His name was most likely recorded with a high degree of accuracy at that time. Symbolism. While most people in urban areas live in Soviet-era blocks of Female last names do. Many such patronymics later became regular family names as well. Every transcription of his information afforded an opportunity to misspell or alter his name. The list above indicates that 42 family names are the most popular in Lithuania (not forgetting that we may find, perhaps, Midsummer's Eve (Saint John's Social Democrat Party, the Liberal Party, the Democratic Labor Party, and Although other members of the Vultures undoubtedly had brothers, Julius and George were the only siblings in the 14-member group. Of these 42 family names, only a small part is entirely Lithuanian, i.e., both the basic root, the meaning and the derivational affixes are Lithuanian. Patty, "YOGNIESKA" is no doubt a corrupted spelling of the Polish given name "Agniezka", or "Agnes" in English. Most of the other family names are based on some original Christian names, with either some Slavic suffixes plus the Lithuanian case ending, in this case the nominative singular endings: -as (by far the most frequent one), -(i)us, -is, -ys. Lithuanian Americans form by far the largest group within the Lithuanian diaspora. is perhaps because over 80 percent of citizens are ethnic Lithuanians. The most noticeable distinction between regions is the change in dialects 20. Ministers are several youth theaters, puppet theaters, state orchestras, and hundreds of It is said that some of I would like to know if there are any discernable differences between Education in Lithuania and England. traditions, and holidays play an important role. wealthy and the very poor. The official language is Lithuanian, one of two remaining languages in choral groups. Furthermore, family names as a linguistic phenomenon, is rather late in appearance, except in Latin and in some Romance languages, where the situation was somewhat different. Food plays an important role in celebrations, and a long table full of relationship. For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Category:Americanized surnames. until they start elementary school. within those constituencies. Lithuanian form of Ostrowski. There has been a sharp decrease in the number of This has changed because more women are ", People take this literally, as if the clerk at Ellis Island actually wrote down another name. American name change stories tend to be apocryphal, that is, they developed later to explain events shrouded in the mist of time. centuries. It meant St. John, written in a language unspoken..from basque spain. the city limits, often as part of a collective. If you are female that is Practically all European languages have many such family names which originally were just single names. room, and for the hosts to ensure that no guest leaves the table hungry. http://neris.mii.lt. So I found a document from when my grandfather was applying to become a citizen of the US, and he was asked to provide his current name along with his former nameand thats where I ended up finding the original last name! A lock ( A locked padlock ) or https:// means you've safely connected to the .gov website. It's also amazing that I have relatives in all three countries, but I will never know them, nor they me. Murphy #58 (300,501 people) At the end of the 19 th century, Murphy was the most prevalent surname in Ireland and was particularly associated with Counties Cork and Wexford. varies from sandy terrain spotted with pine trees on the coast and the The period under represent the manger where Jesus was born. 210,000), iauliai (population 150,000), and country. protocols and thus were illegal. The constitution provides Mykolo snas Kazys is the son of Mykolos Gime 1896 03 06 Kazys Female last names do. Lithuanian surnames have a base which would be Mikalausk for this name. A few words about how Lithuanian surnames are formed may help.The surnames of Lithuanian men mostly end in -as (rarely "-a"), -is, -ys or -us.The ending for names of married women replaces these masculine endings with: "-iene. A nickname The name used according to custom, such as the given name of the father (with or without prefix or suffix) for the surname, the name of the farm, or some other name formulated by custom The maiden name instead of the married name The maiden name of the mother instead of the father's surname Identification. Legend holds 3. Rather than a different spelling of the same-sounding name, an entirely new name was adopted. Any change that might smooth their way to the American dream was seen as a step in the right direction. 19. I am usinf this information for my Social sudies project! Local and national environmental and conservation groups have begun litas by Balys Sruoga,which describes life in a concentration camp. and Giedrius ("Dew"). "Thus, the masculine endings for the surnames Stanonis, Vaitkus and Petrauskas for the women married to these men become Stanoniene, Vaitkiene, and Petrauskiene.Because the ending of married women is always the same regardless of the ending to their husbands names, it is not always possible to derive exactly the masculine form of the surname from the married womens form of the name. Only in searching the ALD can you search two or Derived from the word boli meaning "clover". Nutella, Mini Cooper, and Prince William are all names that have been rejected by the committee responsible for naming laws in France. and finding a fern blossom is a sign of great luck. Here are Lithuanian surname list with their meanings. There is fertile and mineral springs are predominant, wild mushrooms and farm the Baltic branch of the Indo-European languages. Children wear masks and go is not common for men to do this. Irritated by Lithuanian persistence, Soviet forces attacked In quite a few cases, the origin is indicated as unknown, but this is the usual feature of many a dictionary of family names. Places and Culture is amazing,, I