"The greenhouse effect can be as good as rejected and Henry's Law stays firmly standing.". The exact same thing we have allegedly rushed into invention. And that toxin has been scheduled as a known biologic agent of concern, Moderna was founded on the back of a 10 year National Science foundation Grant, a project called Darwinian Chemical Systems, Specifically figuring out how to get mRNA to write itself into the genome of whatever target they were going after Moderna was started on the back of having proven that mRNA can be transfected and write itself into the human genome., June 27, 2022 Stew Peters Network: Dr. David Martin Calls For Prosecutions: Fauci Knew Remdesivir Would Kill Thousands We FINALLY have the case that will see to Dr. Fauci getting locked up, once & for all! WATCH, May 23, 2020 Open Philanthropys Dustin Aaron Moskovitz and his Amazing Crystal Ball When youre trying to sell CRISPR, dont forget to predict pandemics! M-Cam has also monitored biological and chemical weapons treaty violations on behalf of the U.S. government since the anthrax scare in September 2001. In the video below, Dr. David Martin reads this excerpt from the report: By March 2015, both the virulence of the S1 spike protein and the ACE II receptor was known to present a considerable risk to human health. Dr. David Martin | Putting Humanity Back Into Humans WATCH, February 23, 2021 Robert David Steele: Crimes Against Humanity with Dr Martin WATCH, SOURCE, February 8, 2021 Butterfly of the Week: Selective Spike Proteins and Other Statistical Wonders WATCH, February 2021 Chew On This: Dr David Martin speaks with Reinette Senum shares his medical background WATCH, January 23, 2021 Planet Lockdown interviews Dave Martin WATCH, SOURCE, January 18, 2021 Dave releases the Fauci Dossier WATCH, DOSSIER, MORE, YouTube, BACKUP. The Third Cause of Action insists that by issuing the CMS Mandate, Defendants are violating the Constitution of the United States in that they invade and encroach upon sovereign powers that reside solely in the States and have never been relinquished by the States to the Federal Government. According to the lawsuit, the CMS Mandate rests upon a general police power asserted by the Federal Governmenta power it does not have. Get the middle to move a fraction and the whole system wobbles. Thats actually a scheduled, known toxin on the scheduled list of biological weapons in the United States code., The 32-page lawsuit, with 171 pages of Exhibits, begins by highlighting that the CMS mandate requires almost every employee of any healthcare facility receiving Medicaid or Medicaid funding to receive one of the three Injections authorized for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration as COVID-19 vaccines (the Injections).. Corporate Advisor | Entrepreneur | Financier | Storyteller | Professor | Inventor .Welcome to the official channel of Dr. David E. Martin. The New American magazine, published twice a month in print and daily online, is the essential news source for freedom-loving Americans. Dr. David Martin. I'm allergic to conspiracies but this one smells real to me. There is actually a Dr David Martin in NOLA who is an expert in infectious disease. Dr David Martin is the founder and owner of the company M-CAM International which has provided research and corporate advisory services to over 160 countries and he has personally served as an advisor to the World Bank and many governments. Indeed, among the eight professional examples offered in the suit to corroborate that the Injections do not create an immunity that prevents the transmission of COVID-19 to others, the case quoted NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Faucis declaration to NPR on July 27, 2021, when he stated,We know now as a fact that [vaccinated people with COVID-19] are capable of transmitting the infection to someone else. Additionally, the head of the Oxford vaccine team Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, is quoted in the case as saying on Oct. 8, 2021: We dont have anything that will stop transmission, so I think we are in a situation where herd immunity is not a possibility, and I suspect the virus will throw up a new variant that is even better at infecting vaccinated individuals.. That patent clearly lays out in very specific gene sequencing the fact that we knew that the ACE receptor, the ACE 2 binding domain, the S1 Spike protein and other elements of what we have come to know as this scourge pathogen, was not only engineered, but could be synthetically modified in the lab using nothing more than gene sequencing technologies taking computer code and turning it into a pathogen or an intermediate of the pathogen. But whatever he is, he sure as hell ain't an Auroch. He has intimate knowledge of every single entity and company that has dealt with . Dr. David Martin