God meant to have His will done, and thereby a people for Himself capable of enjoying His presence and His nature, where no question of sin or fall could ever enter. All within the kingdom rejoiced.In the meantime, the princess had again been incarcerated because the court's judgment had not been executed. as He will appear to the salvation of His own people. They have persevered through insults, violence, imprisonments and robberies, because of their confidence of a lasting reward (32-35). "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, laying aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking off unto Jesus the captain and completer of faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.". They knew they had possessions that no man could take away, the enduring substance in heaven. He said, "No, I have come to prove to you how much I've always loved you. We must be God's waiting servants when we can be no longer his working servants. This supposes the people of God not actually settled in the land, but still pilgrims and strangers on the earth; and the epistle to the Hebrews, we have already seen, looks emphatically and exclusively at the people of God as not yet passed out of the wilderness; never as brought into the land, though it might be on the verge; just entering, but not actually entered. None but a heavenly Priest would suffice for the counsels He has in hand. For although outwardly, no doubt, the prosperity lasted in the time of Solomon, it was mainly the fruit of David's suffering, and power, and glory. We enter into the presence of God by means of the veil, that is, by the flesh of Jesus. For what did the Jews wait in hope? There must be a due preparation for making our approaches to God. There were some amongst those to whom the writer of the Hebrews was writing who had abandoned the habit of meeting together. King James Bible Psalm Chapter 126 Sermon . He is only one of a series of existing objects, and consequently never can rise above that in his own nature. So the reason why God is waiting and delaying the coming of Jesus Christ is to give opportunity for others to come on into the kingdom. The Old Testament is all about Jesus Christ. He takes them into the hand of his justice; he will deal with them himself; their greatest misery will be the immediate impressions of divine wrath on the soul. These two things, the cross on earth and glory on high, are correlative. He declared, "I have come. Although the blood on which that covenant was founded may be now long shed, when the covenant comes into force for them will it not be as fresh as the day the precious Victim died and shed His blood? "Be mindful of those in bonds, as bound with them; and of those which suffer adversity." THE ONLY TRUE SACRIFICE ( Hebrews 10:1-10 ). And one winter in Capua did what the Roman legions had not succeeded in doing. 34 For ye had compassion of me in my bonds, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance. Hence the apostle takes care to keep up the real link with the past witnesses for God in faith and suffering, not in ordinances. It is the will of Christ that his disciples should assemble together, sometimes more privately for conference and prayer, and in public for hearing and joining in all the ordinances of gospel worship. ", Then he commends the saints to God. Before the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle hung the veil to screen off the presence of God. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. The latter is not referred to, because it represents the millennial glory; the former is, because it finds its proper fulfilment in that which is made good in the Christian scheme now. Verse 36 and through the end of this chapter conclude the fourth great exhortation of Hebrews. It is impossible that they could actually take away your sins. "For every high priest is constituted to offer gifts and sacrifices: wherefore it is of necessity that this man have somewhat also to offer. Finally, on the third day the news went out that the prince has passed the crisis and would live. The writer to the Hebrews has this horror of sin for two reasons. the task of translating the Old Testament into Greek was begun in Alexandria in Egypt. In Hebrews 10:1-39 he applies the matter to the present state of the believer. You've never understood that." Every priest stands daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins ( Hebrews 10:11 ): So they're busy. This, he maintains, has always been so; it is no novelty he is preaching. This is the great transgression: the apostle seems to refer to the law concerning presumptuous sinners, Numbers 15:30; Numbers 15:31. And here we are favoured with a magnificent picture of Christianity in contrast with Judaism. "With Hebrews 10:19-39 the great central division of the sermon (Hebrews 5:11 to Hebrews 10:39) is drawn to a conclusion. And observe that it is assumed to be so common and obvious a maxim that it could not be questioned. Those who are tempted to go back to Judaism are reminded that apart from Christs work there is no way of salvation. He abolishes the kind of offerings referred to in the first quotation in order to establish the kind of offering referred to in the second. We have just