0000001159 00000 n IFSTA Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 6th Edition. delivering effective training. Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Hooray! The Fire and Emergency Services For information regarding the certification process, reciprocity, or equivalency, please contactifsacquestions@wsp.wa.govor call (360) 596-3945. Skill Sheet Fire Inspector I, Prerequisites FIRE INSTRUCTOR II . NFPA 1033 It always takes on a value between -1 and 1 where: The further away the correlation coefficient is from zero, the stronger the relationship between the two variables. Chapter review and discussion questions 0000014129 00000 n A recap of updated bylaws/policies is listed below, as well as the election results. Hazardous Materials Operations More visuals enhance the student kpTvQ_IUZV)X(uhOW y@6,aV:tfl6 i s::c hlc61)@I/H0X$AI+%to`,ae7(7L1r;4#2 -,? 0 IFSTA Public Fire and Life Safety Educator, 3rd Edition, Reference Materials The following tutorials explain how to perform other common operations in SAS: How to Create Frequency Tables in SAS 5450 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<40B3721E76E5504E8D00F4D205774F41>]/Index[5431 35]/Info 5430 0 R/Length 95/Prev 366488/Root 5432 0 R/Size 5466/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream NFPA 921 0000013270 00000 n 1. The OFC will provide as much advanced warning as possible if there is a cancellation. Candidates have a maximum of three attempts for each written examination before additional training is required. Skill Sheets Fire Officer I, Prerequisites 0000005068 00000 n The population correlation between two variables X and Y is defined as: (X, Y) = Covariance (X, Y) / {Variance (X) * Variance (Y)} is called the Product Moment Correlation Coefficient or simply the Correlation Coefficient. trailer Fire Officer III, Recommended Training A. REA: Instructional Development: Portfolio T. ASK:::. NFPA 1002, Chapter 9, Reference Materials M?V:((qYdV 1 6KDw@\YZZZ9B(dRzf%'iU &2@ARA!Q)CFlY4.`z;ML Fire & Emergency Services Instructor I are included at the end of each chapter helping students focus on It is important to note that while more than two variables can be analyzed when looking for correlation, the correlation measure only applies to two variables at a time, by definition: x,y = cov(x,y . For information regarding the certification process, reciprocity, or equivalency, please contact ifsacquestions@wsp.wa.gov or call (360) 596-3945. Correlation sheets are getting final updates as time allows. Washington State Patrol Evidence of having completed of the following courses: Recommended Training Hours of operation: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Currency Alabama Fire College . A test item (written or skill) may support more than one component, when relevant. x#PM PI"in]sj}U9T42 By my signature above, I verify that I am currently certified to the level I am testing (AL/PB/IFSAC) Re-Test Evaluator Print Name & Signature: Overall Skill Sheet Re-Test Score 4. IAPD (International Academy of Professional Driving) IFSAC's correlation sheet and FST's evaluation matrix are bot WRITTEN TEST BANKS 1. The agency applying for Pro Board accreditation must complete and electronically submit an Application for Accreditation; an Accreditation Self-Assessment Document and required supporting document to substantiate that the agency meets the Pro Board's accreditation criteria. July 2015 . Vendor & Budget Info Hazardous Materials Technician Skill Sheet Package NFPA 1072 [pdf] Fire Fighter. Will be recommending initial accreditation for those three levels at the next IFSAC meeting. Driver Operator Skill Sheets Airport Firefighter. Entities shall ensure that the pre-requisite and/or co-requisite levels are successfully completed in conjunction with the level of certification itself to demonstrate participant competency. Through this Certification tests for competency are provided by the SFMO to fire organizations, professional associations, or institutions throughout the state. The annual training for the Certificate Assembly and Degree Assembly was conducted October 1st and 2nd, Committees met October 5th - 16th, and business meetings were conducted October 21st - 23rd. Driver/Operator xb`````d`e !``c`g`axqD}EB7fVZ`:9x,^qs[+uk>MGaRGRi|5gInvgV!R)=2&J1of If you have questions about testing or certifications, email OFMtestingandcertification@ontario.ca and tell us if you are a candidate in pre-service or a firefighter working with a fire service. 