Please download the PDF file. Permanent full-time and part-time employees earn annual vacation leave. 3 renewal credits that align with the expectations of the North Carolina School Executive Standards 2, 4, and 5, focused on the school executives role as instructional, human resources, and managerial leader. You are eligible if you are a single working parent, you have a working spouse, your spouse is a full-time student for at least five months during the plan year while you are working (refer to the IRS earned income limits for specific contribution levels), or your child, spouse or dependent parent is disabled and unable to provide for his or her own care. Step-By-Step Pay Equity Analysis Guide Product Guide By clicking Download Product Guide, Do you know what your employees really want for the holidays? Use our tool to get a personalized report on your market worth. Pay, Whether you are hiring a single employee , or an entire department of, The labor market is a strange place right now. 3 s e d 19, 2020 s: . 3^p24{S^QvE@_smYV 2aqQvH(EvMH[2"t0HS&4Iv The plan offers three Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans. This is to ensure that a substitute, if needed, can be secured. Persons leaving public school employment may elect to leave their contributions in the Retirement System. A North Carolina Standard Professional 2 (SP2) license is valid for a period of five years and must be renewed each five-year cycle. These retirement benefits not only help recruit and retain a strong public workforce in Mississippi, they help stimulate local economies in every county in the state and help reduce the need for social assistance. Jackson County Public Schools Human Resources Wes Bishop, Director of Human Resources Applications Certified Application Classified Application Volunteer Application DPP-156 Certification Forms CA-2--Certificate renewal/duplicate request (Completed form submitted to Mr. Bishop) CA-1 (rank change) Certification Inquiry Salary Schedule Due 10:00AM CST November 17, 2022, Online Registration for Students New to the District, Focus Parent Portal Registration/Password Reset. Covers expenses for your and/or your tax dependents; including adult children, through the end of the calendar year in which they turn 26. 20. stream WV K-12 Education Job-Bank Title Director of Attendance. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 396 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Vacation leave may be transferred to a state agency if that agency is willing to accept it. Jackson County School District Page 3 of 5 Descriptor Term: GGBB Supplement Scale ISSUE DATE: 09-15-2008 REVISED DATE : 04-19-2021 . We take a deep dive into what's impacting employee retention and what employees are looking for in their new role. [1LL:vl-u)&C YVv0eFEFe&1 d-3Z$o]'{gG;fQiTEtTIMau1]kq+B`fd/9fEi7z&Km\zvX[T % Jackson County Education Foundation Invites You To Shining with Shamrocks Glow Run 5K. 1935 If you need a substitute, you can assign one at the time of the absence OR you can let ESS find a substitute. The new North Carolina School Jobs online application system, powered by TalentEd, provides an innovative way to streamline the hiring process. 22 JCSS students qualify for state technology competition JCSS Proposes New School Times For 2023-24 School Year BOE Approves 2023-24 School Calendar JCSS Announces Ledford-Lyle as Principal of Legacy Knoll Middle RSS District Features more Laughman Finds Home at EJCHS Bringing An Educational Vision to Life "You Can Make a Difference" Thank you for your patience in this upgrade to our hiring procedures. 1958, PRIOR to 7:00 AM on the day of the absence, Personal illness, injury, or other temporary disability, Illness in the employees immediate family that necessitates the employees attendance. Webmaster (Alternative School) $500.00 Speech & Debate Sponsor (1 per High School) $500.00 Copyright 2023 Jackson County Schools. 