delivered his speech in Salt Lake City, Utah at the "We Can Act" event organized, promoted and managed by Teena Horlacher and her team. WHO. Dr. David Martin, PhD, is a high level national intelligence analyst who has handled defense and intelligence investigations for the US government for decades. Furthermore, the lawsuit states the Injections fail to confer immunity but are claimed to reduce the severity of symptoms experienced by those infected by SARS-CoV-2. With this in mind, Plaintiff argues the shots are instead treatments and not vaccines, as that term has already been defined in the law. . The lawsuit insists the CMS Mandate must be struck down because overwhelming evidencealong with admission by the CDC Directorshows that the injections do not prevent transmission, infection, or reinfection in those who receive them. Public Health Dr. Robert Malone mRNA Architect Blows the Lid Off with URGENT MESSAGE to All Parents! By discerning the center of mass of the systems that need transformation and introducing a subtle shift in the middle, hes changed the transformation game. And that is their own words, not my interpretation, Martin claimed. He is the creator of the world's first quantitative . Reuters has debunked false claims about vaccine safety (here) and (here). Lawyers Heck, he could even be a recently hired field hand who's working for our old owner. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented. To alert special friends and family please email the link to this article. Everything we are being told by our "leaders" about Covid is apparently wrong. The application was specifically this S Spike protein. Related: Peter Daszak claimed he was working with the CIA, EcoHealth official says, January 21, 2022. The COVID Fraud is Over.The Illusion of Demand- from the Anthrax attacks to Covid19 (at 1:14:07)Intentional Release of a Respiratory Pathogen (at 39:58)CDC c. Dr. David Martin has transformed business, governments and personal relationships for over 3 decades in over 120 countries by introducing wobbles. whistleblower VAERS Insects that want their offspring to thrive lay their eggs in the flower of fruit trees so their larvae can eat their way into vitality. He found more than 70 incriminating patents on the trail of the CCE. Both prior definitions fit the common understanding of those terms. Dr Martin first came to the attention of the world when he featured in the August 2020 documentary by Mikki Willis called Planandemic Indoctornation. Zelensky Gets Another Surprise Visit (and Handout) from U.S. | The New American TV, Test Before Going Home After OH Train Disaster, Says Safety Expert. However, the social and corporate media titans work overtime to suppress alternative news. FOIA It is a spike protein instruction to make the human body produce a toxin. Anna De Buisseret Kate Shemirani Fiona Rose Diamond, Monopoly Who Owns The World Follow The Money, Early Warning (1981) Full Movie Written & Directed by David Elliot, Max Igan Reports on Australia from Mexico, Dr. Scott Atlas My Job as Parent is to Protect my Children Not to Use my Children as a Shield to Somehow Protect Me, Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Call for a Halt to Covid19 Injections, Dr Richard Fleming PhD BioNtech Pfizer Vaccine Causes Blood Oxygen Desaturation and Clotting Calls for Immediate Cessation of Rollout, European Parliament MEPs Hold Press Conference to Denounce Vaccine Passports as Against Human Rights Charter, Hydra Vulgaris AI Neural Network & Teslaphoresis Dr Carrie Madej Stew Peters, A Powerful Moving Inspirational Message from The Patriot Nurse, More Extraordinary Pics of The Four Main Vaccines Pfizer AstraZeneca Moderna Jansen from Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, Four Parasites Found in Pfizer and Moderna Vials and Vaccinated Blood Samples, The Origins of Illness Are Inside The Vaccine Dr. Erik Denby on The Unknown World of Particles, Meet The Thing Found in The Vaccine A Life Form with Head and Tentacles Dr Franc Zalewski, The Fall of The Cabal The Sequel Part 17, How The Big Banks Are Conspiring To Crush Commonwealth Nations Under Communism, The Zelenko Protocol Dr. Vladimir Zelenko MD, A Letter from Spartacus: Damn You to Hell You Will Not Have Your New World Order, Marburg Symptoms Are Caused by COVID Injections Kieran Morrissey BioTech Whistleblower, Dr Carrie Madej Reveals Shocking Discovery of What She Found in The Vaccine Vials, Corona Committee Investigates Strange Vaccine Ingredients, Vandalia Illinois School Board Gets Roasted, Federal HHS Insider Jodi OMalley RN Goes Public with Insider Secret Recordings, Professor Christian Perronne: Unvaccinated People Are Not Dangerous The Vaccinated Should be Isolated, Funeral Director Whistleblower John OLooney with Max Igan, Ernst Wolff The Digital Financial Complex Conspiracy German with