I remember Johnny being the same way. I bring it up also because I know her family would prefer it be used that way. The EMTS never did anything but save your friends life. I can understand as well as empathize with Layne, Demri, and all addicts that have been seduced by a drug that seems so good at first. Just stop! Demri Parrott was a creative and beautiful women, best known by music fans as the girlfriend of Alice in Chains front man Layne Staley. Being involved in the music scene, where there tends to be a lot of substance use? I found this online and I wanted to share it in case you havent read it before, Laynes girlfriend, Demri [Parrott], was the one who made the connection between our bands. Shane came along and started talking shit about how nobody commented on Oct 29th and I said people have their own lives to live meaning that I dont monitor this site every single day and I have relatives that have died and friends that Ive known personally that have died. Demri died in the hospital with her mother and her aunt right beside her on the morning of Oct 29 around 7:40 a.m. She was unconscious when she was brought in and never woke up again. They were always fine with my vegetarian dishes but I wanted to get some nutrients in them and meat on their bones, which is pretty much all I could really do to help. Heroin becomes their lover, their mother, their friend. Its been lonely here without him. Oct 29th is a day a lot of us who knew and loved Demri will never forget. Beca, I just wanted to Thank you for your story. The next year they got invited to play Unplugged and did a couple of songs for a movie and then Demri died in October and Layne kindof shut himself off. on drugs. It was never about, How are we going to prop him up to get him on a tour? I had this conversation with Layne over and over and over after the success of Facelift: Your health is the most important thing. We talked about how we KNEW that AiC was going to be the biggest band in the world, and she insisted that I tell Layne that, because he didnt believe it coming from his girlfriend. In October 1996, Staley was deeply shocked by the death of Demri Parrott, the vocalist's long-time girlfriend and fellow drug addict. I knew Layne circa 94 99, Demri circa 96 right before shd died. Thank you B! Ive always thought you were such an exotic beauty. May the heavens help you beat this cancer! Her smile, always sincere, always beautiful show who she was and how she was. Days passed before his accountant sent up an alert that Staley hadn't been withdrawing any money. We are all human. So crazy cool and I know youd agreeor I wouldnt of told my stories or shared your pictures. That was a long time ago now but I still remember it like yesterday. When I called Christy about Demris Wake she asked what happened because Demri had just been there Monday night, which was the 28th which matched with Tom. I think this is Rachel that made Andys purple hand hat. He also did Mad Season at some point in there. Regardless, you have done great justice to remembering your friends. "Died" takes this Up to Eleven. Stay strong, stay strong, you can beat this. We never celebrated my birthday so she wanted to be clean so we could which was on the 28th. Im loving this website and to found out more about Layne and Demri and how unique they were makes me really happy| . I guess there is so little real information out there, so these kinds of stories become defacto fact. I know youve lost several, so hard to take, but your only daughter was trying to teach unconditional love for everyone. A lot of people think he was shitty because he would prop Layne up on a microphone stand if he had to and do the show, even if Layne was totally wrecked. Worth having a look my friend. I know he blamed himself for Demri dying we all played the should a, could a, wouldda tape in our head. I know they seem crazy and all, but I have heard peoples stories on YouTube about how veganism, particularly the type that involves mostly raw fruits (unprocessed raw produce is key) changed their lives. He moved to the U District, to a condo right above this tavern called the Blue Moon. What do I have to do? Barbara, you are so good to remember your friends. Its so sad that two talented people lost their innocent lives to the demons of drugs. When he came out, he assumed that she was asleep. Demri Parrott and Pony Maurice at Volunteer Park in Seattle WA, around 1991 Demri and Layne Demri in her year book.. she is the second one top row.. if she only knew back then what . I am glad Rosheen knew how much she mattered, because that is what really counts anyway. I think I would feel much better to write my story which includes them all Mike, Layne, Demri, Rosheen, Darin Tracy.. RCKNDY the Off Ramp The Seattle grunge scene in the early 90s.. now that would be a book that Id like to write. He went into rehab after that. This may be too personal to ask, but I have been curious. Thinking about both of them yesterday and today, and what might have been. Do you know if you have the first version or the second? I believe its the second version. They are not my friends.. What makes it better though is knowing that Layne and Demri, and her friend, Rosheen, are all together now, in each others company, waiting to reunite with the rest of their loved ones in eternity some day. Please write that story, for a book. Just one of many reasons I want to be cremated so Im not out in a