1958, HR/Finance Administrative Assistant endobj ! General MDE Related Information: 601-359-3513, Mississippi Public School District Listing, Mississippi State Board of Education Policy Manual, Literacy Professional Development and Resources, Financial Exchange Transaction System (FETS) Information, 2022-23 Administrator Calendar Dates to Remember, What Every Instructional Leader Needs to Know, September 2022, Request for Applications, Qualifications, and Proposals. Address. Permanent full-time and part-time employees who are working, or are on paid leave for one-half or more of the workdays in a monthly pay period, earn sick leave at the rate of one day per month. Jefferson City Schools . Please use Timekeeper to find pay stubs, W2's, and leave balances. Find your market worth with a report tailored to you, No results found. Applicants will experience an enhanced, user friendly system when applying for positions. County Jackson. l Y Please visit the Retirement Systems website for more information. Jackson County School District average salary is 21 percent lower than USA average and median salary is 6 percent lower than USA median. JCSS Identity & Branding [--Currently Hidden--], Rising 6th Grade/Middle School Information, 2022-23 Course Sequence (Current 8th 12th Graders), 2023-24 Course Sequence (Rising 8th Graders), JCSS Announces Principal Hires at EJMS, SJES, JCSS Shows Support for GSES' Coach Backer, 22 JCSS students qualify for state technology competition, JCSS Proposes New School Times For 2023-24 School Year, JCSS Announces Ledford-Lyle as Principal of Legacy Knoll Middle, Subscribe to RSS Feed - District Latest News, Subscribe to RSS Feed - District Features, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Sick leave may be granted for the following: Sick leave may be accumulated indefinitely and is transferable among local school systems, and may be transferred to a state agency, community college or technical institute if the receiving agency is willing to accept the leave. Resources are offered at no cost in the following areas: Additional information is available atoneamerica.comor select the link below to view the Employee Assistance Program flyer. 4 0 obj If the school district receives an overall rating of "B" as determined by the MDE for the previous year a performance based pay of $300.00 will be added to the compensation of all certified employees. Family coverage is available at the employee's expense. School Administrative Salary Schedule 2022-23 Amended 112222; 2022-2023 Instructional. Jackson County Public Schools offers all eligible employees a comprehensive Flexible Benefits Program. Jackson Public School District offers Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services throughMarion Counseling Servicesat no cost to the employee. To be issued a Professional Educator's Initial License, an individual must have: Professional Educator's Continuing Licenses are intended for teachers with three or more years of teaching experience, and are valid for five years. Additionally, wellness programs, employee assistance programs, voluntary retirement savings plans, and more, are available. The process for submitting applications to Jackson County School District has changed. 5p,4}6;!WO6x4'DT'wfXa$IMaT~oJe.m>N&:g?ls5 c!c]GqqAnI]"rpep;=?v @G$=9Nwy27+> |}zqwuh~Zqq6.~Gmx47!XCl?ZK)!mU>KY}BB]H*L8kO;x,z/#9gWzKx}2Pn#V=,7V!(H^8v^i@RmjW{u|uC^39S2jW*g#W;jHRU^Ejczt $EW^< QQUY)B{uUH$)^(UG;#IqW(d RUBh zopT*vbjX}#0EjoLT@RqTMj4T\Vm4]l@O[X:EQO=Mli'Ua(2x;9b'8d5UUZFTLGunmfC`4gE Lyu+%8V(fR@KX\RJO{Oo4=qr={ExKM%Z0YkXb:tP*,md;k k45,JI2ghO^B)jvc42Q0'upg3,,#1wF>p?]"C3jWTQn]!> Praxis II Testing - for middle grades (6-9), secondary (9-12), and K-12 (including Exceptional Children: General Curriculum) license areas. Or contact Rachel Nicholson with the specifics of your absence. %%EOF r98Jm%tR:HS7.b}R:H[H~[ M>RcOYL d0=ntpnO-H yEfTt"mWtk tA.GyH=H n$,b}R:HfAst$tpn&V #\~>*5Li0Kp"&tjOMQH,-3?E(XG~f/9. North Jackson Elementary currently has students that represent 19 different countries and there are 20 different languages in addition to English that are currently spoken at the school. ESS manages the substitute teacher program for Jackson County Public Schools. classified pay scale 5-7 extended days & extra service pay 8 coaching extra service pay / pay schedules 9-10 miscellaneous pay schedules 11-12 . Pearson Testing for North Carolina: Foundations of Reading and General Curriculum - for Elementary Education and Exceptional Children: General Curriculum licenses only. eol[eyoj6LKVzVqv]K~C1fmw[=/+~^6{_Epo=_Fg5oUMKh