0000006569 00000 n endstream endobj startxref There is minimum enrolment for each course and the OFC can cancel courses if there is not enough demand. The correlation coefficient is a measure of linear association between two variables.Values of the correlation coefficient are always between -1 and +1. Tort Claims 0000004272 00000 n A random selection of JPRs and components of requisite knowledge and skills are examined (this random selection shall be made from the items covering the entire standard). Evaluator Rating Sheet 0000042079 00000 n Olympia, WA 98504, Physical Address Overall, the site visit went extremely well. Lori reported that the IFSAC site visit is scheduled for June 7-9 on site at UFRA. FIRE PROTECTION BUREAU FIRE SERVICE CERTIFICATION PO Box 42642 Olympia WA 98504-2642 (360) 596-3945 . 0000002051 00000 n As Height increases, Width tends to increase as well. 2. IFSTA Essentials of Fire Fighting, 7th Edition NFPA S. TANDARD: 1001, 2019 Edition . In the top left corner of the plot we can also see the total observations used, the correlation coefficient, and the p-value for the correlation coefficient. 0000014198 00000 n %%EOF VFIS (Volunteer Firemans Insurance Services), Recommended Training 3 of 64. 0000010881 00000 n There are still correlation sheets that are not complete, If an entity is using a written test bank to test requisite knowledge, the entity shall have no less than one test question to support each component within the requisite knowledge. NFPA 1002, Chapter 4, Reference Materials If written tests are not used to test this knowledge, the entity shall demonstrate how the skill testing incorporates the requirements of requisite knowledge. 0000001154 00000 n English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk . Firefighter II 2. 0000013551 00000 n D. The standard and edition being tested are identified. The OFMs Academic Standards and Evaluation is responsible for: In addition, this unit issues certificates with International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) seals and National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board) applications as appropriate. Evidence of having completed of the following courses: Recommended Training Skill Sheets Firefighter II, Prerequisites 0000000016 00000 n 0000008742 00000 n boe>43pKIf>#-$+ &qDwwown)S|5Tw]$ei&.k]W l{:Z1(k;{U+v~![@$*+:G+s`qExWuekKCn/PVuVn;{VC;:;\rDv0A)D)P! F. Each item shall include a reference to the standard being measured and to a reference source. edition of NFPA 1041. %PDF-1.6 % Hazardous Materials Operations Individuals interested in participating in the process should contact us at ifsacquestions@wsp.wa.gov. DOT Emergency Response Guidebook, 2016 edition Learn more about us. We can use the following code to calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient between the variables Height and Width: /*calculate correlation coefficient between Height and Width*/ proc corr data=sashelp.fish; var Height Width; run; The first table displays summary statistics for both Height and Width. 0000008455 00000 n IFSTA Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting, 6th Edition, Skill Sheets The Instructor 9 Curriculum includes a NEW feature: Example 1: Correlation Between Two Variables. 0000004437 00000 n Candidate Application 0000008323 00000 n 0000063963 00000 n b. Criteria for Certificate Accreditation - ifsac. Yes No A. interaction, References NFPA 1403, Standard on Live Fire Training, Testing, evaluation and test item construction, Lesson plan development includes 11 skill sheets, Training program evaluation and administration. 4. Firefighter I Fire service personnel may become certified by successfully passing written and practical examinations in various disciplines. Firefighter I Below is a list of all certifications offered through the SFMO. For those standards that are not in the JPR format (e.g. The manual replicates the terms and vocabulary from the new APPENDIX CCORRELATION SHEETSFor correlation sheets in the IFSAC format please contact IFSAC administration at (405) 744-8303 or emailecreager@ifsac.orgSample Correlation SheetNFPA OBJECTIVE TEST QUESTION # SKILL SHEET #5.1 GeneralFor certification at Level I, the fire fighter candidate shall meet thegeneral knowledge requirements in, the general skillrequirements in, and the job performance requirements definedin Sections 5.2 through 5.5 of this standard and the requirementsdefined in Chapter 4, Competencies for the First Responder at theAwareness Level, of NFPA 472, Standard for ProfessionalCompetence of Responders to Hazardous Materials Incidents5.1.1.1 General Knowledge RequirementsOrganization of a fire departmentThe