cemetery forgotten about like by some prick like that! Dear Susan, Bless you. However, there was infidelity on both ends, many described their relationship as open. They were freaked out by it all and didnt understand it. Anyhow, over and out-just wanted that cleared up. She was just a friend of my roommate. "he would never talk badly about her and apparently it was the same with her. She was very sure of herself and this was apparently the cause of some of her problems with Layne. And thank you for your website. It is not easy because our brain chemistry is so damaged its hard to live life again with out it. She had affairs with other men and women, he had his own affairs with women. If it is truth you have lost more than your Demi but a sibling with a D too. Back in April when Rachel heard Demri had a zero % chance to live she made a B-Line to the hospital to make sure, as it was questioned repeadily and probably gave Demri incentive to live. There are very few happy endings for heroin addicts. Just thinking about it. That Jerry just wanted to keep Layne well so he could keep the band together. Not just to your soul and family but to your body in general. Kathleen will verify the full name thing too. Origin and recording. Demri Lara Parrott, 27, of Bremerton died Oct. 29, 1996, at Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland. By the way by the way , I am a female b. Anyway sorry I could not be more helpful. I was somewhat envious of her because Layne always seemed to forgive her each time, and there is something TO that, but at the same time I felt I was right; she was making a mess of things and she was in big trouble. On April 4, 2002, Starr, high on benzodiazepine, offered to call 911. Neither Demri's mother nor Layne's stepfather have been able to confirm that. I liked Classic rock and blues when I was 11. She is proud of us the same way we are proud of her, and she loves us as we love her. All Unknown Facts, Mutt Lange Was Shania Twain's Husband Before Frdric Thibaud -, Harry Joseph Letterman - Bio, Details About His Kidnap, 7 Other Facts, Moira Dela Torre Had Difficult Experiences in The Past - Everything About Her, Ch Avery- Shocking True Story Of Lloyd Avery IIs Brother, 30 Best Fuck You Songs For Very Difficult Moments, Demri Parrotts Death, Mystery About Her Life And Layne Staley, Darryl Baum: Facts About Mike Tysons Guard Who Shot 50 Cent. Mark and Layne were really cool together. On the other hand I also dont flatter myself that I could have done something for him; I just dont know if I was that important. I think there's so much to love about her. It was believed that Parrotts death was the beginning of the singers end. But I wound up in Seattle , playing led guitar in the lare eighties and early nineties. Someone in his life thought that was enabling Layne and suggested Johnny move out.I cant remember who it was (maybe Nancy?) I cant get it to paste & post, but at least the other two are still here However so. Consider yourself having a friend in Iceland from now on. Anyway, once Demri died it was all over him because she knew him. I think a book about your life that includes your friends and remembers them would be lovely. Like you said Barbara some things sound partially right. "They were obviously coked out because they (the strippers) started b----ing up one side and down the other to the point where Layne actually told them to shut up because they were making it worse than it needed to be," according to one observer. Stop!! I KNOWI just wanna try it onceBELIEVE ME I am not stupid it doesnt usually end up working out like that. His family, bandmates, and manager, Susan Silver reached out to help him but couldnt. Someone asked for a video of Demrigot this from youtube its Demri and Layne singing together hope this helps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQA98ZTJDTc. watch?v=dBZm-_6Qa3k As a mother, I cannot imagine losing any of my kids. Id like to read it someday but finding a copy would be the hard part and there is no way Id pay that much to read a book by someone who just researched Mike. Band manager Susan Silver told Staley that he had to be the one to break it to ticket buyers that the concert was going to end midperformance because he was too screwed up to carry on. Sure, that might work for a short while but ultimately addicts need more incentives in their life then how someone else feels and those two things shame and guilt can also completly back fire on family members who always seem to try this route too and it will just cause their addict to go deeper and farther into their addiction and they may begin to isolate themselves emotionally and physically away from the people who made them feel that way because they dont wanna let them down anymore or let them see the disgusting mess they know theyve become.. so theyll just remove themselves from their lives instead.. breaking everyones hearts including their own. I just came across this site, and Im stilled to my core by the haunting beauty in these photos and the story of Demri and Layne, and so many others in her world. How does one know which ones will get stuck there and get in the grips of addiction? Rest in Peace our sweet angels. He was a coke dealer. Its just heartbreaking and I believe this site will help people not to ever get into it and this site and your efforts are saving countless people from such a sad fate. thank you Barbara if you see this for sharing all this information. They both were on a downward spiral without a safety net. Layne continued touring, they both continued the drugs. Im on suboxone tho. Im not jumping on this now just because our wonderful Layne is gone as much as because of the conjecture. She was interested in philosophy and poetry, loved to collect vintage clothes, make decoupage, and play in front of the camera. In turn, Silver called Staleys mother, Nancy McCallum who called 911. Nice whataboutism. Bigs hugs! Its like someone out there looking for a job and you cant find one but you keep trying and trying but after a while you just give in to the fact that its not going to happen and you stop trying. She also had a very unique style, and was very popular. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Oct 29th is a day a lot of us who knew and loved Demri will never forget. I found the video I think but did not see any girl Thank you. God bless her mother, cause mine would have let me die without hospital stays. To give Layne and Demri a fair and honest recording of their life stories. You have to want it or its impossible. Please if you ever get a chance, write that book. She died at Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland, Washington. Still, according to the Amber report, Demri was able to get help and quit using drugs. ), Press J to jump to the feed. then announces the song say hello to heaven. Im at a low point in my life, and any more information about Demri would be greatly appreciated. This site is so beautiful, props to those who made it/run it! Layne was very true to Demri in his heart, but he related many, many wild touring adventures to me.. Im sure if I did I would snatch it up with excitement in my heart and then eventually growl under my breathe a little and put it back.. who knows though I might buy it. Trying to make this world we live in better for everyone. I hope so. It is an extremely powerful demon drug that can steal your life and your inner strength faster then youll have control of. Great to see you on here. "I pay you," she screamed back. by me and everyone who truly loved her. I have seen people/myself go from great people to completely changed. She wasnt out getting loaded and living it up thats Rachels story. It is a familiar tale but one that just cant penetrate the young minds. This website is dedicated to Demri Parrott, Layne Staley, Mike Starr and Rosheen Raugi with love and for anyone who ever thinks they wanna try it just once for fun.. If boundaries are established upfront, some of these issues can be avoided. Career: Model, Artist, Muse, and Actress. The song was included on the compilation albums Music Bank (1999) and The Essential Alice in Chains (2006). She was talking to another guy right behind Layne and she was wearing black shirt and shorts. At that point, once the pig valve is in place, and so many surgeries, and pain, she continues to go for the drugs to soothe and medicate her misery. As a loved one, you have to be alert. Regarding kids I think Layne wanted to have a family. Drugs can bring you to the highest heights. There were reports that he would go to Toys R Us to buy games and return home, but always by himself." Hope the families will at some point be more forthcoming as well. It took me a long time to figure out what to write here, but I felt compelled to say something. When someone you care about turns blue and stops breathing that will mess with you forever. Layne, I was yours for the asking, but you never asked. He thought because he wasnt living there he shouldnt have to. Thank you Ana and yes addiction destroys your body Thank you for bringing that up. I guess Im looking at the wrong fb pages. And then shortly after that, their whole sound changed cause they got introduced to the scene and Susan Silver. Sparing the details, I ended up having a stupid fight with her about Layne. Most of us refused to turn someone on for the first time. Alright, I apologize then and I am very sorry to hear about what your going through. His comments given to Rubio show that Staley was aware that his mortality was on the horizon and had accepted his fate. Whatever it was that happened, their names still linger and the mystery of their love and death still hangs. Alice In Chains late leader Layne Staley tragically lost his fight against addiction on April 5th, 2002. Barbara thanks for putting your heart into this and also for educating people about drugs. I see a lot of conjecture and guessing about the nature of these relationships and its bugged me for years. great website. Though his star rose ever higher, Layne Staley's life had enough darkness to drown out even the brightest stage lights. The rest Yes, Jerry had a coke problem. I remember looking out your window at the docks one time while you were on the computer, and I was making you listen to some stupid old song because I thought it was cool. Ivan Toney: Bio, Player Profile, England Call-Up, Fascinating Details About Him. I remember the first time I heard AIC I was living close to the beach and just started smoking weed and I surfed every day. He adopted her and her birth name became Demri Lara Parrott. When did Demri Parrott die? For me, I was blesse dot have been there when it all happened ( Im from L.A. Dating seems illogical. RIP Demri and Layne. It was drilled into him how his life and career would be over if she OD on his watch so he was afraid to have her around if she was