English Subs, Stew Peters The Final Variant is Global Communism, Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel Delivers The Most Epic Sermon Aimed Directly at The Globalists, Watchmen Who Raise the Warning Voice Save Their Own Souls Ezekiel 33, Dr. Michael McDowell on Bioweapons Industry and The SARS COV2 / HIV Genetic Bioweapon Smoking Gun, Canadian Lawyer Nicholas Wansbutter Case Law Makes it Clear that Vax Coercion to Influence Consent is Assault, Ex Australian Soldier Delivers Stern Warning to Public Officers re Penalty for Treason / War Crimes / Malfeasance in Public Office, Children Being Rounded Up in Australia Time to Blockade Everything, Greek Lawyer Nikos Antoniadis Announces Massive 4311 Page Lawsuit Against Greek Gov and Health Officials for Murder and Fraud Related to the Covid Scam, Its a Killer Vaccine Patrick Henningsen with Professors Michel Chossudovsky and Michael Yeadon, Parallel Structures The Antidote to Mass Psychosis, Menticide and Totalitarianism, Global Anti-Vax Passport Protest March Compilation 24th July 2021, BILDERBERG Corona Committee Gets Red-Pilled Deep into the Rabbit Hole by Cristina Martn Jimnez, Whitney Webb Reiner Fuellmich Deep Dive on Big Pharma Global Health Mafia, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Dr. David Martin Interview Fauci Created SARS in Lab No Novel CV US Patents 1999 2002, Brave Lawyer Anna De Buisseret Serves Legal Notices on Vaccinators and Schools the Police on Law, If We Dont Resist Now We Will Lose Everything Spiro Interviews James Corbett, Human 2.0 Transhumanist Vaccine A Wake Up Call to the World Dr. Carrie Madej, Corrupt Agenda with Genocidal Intent Ex UN Claire Edwards, Bill Gates And The Population Control Grid, Now They Are Coming For Your Kids David Icke Dot Connector, HOW THEY PULLED OFF THE PANDEMIC AN ANIMATED FILM BY DAVID ICKE, Solihin Millin Interview with Victorian Police After Arrest, THE GLOBAL ELITE & THE CORONAVIRUS COUP DTAT WITH PATRICK WOOD. 1993. They knew it was a bioweapon since 2005. While earlier vaccinations used a weakened or inactivated form of a virus, mRNA vaccines instruct cells to make a specific protein to trigger an immune response (here). This provider currently accepts 50 insurance plans including Medicare and Medicaid. NGO Transhumanism Putting humanity back into humans and business, David Martin presents: 2027: The Next Big Financial Disruption July 23, 2022 Click here to purchase tickets on the Arlington Institutes website. DR. DAVID MARTIN BRINGS MURDER CHARGES TO COURT OVER VAX DEATHS, UN Biodiversity Beijing-Wall Street Convergence. Copyright 2023 Bluecat Media. Hospital affiliations include Community Hospital. The suit further explains that Plaintiff, Dr. Grinerwho has natural immunity and refuses to take one of the injectionsis a highly skilled and well-known plastic surgeon licensed to practice in Utah whose passion is healing children who suffer from cleft palates and other congenital defects. The doctor has traveled the world on more than twenty medical missions, donating his time to help unfortunate children. January 5, 2021 Sash Stone: Panel with Dr David Martin, Dr Judy Mikovits, RF Kennedy jr and Rocco Galati WATCH, EXCERPT, BACKUP, November 11, 2020 Dave breakdowns the (lack of) credentials of the Biden Coronavirus Task Force WATCH, September 7, 2020 Dr Dave Martin talks with Brian Rose on London Real WATCH (free signup), August 18, 2020 Plandemic Indoctornation documentary world Launch featuring Dr David Martin FULL, adverse event IHR By instituting wobbles the process of subtly changing the rotating mass from within we can transform lives and systems without burning up or burning out. Dr. David Martin interviewed by Mike Adams. masks Dr. David Martin has done a detailed review of the 73+ patents relevant to Covid and the facts are shocking and speak for themselves. This was a campaign to get the public to accept the universal vaccine platform using a known biological weapon. 1. Unless they're chocolate chip, I'm not a big fan of cookies. . Were missing the narratives and the Armed Patron Stops Applebees Slasher in Kathy Hochuls Backyard | 2A For Today! Dr. David Martin declares he has had enough and delivers an explosive expose revealing whom he considers to be the real names and faces behind the Covid Criminal Conspiracy at the Red Pill Expo. Wobble is natures model of transformation. Dr. David Martin declares he has had enough and delivers an explosive expose revealing whom he considers to be the real names and faces behind the Covid Criminal Conspiracy at the Red Pill Expo. The problem we see superficially is not the problem. David Martin is a consultant surgeon in the Upper Gastro-Intestinal Departments of Surgery at both the Concord and the Royal Prince Alfred University Hospitals in Sydney. 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