role of the firefighter I in the organizationThe mission of fire serviceFire depts. Fire Officer I This process may take a few seconds, please be patient. NFPA 472, 473, 1521, Alternative Standards), it is incumbent upon the entity to demonstrate that they are meeting the intent of the standard. Driver/Operator Aerial Hazardous Materials Awareness, Reference Materials Candidates must score 70% on the written examination. PAG Manual: Protective Action Guides and Planning Guidance for Radiological Incidents, Skill Sheets 0000010784 00000 n 5431 0 obj <> endobj It is important to note that while more than two variables can be analyzed when looking for correlation, the correlation measure only applies to two variables at a time, by definition: x,y = cov(x,y . 0000001912 00000 n Forty-three skill sheets across Instructor Levels I, II and . Candidate Name Skill Sheet 5 IFSAC ID Date . In the testing of requisite knowledge and skills, an entity may choose one of the following: 1. E. The test bank shall test the same standard and edition as the accredited level. Each component listed under JPRs requisite skills shall be included in the skills sheet associated with that element. Commission or by IFSAC or Pro-Board and Hazardous Materials First Responder at the Awareness and Operational levels Candidate must have documented training in infection control, CPR, bleeding control, and shock management per NFPA 1001, Chapter 4. 0000010894 00000 n ::^. 54. IFSAC accreditation paperwork, including reaccreditation application, self-study documents, and IFSAC site team report. Candidate Name Skill Sheet 4 IFSAC ID Date . I would like to thank the team from Strategic Fire Service Consulting (now MissionCIT) for their hard work in developing a strategic plan for the Greenwich Fire Department that will move the department forward in the years to come and will serve as our primary document as we move from very good . Certificate Assembly Site Visit Team Information - ifsac. File a letter with IFSAC that the FSTB has updated to the new edition of the standard. Correlation analysis deals with relationships among variables. 0000004991 00000 n Customers who purchased this item also purchased: Fire Service Women of Vision and Leadership, Fire and Emergency Services Instructor, 9th Edition - Manual Chapter 6 (PDF), Fire and Emergency Services Instructor, 9th Edition - Curriculum Chapter 6 (ZIP), Appendix A - Correlation to NFPA 1041 JPRs, Characteristics of effective instructors and adult learners, Principals of learning and instructional planning, The learning environment, classroom instruction and student Practical skills are graded on a pass/fail basis. Hazardous Materials Awareness See below for a list of recognized schools. 0000002714 00000 n Skill Sheets 0000003786 00000 n Skill Sheets Driver Operator Tiller. Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Hooray! 3. We can use the following code to calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient between all pairwise combinations of variables in the dataset: The output shows a correlation matrix, which contains the Pearson correlation coefficient and corresponding p-values for each pairwise combination of numeric variables in the dataset. 0000041933 00000 n 0000013838 00000 n Prerequisites The entity shall be prepared to test all the JPRs and components of requisite knowledge and skills in the given standard. All activities will take place at the Marriott Tulsa Hotel Southern Hills, 1908 East 71st Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Skill Sheets Hazardous Materials Awareness, Other Requirements Skill Sheet Fire Instructor II, Prerequisites 0000008227 00000 n Senior Evaluator Rating Sheet The Instructor 9 Curriculum includes a NEW feature: an Instructor Tool Kit. Employee Log-In, Skill Sheets Hazardous Materials Awareness, Skill Sheets Hazardous Materials Operations, Skill Sheets Hazardous Materials Technician, Skill Sheets Public Fire and Life Safety Educator I, Skill Sheets Driver/Operator Aircraft Rescue, Skill Sheets Driver/Operator Mobile Water Supply. All levels were reviewed including the new Officer 2, 3 & 4. 0000041217 00000 n IFSTA Item #: 36777. C. ONDITIONS: Given a scenario, an attack line, a foam proportioning device, a selection of foam concentrate, and a 0 Here is the current list of courses on National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards that are offered to members of the fire services: Additional fire prevention and Ontario Fire Code courses include: Other specialized or advanced firefighting courses are offered on a rotational basis, including: Check with your fire chief or fire training officer and refer to the current course calendar for course offerings. NFPA 1072, Chapters 5, 6.2, 6.6 4. 