However, the smell can become strong or unpleasant. A fishy smell could also be due to sweat or Trichomoniasis, an STI. If your guy is gaslighting you by claiming you smell like a condom when it is really him, I'm sorry. When you have sex and then, a few hours or a day later when you do go down there again you get that unique smell?. (2022). A food processor can save you time in the kitchen by helping to chop, grate, slice, or puree your ingredients. Keep in mind that ACOG specifically says that sprays, deodorants, and douches are not recommended and may even make things worse, so steer clear of those. Hello, Lat night after sex my Partner of 5 years said i smelled like rubber or a condom, I have not used condoms in months and i am thinking read more. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. Is there any other possibility for it to smell that way? Finally, guys be weary of whom you date. These. I haven't heard of rubbery being one, but hey, I guess it could be. Elsevier; 2022. The best thing you can do is get proper treatment ASAP because the smell will go away along with the infection. I believe female condoms are also latex free. Discharge is a healthy part of vaginal health, but it can occasionally mean you're experiencing a health condition. Brown or red: Brown or red discharge is usually related to irregular menstruation or pregnancy (implantation bleeding). Semen and female orgasms both lower vaginal PH to encourage survival of your little swimmers. They include not douching (douching actually gets rid of the healthy bacteria that may help prevent infection) and using latex condoms properly each time you have penetrative vaginal intercourse, according to the OWH. Conditions that cause a strong vaginal odor might also cause other vaginal symptoms such as itching, burning, irritation or discharge. Let me start by saying that I have never hello doc! Bacterial vaginosis happens when theres an imbalance of bacteria normally in the vagina. Accessed Feb. 10, 2022. STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching. But many people experience a mysterious fishy vaginal smell at some point, prompting them to wonder why on earth their vagina smells like something other thana vagina. Again, having some kind of vaginal odor is normal. (2014). Pregnancy and olfaction: a review. The natural balance of bacteria in the vagina keeps it healthy, but if an imbalance occurs, it can cause problems. I have what to me sounds like a similar problem. I cant tell you how many tampons Ive taken out of patients, says Minkin. Accessed Feb. 10, 2022. Want some support? All rights reserved. In addition to a foul-smelling vaginal discharge, it can make your genitals itch and cause painful peeing, though many people experience no symptoms. Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious. Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Anyone with these symptoms who suspects they may have TSS should seek immediate medical attention. Mayo Clinic Staff. A yeast infection can result in thick, white discharge. Idk how they think of this stuff and like I said idk if really works, but its worth a try right. Those who correctly reported that they were smelling their partner's scent had lower cortisol reactivity to the stressor. Some people think their partner smells so good because of pheromones, which are chemicals that act like hormones outside of the body, influencing . Testing revealed bacterial contamination in some bottles of EzriCare Artificial Tears. We simply ask them, and then we accept their answer. Bacterial vaginosis: An update. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission Heres our process. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an infection resulting from an imbalance in the bacteria in the vagina. Pheromones: The Hidden Key To All Things Sexy? A strong and unpleasant smell, such as an onion smell, can signify infection or another health problem. If you notice any unusual discharge or have pain during sex or urination, see your doctor to rule out an STI. No shocker here: Its likely due to a yeast issue. Yeah, bacterial infections can cause a bad smell. Her definition of wellness includes lots of yoga, coffee, cats, meditation, self-help books, and kitchen experiments with mixed results. Also, there might be a probability that it could be an infection, or she may have forgotten her tampon. till i found the answer!!!! This content does not have an English version. 3 Things to Do When You Get Sick With COVIDAgain. Your liver is responsible for breaking down proteins. What causes white discharge before a period? But a fishy smell can also be a sign of trichomoniasis, the CDC says. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This will occur when a person uses certain hormonal contraceptives as well as during ovulation and pregnancy. A certain amount of vaginal odor is normal, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Bacterial vaginosis [Fact sheet]. (2017, February 16), Burriss, R. (2015, November 12). Urinary and Kidney Team. The vulva is close to the urethra and rectum, so cleaning properly after urinating or passing stool is also important. Can I Get STDs Through Casual Contact Like Hugging or Touching? No advertising or spamming is permitted. Practicing safe sex by using barrier protection, such as condoms, can help prevent an STI. Didn't find the answer you were looking for? privacy practices. How to Have a Sick Day When You Cant Actually Call Off Work. Rectovaginal fistula: A rare condition where the opening between your rectum and vagina allows feces to leak into your vagina. Youve got your fluids mixing with another persons fluids, and maybe some sweat too. But if the odor is strong and noticeable, its possible that you have an infection or other problem, ACOG says. This is not an STD. BTW: If the smell is musky but not overpowering, it could simply be due to hanging out in sweaty workout clothes too much, Dr. Dweck says. Ferri FF. ANSWER 0 Anonymous ANSWERS: 11 Fun2WinPrizes I do not think that anyone will be able to tell you for sure if she has cheated on your or not. in International Relations and Marketing from The College of William & Mary (which she doesn't use at all now) and an M.A. I ask him for lick vagina. Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT. Yeah, weve seen those scented tampons ads too. A doctor should be able to suggest ways to prevent reinfection in the future. People who douche are also at an increased risk of developing B.V. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed Feb. 10, 2022. The eccrine glands produce sweat to cool your body down and the apocrine glands respond to your emotions. It depends how comfortable you are with strangers fecal matter. From skin changes to weight loss to unusual bleeding, here are 15 cancer warning signs that women tend to ignore. If the vagina smells mildly of onions, keeping a food diary can help to determine whether or not diet is the cause. Here are a few things that might cause your vaginas natural scent to go awry. These . Your quick guide to the morning-after pillstraight from experts. in Interactive Journalism from American University. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. You might notice things smell a little different down there after sex, which makes sense. Its unlikely but possible that a fishy smell is a symptom of something besides BV. And there are lots of things that affect your pH. In: Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2022. (2022). I dont know if your vaginal area has come into contact with anything latex, that would cause an allergic reaction. If we combine this information with your protected But if you notice an unusual, Some people still consider vaginal health a taboo subject. If youre not sure whether the change in smell is due to food or something else, call your doctor to get checked out. Chances are, you smell just fine. Apocrine glands tend to be more common in areas with a lot of hair follicles, including your groin. But orange discharge may be a sign of a number of, Cytolytic vaginosis involves an overgrowth of Lactobacilli bacteria inside the vagina. While vaginas all smell slightly different, the scent is usually mild and natural. The symptoms arent always as similar as you might think. Douching eliminates all good bacteria and upsets the balance. Toglia MR. Rectovaginal and anovaginal fistula. Possible causes of a vagina that smells like onions include: Eating food with a strong smell can affect body odor. Discover new workout ideas, healthy-eating recipes, makeup looks, skin-care advice, the best beauty products and tips, trends, and more from SELF. An ammonia-like smell in your vagina might be alarming at first, but its usually nothing serious. Wearing cotton underwear helps to keep the vulva clean and dry. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. Onions, garlic, spices, and vinegar are among the foods that can. STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching. 4. The affected products were sent to stores nationwide. Experts arent sure what causes B.V. or how some people get it, but they do know that it usually occurs in people with vaginas who are sexually active. Also, if you read the posts at the top of the thread, you can see other women have had this and had not been having sex with condoms (one woman was even allergic to them) and were still accused by their paranoid husband or boyfriend of sleeping with someone else. Vaginal atrophy. Youve probably heard an abnormal vaginal odor described as fishy. I do have a question to ask. These hormonal changes can affect the way the vagina smells. There shouldnt be a strong odor, and it shouldnt smell like the zoo or fish. So if you feel like your discharge smells bad but not fishy or like a musky animal, youre probably okay. And just like with trichomoniasis, you may not experience symptoms. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Try to think andbe a rational man. Just take a quick trip to your local drugstore. At least your being real i just recently encountered this phantom smell it wasn't until about 3 days later that the scent hit me like it was a condom smell I didn't say **** tho because I gotta catch her now but yeah if the v never smells like rubber then u smell rubber somebody been burning rubber in that ass simple as that, When I screw around I use a condom then tell my wife her ***** smells like one, that way she never suspects anything. Accessed Feb. 10, 2022. (2015, December 1), Retained tampon or other object. Adopting safe and gentle vaginal hygiene practices can help reduce vaginal odor. Molasses to Pennies: All the Smells a Healthy Vagina Can Be, What Are the Symptoms of Cytolytic Vaginosis?. (n.d.). How to Have a Sick Day When You Cant Actually Call Off Work. This usually isnt a cause for concern, but you may want to keep a food diary to help you track down which food is causing it. 1. She helped us get to specifics with all the medical accuracy but less medical jargon. For medical advice, always consult your medical doctor. Along with a physical exam, your doctor will take a sample of vaginal discharge to check for harmful bacteria indicating BV, the OWH explains. (1998). Please seek professional guidance. Trichomoniasis is caused by a tiny parasite that moves between people during sex, and its actually pretty common, according to the Mayo Clinic. Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, texture and amount. Mayo Clinic offers appointments in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota and at Mayo Clinic Health System locations. Vaginal cancer. The symptoms of cytolytic vaginosis can mimic other common vaginal conditions. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. All sexual partners should also seek treatment so that the infection does not continue to pass back and forth. Being furious, I slapped and pushed her out of my compound. Other symptoms of postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis include: Some symptoms can be easily managed by using a natural, water-based lubricant. The truth is that when everything's normal, no one else smells any odors from a girl's vagina. A bit musty, sometimes a bit acidic or salty. Onions, garlic, spices, and vinegar are among the foods that can change the smell of sweat. Smelly discharge and painful peeing or bleeding between periods can signal an STI, and prompt treatment of an STI can help prevent PID, so see your doctor right away if youre dealing with any of these symptoms. Friction from sex can cause vaginal dryness and microtears. Vaginal discharge can be a normal and healthy occurrence. You may opt-out of email communications at any time by clicking on Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year. Can I Get STDs Through Casual Contact Like Hugging or Touching. In: Comprehensive Gynecology. Vaginal odor is the smell that your vaginaand usually your dischargegives off. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. STDs aren't transmitted through clothing. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is the most common infection of the vagina for women aged 1544. the unsubscribe link in the e-mail. Bacterial vaginosis CDC fact sheet. An. If you eat a new food that causes your urine to smell different, you might notice the smell lingering due to dried urine around your vagina or in your underwear. Cameron LE. This protects against an overgrowth of the bad kinds of bacteria.. However, if a person has frequent or recurrent infections, a preventative medication may be necessary. While it can cause embarrassment for the women experiencing it, vaginal gas is common and. I asked her and she said "Hell no!" Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. Its a nasty stomach bugand cases have been rising since August. One of the symptoms of BV is an unpleasant smell. Lat night after sex my Partner of 5 years said i smelled. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site. Ask away and we will do our best to answer or find someone who can.We try to vet our answers to get you the most acurate answers. A foul odor may suggest the std trichomonas .Use of lubricants or birth control options can change the odor.Yeast infections may smell like bread, and often have a thick white discharge.The presence of blood changes the odor. (2017, October). CDC Warns Against OTC Eye Drops Linked to 50 Infections in 11 States. Heres how to tell cytolytic vaginosis apart from other. Vaginal odor is any odor that originates from the vagina. Sign up for free, and stay up to date on research advancements, health tips and current health topics, like COVID-19, plus expertise on managing health. A forgotten tampon causes the absolute worst vaginal odor, Dr. Streicher says. Many women report noticing an ammonia-like smell early in their pregnancy. Vaginal cancer: Symptoms include heavy vaginal discharge with a strong odor. xx, So what was the end result with u and your husband does he still have trust issues, I know how u feel my boyfriend thinks i cheated because i smelled like a condom never cheated on him and now he doesnt want to b with me. Accessed Feb. 10, 2022. Even if you cant take time off, you can still take care of yourself. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. Bullying, racism, personal attacks, harassment, or discrimination is prohibited. (2022). 1998 - 2023 Scarleteen/Heather Corinna. They include staying out of hot tubs, using unscented pads or tampons if youre on your period (fragrance can be irritating), and sticking to breathable cotton underwear, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Subtle shifts in your vaginal fragrance can be natural. The information contained herein is not meant to be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease, or for prescribing any medication. I didn't realise it was broken till after I ejaculated inside. BV is an infection that develops when the natural balance between the healthy and unhealthy bacteria that normally populate your vagina is thrown off by an overgrowth of bad bacteria, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Yellow discharge before a period can have a range of potential causes. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. 4. All Rights Reserved. Bacterial vaginosis. Its not a non-negotiable, per se, but it is a wise move for a lot of people. (2014). They should see a doctor in case they also have it.). According to the Cleveland Clinic, 99 percent of sweat is water. Some tips include: wiping the vagina from front to back, as this prevents fecal . DOI: Majeroni BA. (Technically, you can also not have sex or limit your number of sexual partners in an attempt to avoid BV, but as we said, doctors dont know for sure how to prevent the condition, plus, you have to live your life. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. Citrus fruits may cause sweet smell or taste. Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex. They will ask about any additional symptoms that have occurred. A doctor answers questions about treating it. I can't have too much garlic, onions, or anything else in that family, especially raw. The type of undies you choose matters. Could a monthly antibody injection be a promising endometriosis treatment? Hi A, Its like I said we are what we eat, the problem is if garlic does what she wants then perhaps the real thing is better than pills, but then you should know that, and yes it can give some real good wind from were we dont want it, but thats life. Quick Question: Why Is My Vagina So Damn Sore After Sex? 4. Onions and garlic are just some of the foods that can change the smell of our sweat. What the color of your urine says about you (Infographic),,,,,,,,, If you are a Mayo Clinic patient, this could i appreciate the advice and its hard for me because of the trust issues that my husband have. Clear or white: Normal vaginal discharge is clear, white or off-white. Any disruption to this balance can cause too much bad bacteria, leading to an infection called bacterial vaginosis. Symptoms and causes, choosing underwear made of a breathable, natural fabric, such as cotton, using a mild soap and warm water to wash the vulva, avoiding the use of douches or perfumed products, showering regularly, particularly after exercise. I will try the pineapple juice. Usually its not a huge change in scent, and it goes away once your period wraps up, she says. If a girl has an infection like bacterial vaginosis, she may notice a fishy smell. Vaginal mucosa lines the vagina and nurtures the Lactobacilli bacteria. When pregnant, some women start to crave foods they dont usually eat. She received a double B.A. How common is bacterial vaginosis? Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. Certain foods, such as asparagus, can affect the smell of your urine. You accidentally left a tampon in there. Urea is released into your blood stream and moved to your kidneys, where it leaves your body when you urinate. Simple hygiene tips can help to maintain the optimal balance of vaginal bacteria and reduce the chances of an unpleasant smell developing. Ob/gyn Jessica Shepherd, M.D., director of minimally invasive gynecology at the University of Illinois at Chicago, tells SELF that a fishy odor isnt required for a trichomoniasis diagnosis, but its a possibility. Everything You Need to Know About Vaginal Infections, thin, watery discharge thats white or gray, thoroughly cleaning your vulva with warm water, paying close attending to folds in your labia, wearing 100 percent cotton underwear, which makes it easier for sweat to evaporate off your body, avoiding tight pants, which make it harder for sweat to evaporate off your body, not douching, as it disrupts the balance of bacteria in your vagina, drinking plenty of water, especially when exercising, wiping from front to back to reduce your risk of getting a bacterial infection, wearing 100 percent cotton underwear and loose-fitting pants, regularly washing your vulva with warm water, wearing panty liners or frequently changing your underwear if youre prone to urine leakage. 5 years said I why does my girlfriends vag smell like condoms Eating food with a strong odor is prohibited scent, is. Pregnant, some women start to crave foods they dont usually eat and rectum, cleaning... 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