v*g>>Oq}b9j85w0K*Y?U Kentucky Retirement System. Number of employees at Jackson County School District in year 2020 was 131. O6. Search . Employee Change of Personal Information Form, NC Public Schools Benefits & Employment Policy Manual. She has predominantly taught high school seniors for 10 years. In an effort to attract licensed employees to Jackson Public School District in hard-to-staff areas and core subject areas while advancing the District's vision, mission, and goals, JPS offers qualified new hires a monetary incentive to teach in critical need and hard-to-staff areas. Graceville 5th Grade visits West Florida Electric, Building a Better Community One Student at a Time. New research shows that each woman experiences the disparity of gender pay gap in different ways, depending on her position, age, race and education. What your skills are worth in the job market is constantly changing. School Info. Growing up, she did not learn English until she was in elementary school and got into an English as a Second Language (ESL) program. Certified teachers and instructional support in permanent positions, who requirea substitute will earn two days of personal leave over the 10-month school term. PPO plans offer the freedom of choice among in-network providers, lower out-of-pocket costs and a strong emphasis on preventive health. Instr. Y$[ogr" oA^Yvn&PT,3ELs,GmQb2s^V(j-u3gzoGOtEmpQe^i>_, RLkMBqZOciGXM7^slVeP+~F{6|CQm}Y%EQgtX9GLjQ|u+:ydEmp"DbB'ykWEmp"EJtk} y( Two of the plans, the Consumer-Directed Health Plan (CDHP) and the Enhanced 80/20 Plan, offer financial incentives for taking steps to improve your health. Find Jackson County School System Salaries by Job Title. Salary Schedule. The purpose of the Jackson County School District is to prepare all students for success as educated and caring citizens by inspiring and building good character and a passion for lifelong learning. The District also participates in the Public Employee Retirement System of Mississippi (PERS). Support Serv. Welcome to Jackson County Schools: We are looking for dedicated professional educators to join us as we seek to foster student success through leadership, performance, and character! Bus Routes Calendar Canvas Documents Employment WVEIS 2.0 . For our retirees, the plan offers five health plan options. 2903 Jefferson Street, Marianna, FL 32446. Connect With Us An employee is vested after eight years of service if they entered covered service on or after July 1, 2007, and four years if they entered covered service before July 1, 2007. Once submitted, the information will be forwarded to the Human Resources Coordinator, Payroll Specialist, Benefit Specialist, and Technology Department. 8lHPTUTn+eESL6;U\HQH,dUiUb:4+gv-%-Kf]i!a R sn[.VO]lUqe^a^z4y;w x_:owS}}E)kB^gqa=MPv^pb"1GzK^%/Cv.NKnyKV9b!GZ){S/Z;9 WkqbatG0#eQ"Vn&O Wk`Y;=Q^5kB*A Number of employees at Jackson County School District in year 2021 was 1,372. To change or correct employee personal information, select the link below and complete the form. Statement of Reimbursed Expenses. The Jackson Public School District is committed to the health and well-being of employees and their family members. When the maximum is reached, additional overtime work must be paid. Non-Certified Salary Schedule - School Food Services Exposure to Excellence Promotes Excellence. @HjeT3| [(SS),E!Gz+lIGQeHFg|6[fI8(rG9(ZUUJcvP$)2v \R$TFTTis[Ru1Fu rEP=MLw_Hv#D:4)vzsoDU]tNHca4YMa 7U1,B|TK _:-"zON8'2R,B5+^KlEQ U Z 9J88ZU iq"z;[Ou\J_d 9*dT{V^:RAb"aE1bM8zu: During the 2018-19 fiscal year the district reimbursed expenses to employees totaling $21,507. Jefferson, GA 30549. . Center for Early Learning; Jefferson Elementary School; Jefferson Academy; . Access the new NCDPI Online Licensure System to print a copy of your license free of charge. Compensatory time may be accumulated to a maximum of 240 hours. Avg Contracted Salaries - Prin 20. Box 771 Jackson, MS 39205-0771 3 renewal credits in their academic subject areas (aligned to Standard 3 or 4), 3 renewal credits addressing literacy as defined in North Carolina General Statute, 2 general credits (not to include years of experience), 3 renewal credits in their academic subject areas, (aligned to Standard 3 or 4), 5 general credits (not to include years of experience). Fax: (606) 287-8469. 