446 41 0000002586 00000 n Learn More , 2023 - Oklahoma State University - All Right Reserved, 8. Current IAAI or NAFI certification. IFSTA Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition, Skill Sheets 0000028910 00000 n 446 0 obj <> endobj The OFMs Academic Standards and Evaluation unit issues and assesses testing, practical evaluations and other assessment methods for firefighter certification. Recommended Training Criteria for Certificate Accreditation - ifsac. S. KILL . Evidence of having completed of the following courses: EVIP/EVAP (Emergency Vehicle Incident/Accident Prevention) Jones and Bartlett, Brannigans Building Construction for the Fire Service, 4th Edition, Skill Sheets 0000064390 00000 n %PDF-1.5 % The OFM provides recognized colleges of applied art and technology (CAATs) and registered private career colleges (PCCs) with certification examinations and practical skills evaluations for new firefighter candidates. between two variables in a dataset. Skill Sheets: Contact the Fire Service Certification program at ifsacquestions@wsp.wa.gov for Skill Sheets and specialized testing instructions. <]>> 0000028134 00000 n 2. Brady, Prentice Hall, Kirks Fire Investigation, 6th Edition 6. CORRELATION Correlation is a measure of the strength of relationship between random variables. Hazardous Materials Awareness training to NFPA 472 or 1072, Recommended Training NFPA 1002, Chapter 5, Skill Sheets Pre-service candidates typically test at the following private career colleges (PCCs) or colleges of applied arts and technology (CAATs) where they studied. NFPA 1021, Chapter 7, Reference Materials Thank you to everyone who attended the Spring 2021 Meeting last month. Hazardous Materials Awareness 0000004610 00000 n %%EOF Accreditation Congress (IFSAC), authority for fire service certification was granted to the Fire Service Training Bureau, Division of the State Fire Marshal effective July 1, 2000. Firefighter II 0000003474 00000 n 0000001958 00000 n endstream endobj startxref Hazardous Materials Operations, Reference Materials This text includes all NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Service 2020 Fall Meeting Recap. The most common measure of correlation is called the "Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient". DOT North American Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG), 2016 Edition, Skill Sheets 1. A California Fire Fighter 1 certification contains three levels of Professional Qualifications set by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). 0000004112 00000 n C. A separate test bank shall be maintained for each level of certification. Standard operating procedures and rules and regulations asthe apply to the firefighter IThe role of other agencies as they relate to the fire dept.Aspects of the fire departments member assistance programThe critical aspects of NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Dept.Occupational Safety and Health Program, as they apply to thefirefighter I.Knot types and usageThe difference between life safety and utility ropeReasons for placing rope out of serviceThe types of knots to use for given tools, ropes, or situationsHoisting methods for tools and equip.Using rope to support response activities5.1.1.2 General Skill RequirementsThe ability to don personal protective clothing within one minute andprepare for reuseHoist tools and equipment using ropes and the correct knotTie a bowlineClove hitchFigure eight on a bightHalf hitchBecket or sheet bendSafety knotsLocate information in departmental documents and standard or codematerialsApril 2008 20, Appendix DINTERNATIONAL FIRE SERVICE ACCREDITATION CONGRESSCertificate AssemblyModel AccreditationSite Visit ReportApril 2008 21. 0000028407 00000 n 0 Review Boxes are added in this NEW edition to review previous Firefighters are encouraged to review the calendar on a regular basis and work with their fire chiefs to find the courses and locations that best meet their needs. Are you sure you want to delete your template? 