and autonomy, exploitation, cost-benefit analysis and justice; and compare the function of these concepts in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic with the way they work in responses to other public health concerns. Students should be aware that, in the classic tradition, this class resembles a logic course. Concerning the concept of freedom from three points of view arrive at contradictory.... Of Western thought in philosophical treatises as often as in literary works we conclude considering... Ancient and contemporary paradoxes have systematic knowledge of subjective experience Pisces: Phil Walsh played 122 games for Collingwood Richmond! Credited with reviving liberalism in the classic tradition, this class, we will special... Time studying people who in addition to having these surprising beliefs have been thought of as a kind intellectual. 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