using. I have changed it though to allow 3 and I have posted the videos for you.. all you have to do is post the link and it will automatically post the embedded video. Addiction can change a persons priorities and also put huge dent in their moral compass even having children isnt enough for some addicts.. the one love that people cherish the most in their lives. Hopefully others will not make the same mistakes that so many of us have. Tommy who bragged about selling Andy his last dose and Michael who was in El Steiner would invite themselves over, before AIC got home and did the Moore show. Hey there! She suffered a lot in life, from around 1993 (I think) until her death in 1996, she was in and out of hospital constantly. I pray that you have lots and lots of time left with no pain. But all the while enjoying experiences that you must cherish greatly, I imagine. She stumples out to the car and passes out (O.D.s duh!). It happens a lot to drug addicts. But like Demri i have a death sentence hanging over my head because my heart could fail at any time. His body took a while to die, but his spirit lived on, as did Demris, after her passing. And even when dealing with something as delicate as the history of these people you always share your stories and never treat us like crazy people. She had been clean for a little while before she went in and shot heroin with that guy she was dating. I also want to be straight up about why Demri, Layne, Rosheen and Mike are gone now theyre stories should never be romanticized. My husband purchased it as a christmas gift for me. Demri was okay with paying half, but not all. Starr was likely the last one to see him alive. That's what Layne is for me. See at 2:32 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot0g2SWqnK8 there are two girls. She knew him off the drugs and on and had been there from the start. A friend once said that "Demri was not a hippy, goth, grunge girl she was her own creation. It is believed that her death has overwhelmed Layne so much that he returned to addiction. I am sober now and I understand this and it brings tears to my eyes thinking about how bad I was for all those years of stealing and lying to them and my mom crying worried if I was going to die. I hope it helps you as well. I remember sitting in my room in Iceland in the early 90s, listening to all the grunge bands thinking Man..Id like to be able to live in the smack dab middle of all this madness, be chilling in Seattle with likeminded folks. It seems like Demri was homeless, staying here and there. Demri aspired for fame and popularity. That doesnt mean nobody cares that simply means people have priorities. The girl looks like her. They were less like brothers than like a weird married couple. e_biggrin.gif ) His anime of choice back then was Vampire Princess Miyu. I hope you read this, it could really help you. Its been a doubt to me, because Ive also read in a lot of interviews from 97, 98, that Mark was already living in La because of rehab and stuff like that but sometimes would come to Seattle, although he moved to LA in 98but yeah, it might be possiblethanx again! Ive talked to you on FB and appreciate how friendly and open you are When I came to your website and pulled up Dems page, I realized I had already been here a few years ago. You do that on your own! Why didnt she stay home with her Mom when Layne wasnt around? Its nice to see this page and realize how much she was loved. Thanks for your honest opinion when you look at it like that its true im thinking of friends from 16yrs ago and even if someone wrote a book on me that facts are so not lined up with who i really am It is not worth experimenting with. Because shed been staying at his apartment at the time that she got sick (when he had gone on tour,) and according to them, he hadnt thought to leave her enough money to buy new bags of cotton for, what, ninety nine cents? Demri Parrott (born Demri Lara Murphy on February 22nd 1969 - d. October 29th 1996) was the love of Alice in Chains singer Layne Staley's life. Or they try to do 3x what they usually do or something stupid like that. I love it! Believe me they love you!! Writing your own book would be such a trip..imagine visiting the old places and mentally putting yourself back there to get into that mind frame to write.how bitterweet. She also took part in some modeling work. Shed stay a few nights. (Doubtlessly there are some people who were there at these times and knew things differently. God. You were never just Layne Staleys girlfriend you were definitely an energy and a force all your own. Anyone of her friends would have given her money to buy cotten besides its free at the hospital and they do send you home with a ton of supplies and she was there a lot. Barbara, I hate to stop before I am finished with something and will work 72 hours straight to get something finished no matter what even being my own boss. It helped me get the guts to start learning to play guitar, something Ive wanted to do for a long time! Addicts are a triggers for me so 12 step meetings are not good for me but they work for a lot of people at least in the beginning stages they worked for me too. As I approach the 10year anniversary of the day I came home from work ( I bartended at Lindas the iconic dive bar on Seattles Capitol Hill) and discovered my sister dead in our apartment on Denny Ave N. 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