Last I heard of him he was moving some weight thru Tx. Mxico - 01 mar 2023 - 10:53 EST. Since then, he has disappeared from public view, though Chihuahua Attorney General Cesar Augusto Peniche says he remains a factor in the violence in Juarez. Linea is not randomly killing innocent people in Chihuahua. The background tune for the series was created by Franco Godi.. [50] The Mexican police declined to comment if the killing was drug-related, but Felipe Caldern's response was remarkably different than the Villas de Salvrcar massacre, where he claimed that the massacre was most likely due to internal adjustments between the cartels. [35] Unlike the government-licensed clinics, the private centers are not associated with the penal system and have limited security measures, leaving the victims vulnerable to attacks by gangs seeking revenge or the elimination of a potential police informant. Are they not guarding their turf and wanting Linea especially eliminated? "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. Youd like to think its going to lead somewhere. de ahi el grupo bournes se hizo independiente y se unio en alianza con la linea porque la gente de martin siqueiros el tin tin y elmer cordova el pluma extendieron su apoyo al 80 y el furcio para que logran quedarse con el grupo,de ahi viene la ruptura en agua prieta del grupo de martin siqueiros contra el grupo de freddy calles el tolteca,gildardo palomino el g3 y missael villaescusa el missa. [70] On May 25, 2020, La Linea lieutenant Gibran R.S., also known as El Mocho, along with his wife Daniela and two alleged henchmen were arrested in Jimenez. (Proceso).-. Seems they all have an affiliation or side to protect. Thats something you dont see often, thats something the little guys just dont have. De cualquier forma, imprimiremos su cartel personalizado, se lo enviaremos y lo recibir en tan solo 3 das. Set in the rich and atmospheric backdrop of Tijuana, Mexico, La Linea (The Line) is full of action, drama and finds its soul in the plight of the characters that inhabit the most dangerous city in North America. Eran de apellido cabreras que no? Last February, a federal judge charged Wilbert Mendoza Lopez, alias 'La Parka', for his direct participation in the massacre. She says, if she worked every day for three months, she could earn anything from 130,000 to 150,000 euros. Marrufo escorted by Mexican police during his presentation to the media in Mexico City. The FGR already has two other main suspects in custody:Jose Alfredo Lara Ontiveros, alias 'El Coma Lara' and/or ', '; and Roberto Gonzalez Montes, alias 'El 32' and/or 'El, Gonzalez-Montes is a former police officer who was arrested in 2016 for weapon charges but released shortly thereafter. What about all the other thousands and thousands of atrocities every other criminal group commits? Court documents shed light on Juarez cartel operations The Carillo family is from Sinaloa, correct? Asi de mensos estaran todos los de Gn sonora, @2:43 tu gruputo deltas del charco que es liderada por el tintin andan asiendo sus marranadas en agua prieta. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. As reported by Borderland Beat, there are at least 20 more suspects identified and at large. LISTER Ive got no choice," she says. [37][42] TV images aired on national television showed a vehicle with only one intact wheel and two Federal Police on fire in the city's downtown area; U.S. authorities responded to the attacks with worrisome and noted that it was reminiscent to Colombia in the 1990s and to the terrorism and warfare tactics the United States military is "running into in Iraq and Afghanistan. [8][9], La Lnea is linked to some of Ciudad Jurez's and the region's most notorious massacres, including the massacre of 16 teenagers at a high school party (Villas de Salvrcar massacre), the shooting that killed 19 patients at a rehab center, and of the cell phone-detonated car bomb attack all of them perpetrated in 2010. Because here, dishonesty means losing your life. "[24] By mid-2011, four men linked to the massacre were found guilty of the killings and were sentenced to 240 years each by the state of Chihuahua. [31] According to the pastor, some of the men in the facility were former gang members of Los Mexicles, who fight along with Artistas Asesinos and the Sinaloa Cartel for the control of the smuggling routes in the state. 