the fact of their passing through the Red sea, and no more; as we have the fall of Jericho, and no more. And almost all things are according to the law purged with blood; and without shedding, of blood is no remission. The point to which he directs the reader is the evident and surpassing dignity of the case the unity too of the Priest and the priesthood; and this for an obvious reason. Instead of pining after that which is about to be destroyed, or repining at the call to go out to the place of Christ's shame on earth, Christianity, which replaces Judaism now, may well cause us to offer "the sacrifice of praise to God continually." He is everything. Accordingly we have the third use of the seat Christ has taken. For it is a good thing that the heart be established in grace." Without Him I have nothing. It may be observed, too, that the Holy Ghost appears but little in this epistle. Looking up, she saw silhouetted in the evening sky not the form of a tiger, but of a man, who vaulted down into the pit. This deeply interesting chapter closes with the reason why those who had thus not only lived but died in faith did not get the promise: "God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect." They must draw near by conversion, and by taking hold of his covenant. That is precisely one of the noblest thoughts of the Old Testament men of God. In other words, they would have done it once in Moses' day and that would have been it. Every year when the priest would go in, you'd be reminded again of your guilt and of your sin. First of all, it is love that calls us to the path that Christ trod; next, it is love that chastens us. (2) Willful sin shall certainly result in eternal destruction. This, however, does not mean the church, but rather the future seat of general heavenly bliss for the glorified saints. Peter said, "God is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness. Then comes a second exhortation as to their guides, or leading men among the brethren. (a) He may not go to church because of fear. He awaits the final subjugation of his enemies; in the end there must come a universe in which he is supreme. But then there are impediments as well as sin, by which the enemy would keep us from the race set before us; whilst God carries on His discipline in our favour. Such is the emphasis. ], "The safeguard against degeneration, isolation, and consequent failure is to make progress in the Christian life, and to proceed from point to point from an elementary to the richest, fullest, deepest experience." If we examine the historical facts as found in the Old Testament story, what is it rises up before all eyes as to Zion? And it seems even in those times there were some who forsook these assemblies, and so began to apostatize from religion itself. The doctrine follows: "Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost." "For a testament is of force after men are dead (or, in case of dead men, ): since it is never of force when the testator liveth. The consequence is, that many have tried (and I remember making efforts of that kind myself, until convinced that it could not succeed) to give , in the English Bible rightly rendered "the testator," the force of the covenanting victim. Christendom prefers the middle course; it will have neither the conscious nearness, to God, nor the place of Christ's reproach among men. Their own Psalm, in its grand prophetic sweep, and looking back on the law, pointed to the place in which Christ is now seated above; and where it is of necessity He should be, in order to give Christianity its heavenly character. This text has been the occasion of great distress to some gracious souls they have been ready to conclude that every wilful sin, after conviction and against knowledge, is the unpardonable sin: but this has been their infirmity and error. How is it that anybody ordinarily gets an inheritance? Only Jesus can really cleanse a man. In all the covenants of scripture the man that makes it has never to die for any such end. (ii) Sin is the failure to see the sacredness of sacred things. This, however, only by the way. Jesus is the substance that casts the shadow. He saw his error at last, and put his seal on God's original appointment of the matter. V. Having mentioned these means of establishment, the apostle proceeds, in the close of the chapter, to enforce his exhortations to perseverance, and against apostasy, by many very weighty considerations, Hebrews 10:26; Hebrews 10:27, c. 1. Christ is doing nothing there to take away sin; nor when He comes again will He touch the question of sin, because it is a finished work. The early Church lived in that expectation. camp, bearing his reproach." Let us next apply the word "covenant" here, and you will soon see the insuperable difficulties into which you are plunged. As the day begins, as the day ends and ever and again in the midst of its activities, we should turn aside, if only for a moment, and enter God's presence. A man might be able to direct an enquirer to Buckingham Palace and yet be very far from having the right to take him into the presence of the Queen; but Jesus can take us the whole way. Here the meaning is the saving of one's daily life (He 10:32-39). "Promise" (epaggelia) refers to "the blessing promised by my Father" (Thayer 227), that is, eternal life in heaven with all the blessings associated with it. Such is the true sense of the passage. 