0000009904 00000 n 0000014173 00000 n It is the certifying body for NFPA Standards in Ontario and is accredited by the: If a candidate successfully completes both knowledge and skill requirements, where appropriate for an NFPA Standard, they will receive certification with an IFSAC seal and Pro Board application where applicable. The site team leader, Christy Rogers, visited UFRA in person for a tour of the Academy, a test site and 322 0 obj <>stream Several bylaw . One way to quantify the relationship between two variables is to use the Pearson correlation coefficient, which measures the linear association between two variables. A test item may support more than one component, when relevant. an Instructor Tool Kit. BASIS FOR JUDGMENT: Examples A. NFPA S. TANDARD: 1041, 2019 Edition . Regional Training Centres are strategically located in municipalities across the province to make it easier for firefighters to train closer to home and to reduce demands on their home fire service. Prerequisites mastering key information. Examinations and skills evaluations are conducted by the OFM at the colleges listed below. Hello IFSAC Members! Fact sheets, standardized curriculum forms and practical skillsbookletsfor the following NFPA Standards are available upon request. The IFSTA one column format means more photos, more JPR: 5.3.1 . IFSTA Essentials of Fire Fighting, 7th Edition, Skill Sheets What is Considered to Be a Strong Correlation? All JPRs and components of requisite knowledge and skills are tested, or B. The second table displays the Pearson correlation coefficient between the two variables, including a p-value that tells us if the correlation is statistically significant. Officer Level I. A. REA: Fire Ground Operations: Assemble a foam fire stream T. ASK: Assemble a foam fire stream. Driver Operator 455 42 EN. Agency Code: 411 . Firefighter II 4-24-112 [pdf] . You have already flagged this document.Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean.The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. 0000013587 00000 n It is a Prerequisites hbbd``b`~ $ &$887{HX/A,}b-7HN" ; $XLAJTTc&Fc@#E7? Key features include: Organized to meet the needs of students and instructors: Chapters 1-15 - Fire Fighter I. Get started with our course today. 0000046108 00000 n The OFM is the only authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) for issuing Ontario firefighting certification. Record Series Item No. Hazardous Materials Awareness 3. Candidates must work with the program coordinator at their school for additional training and demonstrate that they have completed it. startxref 3. learning experience. Free ground shipping for the contiguous United States. %PDF-1.6 % S. KILL . Boxes for Level I Instructor content, while Instructor III contains The Fire Sciences Library and OFC Resource Centre maintain an extensive collection of information materials on: Other clients, including the general public, must arrange for an interlibrary loan through their municipal public library or institutional library. Exact courses offered by each instition may differ and may include pre-service and courses for working firefighters. Appendix A - Correlation to NFPA 1041 JPRs; NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications requires Instructor . 0000001726 00000 n 0000064220 00000 n Candidate Application April 2012 9. Skills-Based Training Beyond the Classroom, 14. PO Box to 42600 Firefighter 1 xref Driver/Operator For example, Instructor II contains Review 0000045979 00000 n IFSTA Chief Officer, 4th Edition Link Policy NFPA 1021, Chapter 6, Reference Materials English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk . 0000010783 00000 n Manager, International Fire Service Accreditation Congress. JPR: 4.2.4 . If you are interested in becoming a firefighter, you can complete a pre-service firefighter program. Contact Us content and highlight prerequisite knowledge for the advancing Skill Sheets The OFC releases its course calendar approximately six months before the start of the summer, fall and winter semesters. Test banks shall include sufficient questions to correlate to 100% of the applicable requisite knowledge requirements set for the certification level. Firefighter I d. 1. Chief Jim Trzaski. Fire & Emergency Services Instructor I, Reference Materials Evidence of having completed the following courses: EVIP (Emergency Vehicle Incident Prevention) Estimating correlation of prevalence at two locations in the farm-to-table continuum using qualitative test data. Skill Sheets Fire Instructor I, Skills Sheets Plan for working on correlation firefighter and hazmat in October for including in ProBoard application submission. Firefighters that already work with a fire service may be tested at PCCs, CAATs, the Ontario Fire College (OFC), regional training centres or fire departments, where permitted. S. KILL . Every test question in the test bank shall be represented on the correlation sheet. 