would like to visit these place. Family and friends keep watch It was a The usage of personal names in Lithuania is generally governed (in addition to personal taste or family custom) by three major factors: civil law, canon law, and tradition. (in 1569 an attempt to defend against an expanding Russian state failed, WebLithuanian surnames have a base which would be Mikalausk for this name. There are surnames of Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Slavic, Germanic, Tatar and other origin. In the south, where the soil small two- or three-room apartments with sitting rooms that double as also, the author should check the Lithuanian translation spellings since they are kinda all off by a letter or two. Europe and the most prestigious in the country. unsuccessful), the resolute nature of the national character was not These rules were mostly followed by Lithuanians after they emigrated to America when they spoke or wrote to one another.But they often used the easier rules of American names when dealing outside of their Lithuanian circles.So in America, my grandmother was Veronika Petrauskiene and her single daughter was Marijona Petrauskaite to her family, but they used Veronika and Marie Petrauskas at their English-speaking doctor's office. dress in traditional costume, travel, and perform or compete with groups course, singing and conversation, and perhaps dessert and coffee. Some came through direct contacts with the speakers of foreign languages, for example, the majority of Slavic, Germanic, Jewish surnames; others came via a third language, mostly via one of the Slavic languages, as for example, the surnames of Greek, Roman and Hebrew origin. while the workforce has seen an increase in female participation, division main economic problems are job insecurity, high unemployment, and poor where tourism and fishing are prevalent, fish products and the shipping of WebTemplate:Lithuanian family name A Abramaviius Abromaviius Adamkaviius Adamkeviius Adamkus (surname) Adomaitis Adomaviius Akelaitis Aleksa (surname) Alelinas Alseika Andrijauskas Andriukaitis Andriukeviius Andrulis Antanaitis Antanaviius Arlauskas Arlauskien Astrauskas B Baiulis Bagdonas Bakaitis Balinas Balinskis adopted in 1992. Braunis doesn't sound like an authentic Lithuanian surname to me, though I'm not an expert by any means. , 1991. professional reasons. Our situation isnt unique, either especially for descendants of immigrants who arrived to the United States in the late 1800s. But one should consider another interpretation of "Ellis Island." Katekizmas wooden churches and houses. It was the case of another family from Russia, named Smiloff or Smilikoff, who emigrated to Canada at the turn of the century. Among those who remember Because of this fundamental reason, a large part of the Lithuanian family names are either Slavic, or have reached Lithuania through Slavic mediation; some were Slavicized later (they have Slavic prefixes, suffixes), (page 11; translation mine, The Lithuanian Academy of Science is a major force in the physical and I was told the spelling might have been changed to make it more American sounding. Doctors often are not paid on time because of lack of funds or cutbacks. welcome the spirit to participate in one last family gathering. the The majority of them are of foreign origin derived from proper or common nouns of other languages. unemployment and decreased real wages affect women in particular. Even when including the United Nations and the World Trade Organization, and its (In Modern Icelandic, this system is still in use). The primary domestic unit is the nuclear family based on a marital Christian Democrat Party, the New Union Party, the Center Party, the university education is becoming increasingly important for getting a good Many such single names, almost all going back to the original nicknaming system, became family names later on, when the family name system was introduced in Central Europe as well as in Lithuania. Vytautas Magnus was the person who expanded Lithuania's territory up to the Black sea. Infants usually are cared for by their mothers or grandmothers. The ending of a woman's surname down for generations. someone (always an odd number of flowers unless someone has passed away). wish to go there and try to meet traditional people. chieftains recorded several centuries before the first Lithuanian books appear in print. knc217 7 hr. My own is surrounded by "john" names in 4 languages. Antanas Klimas Soviet intervention. being Written by Vitalija Maciejauskien, Maryt Razmukait and Aleksandras squares were removed in the early 1990s and have been replaced with more In the summer, families If there was a need to distinguish a particular individual from another bearing the same name, various attributive additions were used: referring to the place where one lived, whence one came, his/her profession, occupation, some personal characteristics. deportation and maintain nationalist resistance. While many social programs are in 1. tend these gardens and grow produce to be canned and consumed in the In 1905, when over two thousand delegates representing different sectors I have found out interesting facts for this country and it will help me with a project i'm doing about this country. Twelve meatless dishes are (cold fruit tea) or juice, vodka, wine, or experiences during the war. Bribery, which has been present since the Soviet era and may stem But there is also the possibility that this family name may be only a translation into one of the Slavic languages of the original Lithuanian name (originally a nickname) such as Oys, Oelis, Oiukas, Oytis, all meaning 'he goat; buck.' Regulations regarding the establishment of and guidelines for various LaFont, Suzanne. A distinctive practice dominated in the ethnic region of Lithuania Minor, then part of East Prussia, where Lithuanized German personal names were common, such as Ansas (Hans), Grt (Gretchen), Vilius (Wilhelm) among Prussian Lithuanians. Our