10:55 the truth is all cartels cause shit. [20] The mayor of Ciudad Jurez said that the massacre was a random act of violence by Mexico's drug gangs because the victims had no apparent ties with organized crime. La lnea E es una de las seis lneas del subte de Buenos Aires.Su recorrido va desde la estacin Retiro hasta la estacin Plaza de los Virreyes- Eva Pern en el barrio de Flores.Fue inaugurada el 20 de junio de 1944, fue la quinta lnea de la red y la primera en hacerlo al sur de la avenida Rivadavia en la parte menos prspera. Adems, el Gobierno quiere impedir que el lder. Puede descargar y utilizar directamente para su propsito comercial. The documentary features footage throughout of drugs boats loaded full of packages as they speed past police boats and empty beaches. In the past, weve had efforts to get people like (Joaquin) El Chapo Guzman, he said. El presunto secuestrador de 29 aos se identificaba como Joshua David A. con una licencia de conducir falsa del estado de Nuevo Mxico (Estados Unidos). Tell your tio to take his shorts hell is very hot. RR.SS. Police said a drug cartel ambushed five vehicles near the town of Janos. READ MORE: Small town mayor murdered in Mexico was accused of killings Not a single one of you commenters know anyone in a cartel. El PP de Len cierra filas con Torres y mira al 28-M en clave nacional: La nica urna es el 'no' a Snchez La presidenta asegura que nunca ha estado en tela de juicio la candidata al . [64] Nonetheless, counterarguments from security experts were also included. We always try to lead a life that is as normal as possible. Some of the disputes are tied to this man trying to recover what he had prior to his apprehension.. Home. The city has recorded more than 4,000 homicides most of them drug-related in the past 32 months. Crea tus propios psters y carteles con las plantillas personalizables gratis del editor grfico online de e imprmelos en mxima calidad. 1. Some residents in La Linea are now keen to rescue their hometown's reputation following years of turmoil, with one woman saying: "I find it sad that instead of being on TV for our beaches, our fishing or our hospitality, its always because of drugs, unemployment and social exclusion. [72] However, the new La Empresa cartel leader, identified as "The Gnome," was later believed to have continued the attacks against local police, which resulted in the deaths of nine attackers and two police policers by May 29, and that there continuation was actually triggered by the recent arrests of previous La Empresa leader Jose Dolores Villegas Soto, a.k.a. La actriz Irma Serrano, clebre por su apodo de La Tigresa, ha fallecido este . When the arrest was made, the police immediately notified Adrian. So does anyone know if the sons of Amado are controlling La Linea? para no confundir el chupon de yecora nunca mando en agua prieta, el era lugarteniente de alfredo salazar. [59], The decline of the Jurez Cartel began in 1997 after the death of Amado Carrillo Fuentes, but accelerated in mid-2000 when the Sinaloa Cartel sought to take over the assets of the criminal organization and move into the city. I dont get it, why are they being targeted so much?I read of their shady involvement with drug trafficking in the past, maybe theyre still actively involved? Nueva, headed by Francisco Arvizu Marquez, alias 'El Jaguar'. Mustrale a tu mam cunto la amas con un hermoso pster que apreciar en los aos venideros. They get the kids out of misery and social failure at the time of finding employment.. [59] On the other hand, Sinaloa cartel formed an alliance with the Gulf Cartel, the former employers of Los Zetas, and with the now-extinct La Familia Michoacana, forming the so-called "New Federation. One agent, Joaquin Llanos, explains: Theyre [gangs] all benefactors in the neighbourhood. Federal police in Mexico detained Roberto Gonzlez Montes and moved him to Mexico City to face a judge. [15] As neighbors hid in their houses, some dialed the emergency services but the Mexican military and the Federal police did not arrive until after the killers had left. The grisly video shows 20 alleged La Bandera gangsters kneeling on the ground, held at gunpoint by masked men with assault rifles who identify themselves as "people from the mountains". Ha conspirado para comprar armas en Wisconsin y contrabandearlas a Mxico. If Im the thinking of the right Cumbia, he killed the father of an acquaintance from Delicias that I used to traffick with when I was hustling. [68], In January 2020, La Linea leader Luis Antonio N. was arrested for murders of two Mexican National Guardsmen[69] In February 2020, another La Linea member was arrested in the El Paso region. La Linea cartel blamed for attack that killed 2 officers, a federal agent, and 3 civilians A white pickup sits by the side of the road while another one is on fire along Mexican Highway 2 west of Juarez. [27] Despite the arrests, many of the family members were unhappy with the efforts of the Mexican government and said that they were planning to abandon Mexico and seek safe haven in Texas to protect their children. Detallan que mantienen una guerra ya longeva con el Crtel de Sinaloa, adems, trafican droga en en El Paso, Denver, Chicago y Oklahoma City, en Estados Unidos. Pro Cine Mex. The Border Patrol says he is also wanted on homicide and weapons charges in the United States. Investigators say he is a member of La Linea drug cartel and a primary suspect in the LeBaron family massacre that left 9 people dead in Sonora in November 2019. You guys are both correct. y el otro martin torres chupon jefe de sicarios en agua prieta. La Lnea es una clula criminal del Crtel de Jurez presuntamente conformada por varios expolicas. El Iraki, or The Iraqi, and other prominent La Empresa members only identified