3331 Hwy 421 S McKee, KY 40447. XczLWtk 9btZ1 i^nkMp0YLHr3m9ExEfE1nQQz An:t "tk);([Gc@Z+-1/b"2u^Jdn:#{w In?j)OJ"EHh;Q-`e+'\=,pjT d?2PM)aY:LsOlQE[D(8`,Ozx=C(-jCXB+3(LW7$J@BE>u(,dI6G*!j` $n6%A6XS^BlooC Comments (-1) . 2022-2023 Salary Schedule. Employee contributions are paid with pretax dollars, thereby reducing current state and federal income taxes. . 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Each issue contains information for parents and caregivers of children in Exceptional Student Education (ESE) programs. 345 Storey Lane . =(TZ%+IBKXW| Fax: (606) 287-8469. JPS Employees contribute 9% of all gross earnings. 2903 Jefferson Street, Marianna, FL 32446, Invitation to Bid--Hope School HVAC Renovations, 2020-2021 Parent Engagement and Family Plans, 2022-2023 First Semester Out of Field Teachers, 2022-2023 Psychoeducational Assessment and Reporting Services, Health and Safety Guide for Students, Employees, and Transportation, 2020-21 Jackson's Optional Innovative Plan Template, Jackson County 2022-2023 Winter Extra Special Edition, Press Release--Special School Board Meeting January 30, 2023 at 7:00 AM, Updated Press Release Special Joint Workshop, December 13, 2022, Press Release--District Support Employees Ratify Contract, Parent Letter concerning the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST), Posted October 19, 2022: JCSB is accepting Bids for Walk-in Coolers and Freezers for four schools. 2022-2023 Salary Schedule. Home. Child Nutrition 20. (828) 586-2311 ext. Why do people leave their jobs? The NC Department of State Treasurer administers the NC 401(k) and NC 457 Plans, which are provided by Prudential Retirement. JCSS Career Fair Saturday, March 4th 9:00 -11:00 AM Jackson County Public Schools launched a new application system in 2022. Marion Counseling Services, PLLC is certified by the Department of Mental Health. Jackson County School District average salary is 6 percent higher than USA average and median salary is 9 percent higher . Reimburses eligible day care expenses for your: dependents on your federal tax return who are incapable of self-care. Timekeeper can also be used to review timesheets, change tax withholdings, and update your address and phone number. Online Registration for Head Start, Early Head Start, and VPK begins Monday, February 27, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. Long-Term Substitute Teacher Organizational Plan : Retirement. Eligible part-time permanent employees earn leave equal to their percentage of full-time employment. All claims for benefits must be filed with theMississippi Department of Employment Security. 601-359-3294. pCV 'PyIiQo2 YB39:W dKRB"#iQ"YNGgs*P{IjgQu}(c_dkIPf"&t`Gn? (bb?&x 7j.4{P=)5Fyz*+U-RLk(c (bc>UrPU .7+f1GBqx=5(^7"Pm:PT,3YL2] P|{ woj@Q,4E1nMjn[Y,(`tkbE1G:Tc7WE@I;>NE1nMcP+EmPne(`#l>ZRT@qu&C bv6(fm9mjg1 7.c}"8[=Pu[B @]L;B(tc>uil2UnpQv2}qQ&U"iP+/iPFlUmZRT@U$CtdqmYV@AF%Yd. April BOE Meeting (Empower), 1660 Winder Highway Jackson County Schools Pay Schedules Applications All applications are submitted to: The Jackson County Schools Personnel Office Phone: (304) 372 - 7304 Fax: (304) 372-7312 Applications for Certification in West Virginia Downloadable Forms from the WVDE 1374 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 1354 0 obj <. Board Meeting Dates for 2022-2023 School Year, Assistant Superintendent Personnel/Instruction, Assistant Superintendent Non-Instructional Services, Professional Learning Day Schedule - December 22, 2022, 23-24 Pre-School Application (Online Submission), Time 4 American Sign Language (Facebook Page), FDA alerts of EpiPen auto-injector errors related to device malfunctions, Service Personnel Monthly Pay Scale 22-23, Substitute Teachers' Salary Schedule 22-23. New research on who's asking for raises and who's getting them as well as advice on how to ensure you're getting the salary you deserve. Comments (-1) Job Descriptions. Other health benefit plans offered include: The Public Employees Retirement System of Mississippi (PERS) proudly serves the state of Mississippi by providing retirement benefits for individuals working in state government, public schools, universities, community colleges, municipalities, counties, the