Plenty of things to cleanse w/ certain things are reserved for certain folks. Theres no question all things energetically cleansing are having a moment right now despite their roots in ancient history. So if youre looking for a cleansing ceremony, you might want to start by learning more about your own heritage. Because of all that complicated history of sage burning, when non-Native people use white sage to "smudge" their homes or other spaces, it infringes upon the Cedar Smudge vs. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. This is the tree often used for spiritual purposes. What grows there? Non-native peoples use of smudge products are often well-intentioned but this appropriation is still harmful and the exploitation of smudge is only a part of a larger issue. When honoring and enjoying palo santo in the western world, are we participating in a well-intentioned but disrespectful case of cultural appropriation instead of the appreciation we intend? I havent rly touched witchcraft in ages, but I think I remember hearing that its generally good as incense (even if only for the smell, irdk what other properties it might have). If you're not Indigenous and therefore hesitating to strike a match to cleanse the bad vibes out of your apartment, Palo Santo is traditionally burned by people of indigenous cultures in Latin America for a variety of reasons. Indeed, in Ecuador, people are beginning to use the tremendous profits from the wellness market to support sustainable harvesting practices where the tree thrives. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Watch popular content from the following creators: Knowledge is Power :)(@ameliesadvicee), animkii(@bushmuncher), Britt (@the.localhedgewitch), Priya (, Sophia Dylan(@thebluntesss), Knowledge is Power :)(@ameliesadvicee), Except, thats not the case. There is no wrong time. Practices of Santeria/Yoruba for example people cant just demand to use their roots because they feel entitled to do anything spiritual. For one, its not even indigenous to all of Latin America. It embodies long-standing rituals and cleansing energy. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Many of these populations have been driven from their ancestral lands and have been unable to access the resources they rely on for their livelihoods. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Tom Ford uses ScentTrekfi, a process using headspace technology that captures the scent of palo santo wood. Also, read: How Often Should You Sage your House? (Do the research yourself; dont burden othersparticularly Black, Indigenous, and people of color, if youre whitewith your self-education. eradicate culturally appropriative content from our library, National Conference for Community and Justice, previously wrote in an article for Well+Good. Always buy from a reputable retailer to make sure your palo santo is responsibly sourced. Firstly, there is the question of whether it is morally acceptable to sell a product that has been taken from its native region and is being sold for a much higher price than what the indigenous people receive for it. But you cant have this.. If it is, your smudging ritual may be contributing to the annihilation of a sacred tree. Inspire your practice, deepen your knowledge, and stay on top of the latest news. If you're not a member of an Indigenous community, purchasing white sage, Palo Santo, or other sacred herbs and quickly Googling how to smudge will not make you qualified to do so. Or Copal for that Matter because its a Latin American Rezin. Edit: Here's the website Turns out, Lorde is considering the environmental and cultural ramifications of these wellness trends. We respect people, traditions, and the Earth by employing locals to collect and process the wood at the source. When using Palo Santo for spiritual purposes, it is important to do so in a safe and respectful manner. White Sage. The flames are then gently blown out and the smoke, which heals the mind, heart and body, is wafted over the person, either by hand or with an eagle feather. Table of Contents. It also covers the overharvesting implications. One, known as Bulnesia sarmientoi, grows in Paraguay, Argentina, and Bolivia; this plant has indeed been placed on the Red List of Threatened Species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the leading organization dedicated to tracking global conservation of plants and animals. In short: keep doing your thing! Get access to more than 30 brands, premium video, exclusive content, events, mapping, and more. In this article: What is Sage? Palo santo is a traditional remedy for pain, inflammation, and stress. If youre non-indigenous, should you even be using palo santo as a spiritual aid? While its unlikely that all of these harvested trees were bound for the wellness and ritualistic markets, demand combined with illegal and unsustainable practices may result in Peruvian palo santo forests disappearing forever. All of my friends and I approach our smudging rituals slightly differently because like any self-care ritual, its personal. If something is calling to you or feels missing from your experience, feel free to adapt and adjust. I say do it when you feel your space needs it, adds meditation and mineral guide, Lauren Spencer King. Its also used to clear out negative energy. What kind of sage is not cultural appropriation? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Some say Palo Santo smells slightly like licorice, evoking a deep sense of nostalgia when inhaling its delicate scent. If youre not a member of an Indigenous community, purchasing white sage, Palo Santo, or other sacred herbs and quickly Googling how to smudge will not make you qualified to do so. The tree is becoming extinct.. What are examples of cultural appreciation? I know youre not used to hearing you cant have something. Palo santo is not endangered. I say do it. Its about power., Dr. Keene continues, The sale of Native spirituality is easily a million dollar industrynot even including all the culture vultures and white shamans who sell fake ceremony. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Holly Lumber is generally white in color with its sapwood being more white than the heartwood. (Kunth) Triana & Planch. Heres How, Craving an Intense Workout? If youre not a member of an Indigenous community, purchasing white sage, Palo Santo, or other sacred herbs and quickly Googling how to smudge will not make you qualified to do so. But if we are talking about the Palo Personally I gravitate most to the idea of intent being like, fundamental to ones practice, no matter how simple/complex. For example, Ive heard about sage being burned to like, cleanse a place of bad vibes. Alternatively use it as a simple call to action with a link to a product or a page. tree thousands of miles away was harvested? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Palo Santo means holy wood best known for its ability to add positivity to your space whereas sage removes negativity. Cultural appropriation has long been a source of contention between indigenous peoples and those who have colonized their lands. Many cultures around the globe have traditionally burned herbs, incense, or other materials as a spiritual ritual. Its not cultural appropriation. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. To quote Luger again, writing for Well+Good, When Native people express to you that they are hurt by the exploitation of their spiritual practices, please believe them. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". and used by the National Conference for Community and Justice in its materials, states: Taking intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts from someone else's culture without permission. While this is one of the many beautiful ways in which palo santo is used, it is not the only way. Similar to Sage and Cedar, Palo Santo is most widely used for spiritual purification and energy (house) cleansings. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. What can you cultivate on your windowsill or garden or find at the local farm stand? Our communities have seen so much pain. A Comprehensive Review. That was only 42 years ago. Is it OK to use Palo Santo? Ceremonial Benefits of Palo Santo . Wondering whether burning sage is cultural appropriation is a fair question long story short, burning sage is problematic for a few reasons, the biggest being cultural insensitivity and environmental unsustainability. She confirmed that palo santo forests have been devastated. Sustainably & Ethically Harvested Palo Santo Since 2008, Powered by Shopify The term "cultural appropriation" has been used to describe everything from makeup and hairstyles to tattoos, clothing and even food and wellness practices. We appreciate Italian and Japanese cultures by celebrating their contributions to our beautiful, confusing, eclectic, and interwoven global reality.So what about Palo Santo? Why did Twenty One Pilots change their logo? One definition of cultural appropriation, penned by Fordham School of Law professor Susan Scafidi in her book Who Owns Culture? This is cultural appropriation, and its harmful to Native communities. Wondering if you can burn sage yourself? Furthermore, there is the risk that the sale of Palo Santo in non-indigenous markets could lead to further exploitation of indigenous communities. When you reach a window or door, waft the smoke into all four corners, beginning at the bottom left and moving in a clockwise direction. White Sage and other smudge products (burning sweet grass, palo santo, etc. I dont really know how to describe it, because its just odd. Secondly, there is the issue of whether it is appropriate to market a product that has deep cultural and spiritual significance without acknowledging or giving credit to its source. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Palo Santo belongs to the woody fragrance family, and its smell is described as a subtle, sweet, and woody scent with hints of mint, citrus. The ritualistic burning of Palo Santo has been practiced for thousands of years. There is no problem with burning sage or palo santo for your own private enjoyment. Always buy from a reputable retailer to make sure your palo santo is responsibly sourced. Is it an appropriation of Italian culture to eat pizza? Like, whats done is done but it need not be in vain. Any tips? We as POC cannot demand to be equal and integrate if we are also going to horde our culture to ourselves, we cant have it both ways. So This all sounds great, right? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Hi, I'm Happy Sharer and I love sharing interesting and useful knowledge with others. It is also important to consider the ethical implications of selling Palo Santo in non-indigenous markets and the role of social media in popularizing the product. Palo Santo is derived from South America and is commonly used in purification rituals. The original practice of smudging has not only lost its intent, but it is starting to bring about devastation to the plants natural habitats. Many people use a feather or fan of feathers to waft the smoke during a smudging ceremony. The last thing we need is to be harassed for knowledge when it comes to the most sacred things that we hold dear.. In recent years, however, the popularity of Palo Santo has skyrocketed, due in large part to its appearance in social media posts by celebrities