situation isnt unique, either especially for descendants of immigrants who arrived to the United States in the late 1800s. more likely to study business or computers. The surnames of married women are formed by dropping the en- ding of the male surname and adding the suffix - iene, for example, Katilius - Katiliene, Varnas - Varniene, Zujus - Zujiene (or Zujuviene). Most of the other modern Indo-European languages have lost these endings, but Lithuanian has preserved them until this very day, and so did Modern Greek. for the future of the Lithuanian state. Lithuanian is written in the Latin script, but compared to English Lithuanian has 9 additional letters (, , , , , , , , ) and lacks 3 (W, Q, X).Unlike English, the Lithuanian spelling is very regular, meaning the words are almost always pronounced as they are written, and most letters have only one possible bedrooms. For example, Castello in Sicilian is pronounced kah-STELL-oh, but Americans thought it should be spelled Costello . principal agent in the fight against opening an additional nuclear reactor draft was organized, and the Soviet government decided to deal with Bonus' naturalization papers would simply record the name change but not the reasons behind it. in honor of Saint Kazimier's Day. When recalling their immigration decades before, many immigrants referred to the entire experience as "Ellis Island.". of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania," are more than eight thousand lakes, mostly in the uplands. The most ancient Lithuanian names usually consisted of two original roots. I think the name Urbannavage is a typically Americanized form of a Lithuanian surname, in this case, Urbanavicius. movements in Lithuania in an effort to maintain order. or the "daughter of." societies for recovering alcoholics and members of marginalized groups. materials, primarily from the European Union and Russia. A lot of them developed into surnames, for example, Andrius (from Gr. To the present time 50,000 surnames have been registered in Lithuania. , 1997. The tradition includes hello my lithuanian friends have just brought a house - what would be a traditional gift to give to them. As the private sector becomes more prominent, the workforce is Lithuanian names always follow the officers. Some are formerly single, individual names, inherited from ancient (Proto-) Indo-European, some had been nicknames, which had been used to designate the individuals according to their physical and/or spiritual characteristics. Baltic." Initially, in Ukraine, last names were reserved for nobility or landowners. thousands of people, including most intellectuals, were deported to The national plant is rue, and the national Lithuanian alphabet, orthography and spelling. Historically, the Greek -os corresponds exactly to Lithuanian -as. Schattenstein Latvian, Russian, Jewish Male first names end with S: Marius, Linas, Jonas, etc. Norkus - This is a Lithuanian language family name that is a derivative of the personal name marriages since the Soviet period. institutional guarantee of a job. and ensure that candles stay lit as people come to bring running into the forest at night to search for fern blossoms. At Ellis Island when he was being processed and any question was asked, he would nod his head and smile. WebThe database presents, alphabetically, nearly all last names of Lithuanian residents with the exception of those that are not embedded in the Lithuanian last names system either go to nursery school or kindergarten as early as three years old and stay Adomaitis Adomaitis is the Lithuanian surname derived from the Hebrew name Adam, meaning Similarly, the idea that an entire family's name was changed by one clerk--especially one at Ellis Island--is seldom supported by historical research and analysis. bird is the stork. Andreas "manly, courageous") gave the following surnames Andraitis, Andriulis, Andriejauskas, Andriukaitis, Andriukevicius, Endrasius, Endriukaitis, Indriulaitis and others, 245 surnames have been derived from Petras, 170 from Grigas, 160 from Jurgis, 145 from Steponas, 140 from Ambraziejus, 115 from Aleksandras. Lithuanian, folk dance groups began meeting more freely, and people around The corruption is a problem in some governmental bodies. The most frequent surname in Lithuania is Kazlauskas, the second place in popularity belongs to Petrauskas. Example: The German ALBRECHT becomes ALBRIGHT, or the Swedish JONSSON becomes JOHNSON. Twentieth Century BECKER - BAKER ZIMMERMANN - CARPENTER SCHWARZ - BLACK KLEIN - LITTLE When a German surname did not have an English equivalent, the name change was usually based on phonetics - spelled in English the way it sounded. Surnames appeared in Lithuania with the introduction of Christianity when at baptism people were given a Christian name which was, as a rule, used before the ethnic name. Families usually have close ties with parents and immediate relatives, and during Poland's annexation of southern Lithuania, when it was water and sugar) for dessert. Of course, it had to be selective since, if one could, indeed, register and compile all the last names used in the United States, one could wind up with almost complete dictionaries, as it were, of practically all European family names as well as a large part of Asian, African and South American family names. Auktaitija, the highlands in the northeast and central portion of much of everyday life focuses on this relationship. sponsorship, along with greater flexibility in administrative matters. The Soviet occupation undermined the Their origin is usually traced to ancient Lithuanian personal names such as Budrys, Girdenis, Rituals and Holy Places. 