by the nicknames Uncle and Goofy.. Where is the official proof of this security state of Durazno? Why? Its possible fellas, you can fuck up and still make it big out here. Get it printed! [3] 1 ('Altiplano), Mexico's maximum-security prison. Am I missing something? From there, they move up the ranks. Canopee global > Blogs > Uncategorized > la linea cartel. The vehicles had been mistaken by the gang for rivals, prosecutors have said. Huh? Discurre bajo las avenidas Leandro N. Alem, Diagonal Sur . La Linea, which is a 100-person splinter group operating along the Texas-Mexico border, is currently in conflict with the Sinaloa Cartel, causing what Vigil called complete carnage in the. Up until 2018, La Linea de la Concepcin, on the south coast of Spain, was the country's drugs capital, with Narcos travelling in by high-powered speedboats every night from north Africa to drop off several tonnes of hashish and tobacco. However, they felt unable to stop the growing problem with a lack of resources available. However, she admits she soon spent most of the money with lavish meals out and spa days with her kids. They held an officer against the wall while they liberated the suspect," one agent explains on camera. I even feared for my life to be honest., She adds: I used to think, damn thats really cool, thats wicked, I used to love the gangster world. However, that method was halted last year when police finally clamped down - forcing smugglers to go elsewhere, focusing instead on places north of the Costa del Sol. Did you record video? Were still seeing pretty frequent violence there. Government has changed its mind about those responsible for the killing many times. Look it up , Barzones son los responsables porque ya estn hartos delos Lebarones quitando agua y terreno. JL was killed in Carretera a Casas Grandes like 9 years ago and he was just a sicario not the boss or founder My uncle traffic weapons for el cumbiasOne day he just vanished and never heard of him, Cumbias was cds correct? [47][52], The Mexican authorities concluded that there were two possible explanations for the massacre: Either La Lnea and Los Aztecas were responsible for the killings; or "independent gunmen" paid to kill a person nicknamed El Ratn, an alleged member of Artistas Asesinos. Incluso puede usar nuestra funcin para cargar diseos fcilmente para imprimir algo que haya creado usted mismo. CDS nutthuggers do not want this at all.Ao you are the real pendejo! Thats not a Sicario thats a biiiaaattchhhh!Caballero de Jalisco. I was even told that Sicario 006 was the one who loaded their weapons, filled their trucks with gas, and gave them lunchables to snack on the way there. La Linea had hired other groups for other specific missions. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. [37][38][39] Before the detonation, the cartel members had dumped an injured man dressed in police uniform on the sidewalk to lure the Mexican authorities and paramedics closer to the vehicle. 4:29 dices que eres de Jurez y no sabes que pedo est pasando ah? [Refren] Ulica chce si nade mn mci Bo si nie opacam, nie widz tu nic S godni jak hieny, nie maj co pi Nie maj co gada, nie maj. [54] In the written banners, the NJC threaten the police chief of the city, Julin Leyzaola, calling him a criminal with a police badge. This is fascinating stuff. Diana, who previously spent 10 months in a "Medieval" Moroccan jail on drugs charges, eventually reached desperate levels and felt there was no way out but to return to Morocco and risk her life by getting more work in the drugs trade. I used to move hashish round the peninsula," she explains. "It would come to the beaches of La Lnea de la Concepcin, which is bordering Gibraltar. We always try to lead a life that is as normal as possible. The mission of is to provide real-time delivery of the untold local stories about people living, working and migrating along the U.S. border with Mexico. Investigators say he is a member of La Linea drug cartel and a primary suspect in theLeBaronfamily massacre that left 9 people dead in Sonora in November 2019. Darinka Rodrguez. [71] Also identified as Luis Alberto M., he was also reported as the "leader" of La Linea and was believed to be responsible for recent incidents which saw 20 police sent to the hospital since May 20, 2020 after being shot at. They used speedboats to smuggle hashish from Morocco through beaches and ports such as Algeciras, near Gibraltar, and are thought to have made an estimated fortune of more than 60million euros that could be buried somewhere. [60] La Lnea and the Jurez Cartel were damaged by the arrest of Jos Antonio Acosta Hernndez (a.k.a. Con un hermoso pster que apreciar en los aos venideros 3 ] 1 ( 'Altiplano,! Concepcin, which is bordering Gibraltar unable to stop the growing problem with a lack of resources.. As they speed past police boats and empty beaches aos venideros days with her kids this at you... That is as normal as possible suspect, '' she says a drug cartel ambushed five vehicles near town. 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