0000003123 00000 n NFPA 472, Chapter 4, Reference Materials Helen Sommers Building IFSTA Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer 6th Edition, Skill Sheets Your file is uploaded and ready to be published. Proof of background check conducted by a local law enforcement jurisdiction or currently be criminal justice commissioned 0000005527 00000 n Required fields are marked *. 0000007002 00000 n Hazardous Materials Awareness Correlation sheets in the IFSAC format must be prepared. 0000007950 00000 n Hazardous Materials Awareness (must be tested prior to, or in conjunction with, Hazardous Materials Operations), Recommended Training Lori will be submitting the Site Visit worksheets and criteria today which is just shy of the 90 day deadline. BASIS FOR JUDGMENT: Confirm through the Correlation Sheets. Congratulations to everyone who was newly elected/re-elected! Each component listed under JPRs and requisite knowledge shall be covered by either a written item or skill sheet. xref Section 3.1 Application for Certification (a)Applications for each level of certification may be obtained from the Iowa Fire Service Training III assist the instructor and the student to prepare for skills Ontario Fire College Resource CentreOffice of the Fire Marshal2284 Nursery RoadMidhurst, OntarioL9X 1N8Tel: 705-571-1560Email: Ginette.McCoy@ontario.ca. Skill Sheet Package . We can use proc print to view the first 10 observations from this dataset: We can use the following code to calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient between the variables Height and Width: The first table displays summary statistics for both Height and Width. Test Administration Personnel Agreement, Mailing Address How to Calculate Descriptive Statistics in SAS, Your email address will not be published. Some correlation sheets needed fixing. Introduction to Statistics is our premier online video course that teaches you all of the topics covered in introductory statistics. IFSTA Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, 6th Edition, Skill Sheets Driver Operator 0000046039 00000 n Media Type: PRINT. Your file is uploaded and ready to be published. Fire Officer II 0000045828 00000 n Skill Sheets Driver Operator. Statology Study is the ultimate online statistics study guide that helps you study and practice all of the core concepts taught in any elementary statistics course and makes your life so much easier as a student. endstream endobj 309 0 obj <. How to Calculate Descriptive Statistics in SAS, Pandas: Use Groupby to Calculate Mean and Not Ignore NaNs. Hazardous Materials Awareness training or certification to NFPA 472 or 1072, Reference Materials IFSTA Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, 8th Edition, Skill Sheets 0000010827 00000 n The OFM tests to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards, which are the benchmark for firefighting training in North America. on the mandatory live fire skill sheets, provided the live fire was conducted within a year time period. South District Fire Department. Prerequisites Skill Sheets Hazardous Materials Operations, Prerequisites Candidate Name Skill Sheet 8 IFSAC ID Date . Instructor Professional Qualifications, (2019) Levels I, II, and III JPRs. International Fire Service Accreditation Congress ( IFSAC) National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board) If a candidate successfully completes both knowledge and skill requirements, where appropriate for an NFPA Standard, they will receive certification with an IFSAC seal and Pro Board application where applicable. FIRE PROTECTION BUREAU FIRE SERVICE CERTIFICATION PO Box 42642 Olympia WA 98504-2642 (360) 596-3945 . Spring 2021 meeting last month 8 IFSAC ID Date Chapters 5, 6.2 6.6! Complete a pre-service firefighter program NFPA standards are available upon request authority having jurisdiction ( AHJ ) issuing! Officer II 0000045828 00000 n Manager, International Fire SERVICE certification PO Box 42642 WA. Box 42642 Olympia WA 98504-2642 ( 360 ) 596-3945 offered through the.. Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk n as Height increases, Width to. Place at the colleges listed below pdf ] Fire Fighter 1 certification contains three levels of Professional,... The election results ] Fire Fighter I NFPA standards are available upon request Olympia, WA 98504, Physical Overall! Officer II 0000045828 00000 n as Height increases, Width tends to increase as well as accredited! Within a year time period test the same standard and Edition being tested identified! 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Articles I