Legislature, highway patrol, and other such public entities. Frontline is our absence and substitute management system that all leave-earning employees MUST utilize to enter their leave requests. From compensation planning to variable pay to pay equity analysis, we surveyed 4,900+ organizations on how they manage compensation. Applicants will also need to complete a bus application by selecting the North Carolina School Jobs Application System link at the top of this page. Valentins parents moved to Miami, Fla. from Cuba before she was born. Jackson County Public Schools is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer with approximately 600 employees. (828) 586-2311 ext. Marion Counseling Services, PLLC is certified by the Department of Mental Health. Phone: 850-482-1200 Fax: 850-482-1299 District Safety Hotline: 850-482-1217. You may enter absences, check your absence schedule, and set-up your preferred substitute teacher list. 1929. Jefferson, GA. 30549 USA. Size: 616 KB. Covered expenses are for you and/or your tax dependents; including adult children through age 26: A Dependent Day Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA) can be used to reimburse daycare services provided to your children under age 13, as well as for an incapacitated child, parent or spouse. You may access the system to enter absences via website, the automated call center, or contacting Rachel Nicholson. Jackson County School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Educator who fully and actively supports Equal Access for all people regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. Name: Service Personnel Monthly Pay Scale 22-23 Type: pdf. Salary Schedule 2022-2023; . Retirees may also choose the Traditional 70/30 Plan, which is the same plan available to active members. The Office of Human Resource's compensation web pageprovides links to the 2023 pay tables. Innovation. Jackson Public Schools offers our employees a variety of benefits. It is the responsibility of each licensed employee to maintain his/her license in a current status to be eligible for employment. In case of death, the employees estate will receive payment for any accumulated vacation leave up to 30 days. Avg Contracted Salaries - CSBOs 20. endobj Payroll - Finance - Jackson County School Board Payroll Employee Direct Deposit Form It appears you don't have a PDF plugin for this browser. Teachers who are fully licensed in another state who have three or more years of teaching experience AND who meet NC State Board of Education approved licensure exam requirements OR have National Board Certification are issued the Professional Educator's Continuing License. Marion Counseling Services, PLLC., provides short- and long-term therapy, case management, psychological evaluations, and psychiatric services, that are professional, confidential and affordable to clients who are experiencing emotional and mental difficulties. 2021-2022 . Payroll Specialist Mississippi Department of Education State regulations and policies established by local school systems govern when vacation leave may be taken. Currently employees contribute 6% of their monthly salaries, and employers currently contribute a percentage of employees salaries to the Retirement System. (828) 586-2311 ext. Current employees interested in coaching should contact the schools athletic director or principal. 1660 Winder Highway. Phone: (606) 287-7181. New research shows how to set pay for remote employees. Professional Educator's Initial Licenses are intended for teachers with 0-2 years of teaching experience, and are valid for three years. To establish a complete pre-employment file, please complete the online application. All claims for benefits must be filed with the, Jackson Public School District offers Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services through. 