and influencers. What Your Sun Sign in Astrology Says About You. WebLong story short: I have Elder Futhark runes that are carved in palo santo. So if weve learned anything from sites like, its that culture and identity are much more fluid than we once thought. But just because its not on the watch list doesnt mean it isnt threatened. Its mostly in South America, so one could also say Mexicans and Central Americans cant With the wellness world latching onto their energy-clearing benefits, Palo Santo belongs to the woody fragrance family, and its smell is described as, When burned for more than 20-30 minutes, the scent of palo santo can become strong or even overwhelming. I love to play music and dance while I smudge. Youd think so: The scent of this bewitching, spicy, citrusy holy wood (a translation from the Spanish) is everywhere these daysinfused in candles; wafting from yoga studios; for sale at mystic shops, home stores, and Anthropologie. You can buy palo santo smudge sticks from Etsy and follow along on YouTube as a woman in yoga wear teaches viewers how to cleanse a room without burning the place down. Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. We currently have a library of 19,000 articles, and will be systematically combing through our older content to surface and revise or delete harmful content. Recently she traveled to northern Peru where palo santo grows and spoke with the farmers who cultivate it (possibly illegally). Find out what your own ancestors may have burned for cleansing, and use that. I want to thank all of the land stewards and spirits of the land. Therefore, it is important to assess the potential benefits and risks of using Palo Santo in spiritual practices. By listening to locals, honoring traditions, supporting communities, and giving credit and compensation at every turn, we can support a cultural exchange that truly is appreciation, not appropriation. First you start with a simple intention of focusing on clearing the negative energy out of your space and mind. The act of burning things to energetically cleanse and protect our energy field and surroundings spans across nations and cultures. WebMy supplier farms Palo Santo (which is actually fairly fast growing). The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". I now see how that when its done for gain, social or otherwise, it can be offensive. Thats my two cents, at least. Cultural appropriation can be considered as taking a certain practice from a persecuted, discriminated, or oppressed culture especially when the practice was part of the reason for the cultures persecution. Then, direct or push the energy out the window to get rid of it. It takes them an entire day to locate two fallen specimens. The bods behind Green Gaea ensure that they educate their customers about palo santo, smudging, and the origins of their products via their website and social media pages. Any insights on this would be greatly appreciated :). I want to acknowledge the first people of the land. Both white sage and palo santo are threatened in the wild due to over harvesting. Thats some bad juju, so I wanted to know: Are the rumors true? This has been on our minds here at Sacred Wood Essence a lot lately. Given how high the stakes are, how much do you trust an online source to give you the straight scoop on how that . This practice is called smudging a spiritual practice where you clear your energy fields using a piece of burning Palo Santo or a herb bundle, such as white sage. Ive got good feelings about this year! declared one Twitter user. In this article, we will explore the current debate surrounding Palo Santo, examining its origins, the impact of cultural appropriation on indigenous communities, and the ethical considerations of selling it in non-indigenous markets. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. ), When Native people express to you that they are hurt by the exploitation of their spiritual practices, please believe them." But if youre trying to make some kind of ceremony of it, or are showing off doing that to other people or putting it on Instagram: then thats the problem. On one hand, the sale of Palo Santo in non-indigenous markets has provided economic opportunities for indigenous communities. WebWhich sage is cultural appropriation? We must acknowledge historical wrongs and address their impacts on current systems. I want to state my intention of creating a home for myself here, living in reciprocity with the spirits that are present. For guidance, I turned to Brown University professor Adrienne Keene, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation and an expert on the topic. For centuries, she writes, Natives were forced to practice their customssuch as burning white sagein secret, until the passage of the American Indian Religious Freedom Act in 1978. Break Out Your Crayons, Yes, You Can Eat to Boost Your Energy. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. No, commercially packaged dried sage leaves do not spoil, but they will start to lose potency over time and not flavor food as intended the storage time shown is for best quality only. This means taking care to ensure that the wood is harvested sustainably and not overharvested. However, if you pretend to hold some sort of native smudging ceremonyWell, you know how that will be rightfully viewed. You can also spray Palo Santo spritzer on furniture and fabrics with similar effects. Holly features a irregular, very close grain an an even, very fine texture. What is the meaning of burning Palo Santo? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. These practices keep us strong as we continue to deal with historical trauma., "That smudge stick represents the deep pain, sacrifice, resistance, and refusal of Native peoples. In a 2018 essay published on her Native Appropriations bloga forum for discussing representations of Native peoplesshe penned a tremendously moving argument against non-indigenous use of smudging sticks. Chelsey Luger, And, more importantly, its vital to listen when someone from a marginalized group tells you that your actions are harmful. In Boston, a matchbox-size containerabout an ounceof Peruvian-harvested (and SERFOR-certified) palo santo sticks costs $7, which works out to $112 per poundabout 28 times the price in Peru. Is Palo Santo Cultural Appropriation? The Beach Is My Happy Placeand Here Are 3 Science-Backed Reasons It Should Be Yours, Too. This article examines the debate surrounding the cultural appropriation of Palo Santo, exploring its origins, impact on indigenous communities, and potential ethical Crypto Wallet Development: Types, Features, and Popularity, 5 Ways AI is Detecting and Preventing Identity Fraud. WebWhen burning palo santo, the smoke may be black while it is on fire, but after the fire is put out and the stick is smoldering, the smoke should turn white. Is Burning Sage Cultural Appropriation? I would say appropriation is when it is co-opted by (mostly) white people and are using it in a way that is insulting or inappropriate. See also6 Simple Ways to Clear Negative Energy. If we can eat pizza, share yerba mate, and learn karate without causing conflict, why cant we burn this sacred wood from the forests of Ecuador? Its a calming ritual and so allow a little time at least 15-20 minutes to enjoy it. Its holistic origins are rooted in Latin cultures. Its name in English translates as holy stick and its use has been We know that removing this particular article is just one step in the work that needs to be done to eradicate culturally appropriative content from our library, and we are committed to continuing our education on this topic and taking the necessary steps to ensure Well+Good is a safe space for all people, including members of Indigenous communities. Can non-native Americans smudge? Its hard to let go of something I grew up with, sure, but its harder to think that I am hurting a group of people. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Proudly powered by WordPress In the US, eagle and hawk feathers are illegal to possess unless you belong to certain native tribes. After many long conversations, members of my family (all Peruvian) have agreed that using palo santo as a spiritual cleanser in any place other than Peru is a bit odd, she told me. (Note: Is this article not meeting your expectations? Palo Santo is traditionally burned by people of indigenous cultures in Latin America for a variety of reasons. Palo Santo and Cultural Appropriation Grow Your Own Cleansing Herbs Since the time of the Incas, the fragrant palo santo tree has been harvested by shamans Is it okay to burn Palo Santo? He is one of only 3 government permitted Palo Santo Farms in Peru. Is it OK to use Palo Santo? And number two, it neutralizes the energy in the room. The sale of Native spirituality is easily a million-dollar industrynot even including all the culture vultures and white shamans who sell fake ceremony. Its best to think of it as sage CLEARS it out the bad and. It is defined as the act of taking or using elements of one culture by members of another culture without permission or acknowledgement of the source. Use this popup to embed a mailing list sign up form. Families frequently burn it to ward off biting insects. I'll edit the original post to include a link as well. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Each palo santo stick can be reused. There are a number of ways to do this, including buying from companies that source their wood sustainably and pay fair wages to indigenous producers. Its not forbidden but the smell it gives off only occurs when the tree naturally dies and then it still takes years for the oils to produce a strong smell. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. And yet its also important to avoid flattening the lives and experiences of local peoples into a single static image. Peruvian history is in many ways different from US history, so I returned once again to my Peruvian friend for guidance. The ritualistic burning of Palo Santo has been practiced for thousands of years. Only mature plants, around 5070 years of age, develop the hearta dense, deeply resined corenecessary for distillation into an essential oil. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Palo Santo Appropriation vs Appreciation When honoring and enjoying palo santo in the western world, are we participating in a well-intentioned but disrespectful case of cultural appropriation instead of the appreciation we intend? When burned for more than 20-30 minutes, the scent of palo santo can become strong or even overwhelming. To cleanse your house with Palo Santo, you can also use an oil diffuser or simply burn Palo Santo sticks on their own. So excited to be in a new year! The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. So for natives yall can respect sage but not Latinos ? But what is it and why are people burning it? I love the smell of incense (Nag Champa specifically) but now I'm getting worried that I shouldn't be burning it as a white person. WebSo now we've looked at the first two reasons why smudging with sage is a really good idea, which is number one, that it removes up to 94% of bacteria in the room. Do you have knowledge or insights to share? Aromatherapy uses botanicals to foster a sense of safety and protection. For the latest new videos, discounts, and more! 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Articles I