Capricorn You thrive when there's room for your growth spurts. In the end I would never tell someone "oh you are a Gemini so you should not mix with a Capricorn sun" or "your Cap Venus won't mix with his Leo Venus", etc. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Your lover can remind you how wonderful simple pleasures can be. Aquarius is detached and at times, somewhere else, and Aries is alert in the spontaneous moment. I have a very crowded 1st house, NN and vesta are there too. Even though you are both inclined to give the other freedom of movement and expression, neither of you is especially adaptable in terms of habits and mindsets. The short attention span can become a problem if the relationship is treated carelessly. With your Venus signs in a sextile with one another, you are likely to appreciate and respect each other, off-moods aside. There's something special about the Venus Aquarius lover that draws Venus Leo in. Cancer They are far too different. The Venus Pisces love style is elusive, and while there's passion, it might not have the punch Leo craves. If these two don't block the other but instead combine their energies, this is a magnificent match. See our Venus sign tables. Having said that, there's natural chemistry here, with a lust for life and enthusiasm that makes it amazing. Love can make it work, although plenty of adjustments are necessary to keep this union moving in healthy directions. If Venus Aries' eyes wander, or they show waning attention, the Lion roars. You're a fire sign, for an instinctual and physical approach to getting to know others. This could suit both of you just fine. While one may initially appear detached or aloof because of this, it is simply. Their changeable natures will shift their relationship all the time, and only if they share enough love, they might be able to handle the changes and stay together. The Aquarius lover defies social etiquette, and that gets on Venus Libra's nerves. In reality, there are countless points of comparison that need . They might see you as restlessly pushing when they want to stay put. Molly Hall is an astrologer, tarot reader, and author of "Astrology: A Complete Illustrated Guide to the Zodiac. I have Sun/Jupiter/Mercury/Venus in Gemini in the 1st so the pop astrologists say I'm flighty, spacey, fickle, social butterfly. Two Pisces partners will have trouble trusting each other. In addition, Venus Pisces has an alluring style, exploring their many personae through a heightened sense of fashion. As willing as you are to stir things up if you are in the mood to enforce change, there is a wonderful calm surrounding you that can be most appealing to others. You are somewhat unpredictable when it comes to expressions of love, and your partner is more likely to appreciate this quirkiness than most Venusian signs, simply because they enjoy challenges and the feeling that a relationship is alive. Furthermore, your unconventionality can be quite attractive to your Venus in Aries partner. The quirk factor is high here, but Aquarius' rebel ways may be too hard onVirgo's sensitive nerves. Pisces. This match-up is a study in contrasts and in a nutshell one of light work and heavy lifting. You are not impressed with relationships that are overly traditional or restrictive. It's hard for each to relate, and there could be a judgment of the other's overemoting or lack of warmth. Following the beaten track simply doesnt sit well with you. Scorpio and Aquarius make an odd match. Both signs are impulsive, and not inclined to get emotionally involved. If Venus Aquarius wants to keep Venus Leo for the longterm, he or she will have to learn how to make the Lion feel singled out. It's a tall order for any relationship, but if any two are game, these two are. In the absence of a partner who works on creating emotional bonding and intimacy, you two may redefine partnership altogether. Anyways, let me know you thoughts or if you have an Aqua Venus and how you feel about it!! He had too much Gemini and so do I, bad combo. Sometimes they're what you might call socially aggressive -- they use their charm and magnetism to steer things their way. When the honeymoon phase is over, and there's a settling in, the Sagittarius lover grows edgy. Venus in Air, Mars in Water (Romantic Air, Watery Desires): In matters of the heart, you are a youthful, intelligent, and passionate lover, or you are magnetically drawn to partners with these qualities. And vice versa? The quality of attention will be a deciding factor, as Scorpio is an all or nothing kind of lover. He had give or take 33 victims stuffed under his house. I'm also a Gemini Sun, Mercury, Venus and that's in 9th house which squares my 6th house Pisces Moon. You need to be tilted toward risk can be alarming to your mate or friend. Important Note: We offer sign-to-sign compatibility interpretations assuming readers know that the comparisons attempt to show both the negative and positive sides of only one point of comparison. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Both need breathing room, though Libra finds it hard to harmonize with such a solo traveler. about the overall compatibility of two people. After all, your way of loving life (Venus) is expressing your singular self in a concentrated way. More specifically: Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Aquarius: This is quite a temperamental combination, as your romantic and sexual needs seem to be at cross purposes. In a chaotic world of phonies and status-seekers, aVenus Virgo lover is a refreshing constanthonest, supportive, and loving. They share a love of the arts and are often worldly. Fast friendships are made, and whirlwind love affairs begin with a bang. beyond Sun Signs. As a result, you are unlikely to be a joined-at-the-hip type of couple. What attracts Venus Aquarius is uniqueness, a strong will, and passion for breaking out of inner or outer limitations. Your partner is a more stubborn soul, possessing staying power, for sure, but not the flexibility that you so gracefully offer any partnership. (Capricorn, Venus in Pisces): Capricorn is all for security, Pisces is a full-on romantic = good guy Chris Rock (Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn): Aquarius can be about partnership when Capricorn grounds it Ethan Hawke (Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio): Ladykiller double sign combo Antonio Banderas (Leo, Venus in Virgo): In reality, there are countless points of comparison that need to be assessed before making any judgments (if indeed a judgment is necessary!) What happens is your natural spiritedness and enthusiasm in love might be threatening or disconcerting to your Venus in Scorpio partner, and they might find it easy to pull you down, or "rain on your parade." But still we're the best of friends ever! I'm not anywhere close to that. Your sexual . Both of you value a partnership in which there is mental and social interaction. Your aloofness, on the other hand, isnt hiding much of anything! ", Venus Leo Compatibility With Other Venus Signs, Discover the Love Compatibility of Venus in Aries, Taurus with Libra: Their Love Compatibility, The Earth Signs: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. There's a Venus square, and incompatible elements -- one is totally emotionally engaged, other other, airy Aquarius is known for detachment. Others might call it flightiness, but you appreciate their changeability, seeing it as really quite natural. More than almost any other signature in the chart, these planets (and their aspects and house placements), give clues as to how you like to "do love" (Venus) and "do sex" (Mars). You need to feel like your relationship is heading somewhere. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Taurus Venus Cancer is by and large a homebody, only truly comfortable among people they know and trust. You may be quite baffled by your partners passionate reactions to you, as you tend to feel that getting too emotionally tangled up in problems is counterproductive. In fact, something about their manner promises they will be satisfying lovers and partners. You could also say bursts of energy meets steady and languid. As long as there's respect, Venus Virgo is happy to let others lead, as long as it's where they want to go! Leo These Venus signs represent the Leo-Aquarius polarityand can at first seem like total opposites when it comes to matters of the heart. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Liveliness, cheerfulness, and plenty of activity characterize your partnership. Dont know the positions of your planets? Fire and fire are simpatico in love and friendship. In the long term, however, their extravagant tastes could lead to conflicts over the household budget. If you can get beyond this minor incompatibility, and treat it as an opportunity to grow, your partnership has much potential to work well. Heh. Rather than surging ahead impulsively, Venus Taurus shows you how to love getting there. Venus in Aquarius Woman Venus Libra with Venus in Pisces A Venus Cancer craves emotional intimacy, stability, and a family feeling. Libra Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Capricorn Communication will be flowing between the two of you! Both crave luxury and stylish clothes and enjoy being seen. As such, Venus Leo might feel silently judged for tooting their own horn. Your quirkiness can be fun and even electric. You're both freedom lovers, and that makes this an inspired friendship. This Venus gets burned out if they are too "on" all the time. There's more of the harmonizer in Libra, while the Archer tends to be vigilantly attuned to its own firebrand seeking. Venus Aries is known for abrupt endings, though you go through heartbreak just like everybody else. They share keen observations about people, the world, and life. Your relating style is forceful and directed toward a target. Or a friend you meet and don't see for a while, but pick up again where you left off. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Libra: Each of you places a high value on sharing ideas with your partner, which can be a major source of common ground in your relationship. The Sun as Leo's planetary ruler has a cycle of rising and shiningand of setting. Venus in Scorpio compatibility with Venus in Aquarius venusianscorp 3.72K subscribers Subscribe 105 Share 2.7K views 2 years ago New I am offering Relationship advice/ counseling. They are more interested in keeping the peace, compromising, finding that sweet spot of giving and take. You're fast friends, and neither holds back if there are strong feelings. In reality, there are countless points of comparison that need to be assessed before making any judgments (if indeed a judgment is necessary!) These are not astrology related but general relationship advice. The attraction is strong between these two fixed signs and each sense the other's substance, intensity, and desire for passion. Certainly, you will give your partner plenty of space to be themselves, and that is a true gift. Mars is trine the ASC to 2+ degrees so I think that is where the stability comes in. Venus in Gemini is in the 2nd. But they are restored withrecreation, in both senses of the word, either by re-creating their circumstances or through play and leisure. This is when you are at your best. There is a lot of romantic chemistry between you two because the Venus is attracted to the Mars' similar passion and sex drive, while Mars is attracted to the Venus' charm. Your Venus Sadge friend is fiery but has a less urgent way of relating. Venus in Aquarius, Mars in Scorpio Your Venus is in an Air sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. Aquarius You have a venus in scorpio like me, when makes you like to look at the very depths of those we desire, but maybe we can also be a bit idealistic? You view sex as an emotional release, yet you also tend to appraise it with intellectual detachment. The experimental factor is high, as is the riskthere could be something about their pairing that provokes others or society in some way. Molly Hall is an astrologer, tarot reader, and author of "Astrology: A Complete Illustrated Guide to the Zodiac. Taurus brings out the sensual side of Aquarius but may get jealous of the friendly way with others. While you can be intense and personal at times, you can also completely confuse a lover with a detached manner on other occasions. They're likely to be observing you, and coolly assessing potential -- should they invest in you and the friendship? Having found someone toplayoff, the antics and wit come in a steady stream. Make no mistake, this is a steamy combowater and fire bring love to the boiling point! How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Taurus: Both of you are strong individuals with rather fervent ideas of what you want in a partnership, and those ideas clash in many ways! You are a sensitive companion who enjoys amusing, comforting, and inspiring your partner. Much will depend on maturity, timing, and how ready you are to grow to meet the other. But Leo senses that Libra takes the relationship seriously, and both bloom under this kind respect. They may be full of exciting ideas, though sitting down and carrying them out might be another story. In the horoscope, your Venus sign speaks about how you express affection and what brings you joy. You're also both high achievers but go about it in different ways. One's head is in the clouds, the other firmly planted on the ground. Your conversations are staccato in tone, direct and uncensored. Confrontations arise is Scorpio's possessiveness gets the better of . This relationship can be a little more challenging than some, but compassion and understanding can most certainly make it work. However, your partner might be looking for something more substantial. These love mates have trouble understanding one another's origin of thought. You might find that you both share a universal love of mankind, and that you are both very idealistic people. This can be hurtful to your sensitive mate or friend. Some Famous People with this Combination: Winona Ryder, Jay-Z, Drake, Snoop Dogg, Emilia Clarke, Chris Noth, Grace Slick. You make an impact and leave a lasting first impression. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Pisces: This is an unusual combination. This is tough on your friend, who gets uneasy in conflict unless there's a willingness to find common ground. Are eachnoble enough to let the other shine? Your partners moods change quickly, and while you can hardly be labeled predictable, you are not as flexible as your partner is. Keep in mind that you can use these compatibility interpretations for Sun Signs as well! Your partners need for appreciation is paramount. Your partner is personal, involved, and intense in their romantic dealings; you are more impersonal and rather detached, able to see the bigger picture. 4 months ago I was involved with a man 5 years older than me whose chart made a good synastry with mine. The Aquarius lover defies social etiquette, and that gets on Venus Libra's nerves. Aquarius Pisces. Great friends but a terrible couple. Aries Venus is headstrong, a provocateur, urgent and eager for action. Fire (Aries) and air (Gemini) whip each other up into an excitable frenzy. To win a Capricorn Venus over, you have to prove that you have what it takes to provide stability, security, and commitment so forget about playing gamesever. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. I have Taurus rising, and Mars, Uranus and Pluto all in Virgo square these planets trine the ASC, and Saturn in the 11th in Pisces and Leo Moon. To the people who know me well, I am the stereotype to an extent - very inquisitive, witty, socially adept - but still not fickle, spacey, flighty or the social butterfly. You may be a tad argumentative in close partnership as a result of this basic inner conflict. Your ideal partner gives you a lot of freedom, freedom to be yourself in the first place. Dont know your Mars sign? Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Note: These compatibility interpretations can be used with Sun Signs as well. Since it's Venus, though, these clashes can be invigorating, since both like to spar with a strong opponent. They share worldly concerns, though, so they could be a power couple if they share a similar outlook or cause. Venus Leo guys and gals shine and have outbursts of ecstatic creativity. They inspire each other as friends, with fresh angles and stunningly vast perspectives. This friend is an ally, in breaking down steps to a goal. Look You are not an easy lover to understand, however. The only difficulty with all of this is that your partners desires in love are quite variable, and when theyre turned on, they want love and want it right now. TheVenus Capricornloves with an oldsoul and has staying power. This can cause a few problems, although if love is strong between you, your partner is most inclined to be the one to make adjustments when needed. Those who have Venus in Aquarius often have a more rational attitude toward love, and even if they deeply love each other, they avoid feelings such as jealousy and possession. Capricorn also seems to age in reverse, so instead of growing stale, their love grows more playful with each anniversary. The Venus in Cancerlover is highly attuned to their mate's feelings, and they have a desire to nurture and protect. Compatible elements are fire and air, and these Venus signs also get a lift. Chances are, they'll both bring a wide circle of friends to the union. With effort, your partnership can certainly work. Lions make super-fun parents, and take great pride in their children. It's a pair that delights in wit, irony, and sarcasm. Mars in the 1st house generally is one of aggression, but if it's Earth Mars on the rising, you'd get someone much more anti-Mars and placid. You're both most alive when doing something and hate to be bored. Each of you has a certain aloof quality about you when it comes to romance and love. You tend to thrive with a lot of freedom, and don't handle feelings (yours or others) with a lot of nuances. That's from Kings Of Leon's "Temple" song from their recent album (and when you read the lyrics to most of their songs, you can actually see how he words his feelings). While others might complain that you are a little too aloof, your lover is more apt to see that trait as a challengeand rise to it! You'll have to learn patience, as your lover has to plan everything out, while you're quick to act. Each demands attention, though they could show a generosity of spirit, and cheer each other on. You have the hit of inspiration, and your mate translates that to the reality of real life. Find out your position of Venus by sign here. It's these very traits that will make them fall in love. Sometimes this devolves into epics fights and equally climactic making-up sessions. Venus Leo, on the other hand, sees all the world as a stage and is buoyed by seeing admiration in others' eyes. As the first sign, you're eager to rush into new experiences, and because of this, can get in over your head at times. They bring together the planet of love (Venus) and its higher octave Neptune, so it's bound to be meaningful and even feel "fated." The only problem is that Leo likes to be treated like royalty, while Aquarius has a more egalitarian social style. And there's a sense of chase since this lover has naturally divided attention. You are extremely charming, as you are both playful and warm at once. With Venus in Aquarius You're both freedom lovers, and that makes this an inspired friendship. It is important that your partner appreciates your uniqueness and encourages you to be authentic in love. But Venus Pisces is also the classic chameleon and can swim away if things get too intense. As squaring signs, they should have a very troublesome contact, but the sign of Scorpio exalts the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus. A demanding Leo lover that wants loyalty and devotion might find that leaves them in an impossible position. You have a gift of being able to step back from a problem in order to find ways to solve it. Their love is tested in the pressure cooker, but that's exactly where they're both at home. Aquarius might learn from Scorpio to do something that is really difficult for Aquarius to learn: that there's actually something inside of us, a heart and emotions. All or nothing kind of lover are overly traditional or restrictive and how you express affection and brings. Labeled predictable, you agree to the Terms of use step back a. Fact, something about their manner promises they will be flowing between the two you. Shine and have outbursts of ecstatic creativity are not as flexible as your can... When they want to stay put emotional intimacy, stability, and that gets on Venus Libra 's.. 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