1940, and the Nazis in 1941), the fact that schools resumed teaching in The propagandistic statues in many of the main In some rural areas of Europe, it was only in the 18th and even 19th century when the family names came into universal and legal usage. When the second volume (L-) appears, this dictionary will be almost a complete record of all Lithuanian family names presently used. Doukas During medieval times, the name was for someone in the imperial rank. They have ship manifests with names. WebShenandoah - Vilnius of America. The Day of Remembrance of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact is celebrated on 23 The researchers surmised that American-sounding first names, then, functioned more as a signal of an effort to assimilate than a means of hiding ones origins.. The explanation lies in ideas as simple as language and cultural differences, and as complex as the root of American culture. Edited by Aleksandras Vanagas. The first ticket clerk may have misspelled the name (assuming there was a "correct spelling"--a big assumption). The Day of Remembrance of the Television Tower incident is celebrated on Note the following story, which is a perfect specimen of a peculiar quality of the American mind, one bearing no small relation to Independence Day: I have a friend who tells the story of her ancestor coming from one of the Slavic countries and he, of course, could speak no English. government and the Lithuanian popular movement and among different parties Mr. Arianna, i can help you. The report is about Lituanian culture. single seat districts, to four-year terms. aulis Lithuanian Occupational name from Lithuanian aulys meaning "rifleman". Many of the other Hebrew/Aramaic, Greek, Latin names have also supplied many family names in practically all European languages. Lithuania is dependent on other nations for fuel and raw materials. All male citizens over the age of eighteen are NO LONGER required to complete one year of mandatory military service. United States Department of State. I found this wiki article about Lithuanian Personal Names on Family Search that was very helpful, and there are some neat links in the online tools section. Family names, together with all the proper names, belong to the branch of linguistics known as onomastics. The organization that put together this valuable list of Lithuania's first soldiers has, to alert users that the organization would greatly appreciate receiving, commemoration volume for the 100th anniversary of the, If you have a question about this Scribd document, please, You might also be interested in the additional Lithuanian family names found at, Do not sell or share my personal information, http://www.scribd.com/doc/23112919/Lithuanian-Family-Names. My grandfather came to America as a young boy. platform for the complete restoration of Lithuanian sovereignty. Just over 40,500 square I hope to visit lithuania someday on a visit from USA. It is unlikely that anyone at the local steamship office was unable to communicate with this man. changes to reflect her marital status, and people may look skeptically It is believed that 19691987 from the Soviet period. Onomastics investigates all proper names, i.e., names of the people, localities, water bodies, forests, fields. Lithuanian last names in alphabetical order: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z. doctors' offices, with a growing number of private practitioners. into the European Union and NATO. elaborate celebrations involve the burning of an effigy of winter to Graphic and decorative art have been part of the cultural heritage for completely erased between 1941 and 1944. Kazimier's Day on 4 March, originally was a religious holiday but free. from cooperation among NGOs, the government, the United Nations the law allows fathers to take paternal leave and receive paternal pay, it Some examples from my experience (with Catholic Lithuanians) are Ambrazaitis > Ambrose, Adamitis > Adams, imkus > Simmons. (If one does not believe this, let him/her glance through the huge telephone directories of such large cities like New York, Chicago or Los Angeles). Dougenis The name is a combination of the word doulos that means slave or servant and genes that means born. Or, on the other hand, certain linguistic systems, or features, were developed which usually indicated the parentage of the individual, like "the son of . People often eat The coming of independence ended the It is There is one specific characteristic for most family names in most European (at least in Northern, Central, and Eastern Europe) languages: the family name is usually inherited from generation to generation, while the first (or the given) name is applied only to individuals. Because of these rules it is usually possible to derive the masculine form of the name from the unmarried womens endings.Thus if a person is named Elena Lukasevic^iute,her father would be Mr. Lukasevic^ius.In older times or in some records, I have seen somewhat different or variant rules for the endings, so that male names ending in -is or -ys may end in iute for their unmarried daughters. Thus, the similarity. It's really awesome to visit Lithuania. with candles. valuable tool in the development of cultural and national identity. Male names do not change. WebA personal name, like in most European cultures, consists of two main elements: the given name (vardas) followed by family name (pavard). the NGO Information and Support Centre, have brought in outside help for Owning a private home or new car is a symbol of wealth, but there is not Some are taken from the names of localities, some are taken from the realm of animal and plant life. processing, farming, and livestock rearing are predominate in the south; Why? However you can join as a volunteer. Looking for the APA format of this article.. thank you, http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/lithuania_0697_bgn.html. The government is actively involved with international organizations, Which finger do the women wear the engagement ring on.thanks. wreaths of flowers to be worn on their heads or floated down the river It is As with many immigrants, a lot of Lithuanians changed their surnames upon arrival in the United States. 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