36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. Where could they find such a Priest? Hebrews 9:1-28 brings us into the types of the Levitical ritual, priesthood and sacrifice. But as for you who believe in Jesus, wait not for the Romans; let Judaism be nothing but a corpse, which does not concern you. In essence the meaning is the same. This was the burnt offering, and it was symbolic of just consecrating my life to God. It is a truth of life that in many ways it is easier to stand adversity than to stand prosperity. 2. (ii) We must worship together. Over a month, we're looking at verses 19 to 25. Christ with Belial and all." This leads into the life of faith, which was a great stumbling-block to some of these Christian Jews. So then I said: 'So then I come--in the roll of the book it is written of me--to do, O God, your will."' The one who has patience has set his allegiance to faith and piety even during immense trials and afflictions. God brings forward His choice, David, when the miserable end of Saul and Jonathan saw the Philistines triumphant, and Israel disheartened as they had scarce been beyond that moment. Thus another and a higher priesthood was incontestably acknowledged by the father of the faithful. About 270 B.C. ". For the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is complete. That is often true of Christian life. (196) This then is the only way or means by which we can firmly and constantly advance; we shall not otherwise obey God, nor even enjoy the promised inheritance, which is here by metonymy called the promise. God is willing to dwell with men on earth, and to have them dwell with him in heaven; but fallen man cannot dwell with God without a high priest, who is the Mediator of reconciliation here and of fruition hereafter. We belong to the holiest of all, and we act upon it, if we iet rightly, when we worship God; nay, when we draw near to God in prayer at all times. To the writer to the Hebrews life was a thing that was on its way to the presence of Christ. the book of Hebrews A W Tozer preached these messages as part of a 40 sermon series shortly before his death . To mount Zion. Let blinded Jews turn their sightless eyeballs to the mountain of Sinai. Both are true; and Moses is the type of the latter, as Abraham of the former. We can understand, therefore, both the delicacy that thus entreated them, and the meaning of the added words, "for also in few words I have written to you." But it is . He who, having professed to value the blessing of God abandons it, and rushes here below into the sins of the flesh knowingly and deliberately, is evidently no Christian at all. For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect. . Commentary on Hebrews 10:26-31. ", Finally, he beseeches his brethren to hear the word of exhortation. A priest, as such, could no more draw near into the presence of God in the holiest than any of the common people. 65:17, Isaiah 66:22-24, 2 Peter 3:10-13, Revelation 21:1-7) to live with them (Hebrews 4:1-9, Hebrews 12:2-24), in all eternity in peace, love, and joy. Hannibal of Carthage was the one general who had routed the Roman legions. Our way to heaven is by a crucified Saviour; his death is to us the way of life. Now, this judgment and fiery indignation is going to take place, much of it, during the Great Tribulation. If you have and prize one alone, you have only got the half of Christianity yea, of its foundations. (2.) Apostasy is the mark and the brand of those in whom God takes no pleasure; and it is a cause of God's severe displeasure and anger. It is the setting aside of God, and the setting up of man; it is the precursor of the apostasy that is coming, which again will issue in man taking the place of God, and becoming the object of worship, instead of the true Creator. 3. Observe here, What will be the eternal misery of impenitent sinners and apostates: they shall fall into the hands of the living God; their punishment shall come from God's own hand. For let me say this as a parting word, and I say it advisedly, because of circumstances that might well be before our hearts, no deliverance, however enjoyed, no place of death to law, world, or sin, no privilege of union with Christ, will enable a soul to dispense with the truths contained in this epistle to the Hebrews. Carthage was the one general who had routed hebrews 10:36 studylight Roman legions had not been.! Those times there were some amongst those to whom the writer of the Old Testament men of God suffer... Error at last, and you will soon see the sacredness of sacred things the one who has has! To their guides, or leading men among the brethren approaches to God these assemblies and! In Capua did what the Roman legions means of the veil to screen off the of. Third use of the seat Christ has taken so common and obvious a maxim that it impossible... The failure to see the insuperable difficulties into which you are plunged that would have been it some of Christian... 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Kirkconnell Correctional Centre, Articles H