1 0 obj To apply for career opportunities, select the NC School Jobs Application Systemlink at the top of this page. Now serving as a teacher at the most diverse school in Jackson County, Valentin shares a special bond with the students and school. Salary Schedule 2022-2023. Footer Logo. endobj 662 S. President Street, Jackson, MS 39201662 S. President Street, Jackson, MS 39201. Allocations - School Financial Services. Accurate, reliable salary and compensation comparisons for United . <>/Metadata 1842 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1843 0 R>> hb```>.kAd`0pp`8,Ta{Y!B62p40t0t i$e@4b~-SS9vU^dcba`=={|LAu#f"f") #8 3331 Hwy 421 S McKee, KY 40447. Jackson-Madison County School System Academics Operations Communications Office of the Superintendent Employee Info and Forms Welcome Forms Library Employee Only Incentives Technology Quick Reference At Jackson-Madison County Schools, we know our people are our greatest asset! Learn more about compensation benefits at Newport News Public Schools. Services Accounting Manual for School Districts. Indirect Cost. GGBC ISSUE DATE:06 -19 2017 . Long-Term Substitute Teacher Organizational Plan : Retirement. Salary Scale Teacher . For more information, contact, Re-Engaging in Education for All to Progress, Public Employee Retirement System of Mississippi, Mississippi Department of Employment Security, 662 S. President Street, Jackson, MS 39201, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated), Science (5th Grade, 5th grade, Biology I), Early Childhood Education (Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten), English as a Second Language (ESL) (Grades K-12), Bereavement Leave (maximum of 5 days for immediate family members), Holidays (minimum of 9 days based on position). Jackson Alternative School Graduation Time: 10 AM May 22 Adult Education Graduation Time: 6 PM May 22 Sneads High School Graduation Time: 8 PM May 23 Graceville School Graduation Time: 6 PM May 23 Cottondale High School Graduation Time: 8 PM May 25 Hope School Graduation Time: 10 AM May 25 Malone School Graduation Time: 6 PM Show All Events Educator Licensure Related Information: 601-359-3483 . This includes reimbursement to itinerant staff for mileage driven during their work day visiting different schools and different districts within Jackson county. A shift towards, Handling involuntary termination is a likely occurrence for human resources managers and, Return better results with Payscale job search, Compare real living costs across different states, Consider potential directions your career can take, Calculate the 20-year net ROI for US-based colleges, Are you the kind of person who struggles to get a handle, Learn where the best career earners attended college, The highest reported salary for an employee at Jackson County School District is currently $NaN / hour, Streamlined solutions for every step of the compensation management journey, Continuously updated compensation datasets from Payscale and our partners, Flexible, customizable services and support for Payscale customers, End comp guesswork with our free job-pricing tool, From collection to validation, our data methodology delivers certainty, Meet the leaders dedicated to empowering better conversations around pay, Track and compare wage-growth by city, industry, company size, and job category, Access helpful tools and insights for career planning and salary negotiation, Explore real-world career trends and advice from the leaders in compensation, Uncover detailed salary data for specific jobs, employers, schools, and more, Take our salary survey to see what you should be earning. 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Employees interested in coaching should contact the Schools athletic Director or principal established! In 2022 employee 's expense Retirement Systems website for more information of choice in-network. ; Jefferson Academy ; pay Scale 22-23 Type: pdf 6 % of all earnings. Local School Systems govern when vacation leave may be accumulated to a of. To find pay stubs, W2 's, and Technology Department within Jackson County School District employee... Mileage driven during their work day visiting different Schools and different districts within County..., are available Schools is an equal employment Opportunity Employer with approximately 600 employees Monthly salaries, and are for. Once submitted, the information will be forwarded to the health and well-being of employees salaries to the and. Friendly System when applying for positions employee Retirement System earn leave equal to their percentage employees.
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