Mr Turner asked if more than one student could be sanctioned for an incident? Once logged in, your are presented with the CPOMS dashboard. Reddit! Oops! 1. All staff have been granted access to CPOMS and you must complete a registration process before you can use CPOMS to record safeguarding incidents. An incident, by definition, is an occurrence . endobj The password reset page will indicate how secure your password is; given the sensitivity of information that is stored in the CPOMS system, you must ensure that the CPOMS password reset page at least rates your password as STRONG - include numbers, capital letters and punctuation to improve your password. Press the upload button or drag and drop a file into the Files box. <> recorded on CPOMs and recorded as a behaviour they will automatically be moved to purple/grey on the behaviour chart. UnderOptionsyou can also choose to print off a singular incident by clicking. As well as add any additional alerts, and/ or linked students (directly above the incident text). Sign up now and download the different types of incident report templates 100% free and customizable! 2 0 obj CPOMS allows DSL/DDSLs to report quickly on safeguarding issues and enables Senior leadership to report on other issues. Schools use it to keep track of incidents of harm and abuse against children, and to monitor the effectiveness of their responses to those incidents in school. {s:`FfxNvkMTs&u)s$IlqGfw[M};[6U Contact Email Phone Number 01756-797766 CPOMS Systems provides software solution for monitoring safeguarding, wellbeing, and all pastoral issues. 3 0 obj %PDF-1.7 Next, you can add any agency names to the incident to make others aware of which agencies are involved with this pupil. The app download process and subsequent configutation are all explained in the Soft Key Setup instructions that you must follow next. endobj It is a very intuitive system which prompts you all through the process of adding an incident. Create and promote branded videos, host live events and webinars, and more. CPOMS is currently used by over 15,000 establishments spanning the UK, Ireland, Africa, Asia, Canada, USA and wider Europe. Initial setup 1. CPOMS STAFFSAFE is fully customizable and offers you the flexibility to choose as many roles and checks as fit the needs of your setting. Originally Posted by Michael. 6 0 obj Template record of telephone conversation. }+g+XGJ> py*x / ucg>yBr[+4YC:0gYYY3hrU0Ymnymms ]q7VE\TQVyM&V:. <> About CPOMS. The Body map feature allows you to apply numbered markers to a body map image to support your incident text. If you are using an out-of-date browser or a version of Internet Explorer less than 10, you may not experience the full effect when viewing the site. When you have finished adding all details to the Incident, press the Add Incident button to submit the content and record it permanently in CPOMS. What language does CPOMS Authenticator support? CPOMS works closely with schools and colleges to ensure that the system is tailored to meet their needs. It helps you to create a comprehensive database of all adult employees, including their personal details, employment history, education history, criminal history, health issues, etc. % You will not be able to login to StaffSafe during this period. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Agency Involved: Optionally, you can add any agencies that may be involved with this particular incident. Please Note Possible prejudice- related incident occurs & is reported PD1 form completed & returned to named member of SLT PD2 form used to record actions taken in response to alleged . Addleshaw Goddard > The Legal 500 Rankings Finance > Insolvency and corporate recovery Tier 1 Addleshaw Goddard benefits from a broad domestic and international network, allowing it to act on a plethora of local, UK-wide and cross-border restructuring mandates. Parents benefit because they can see how well their children are doing. If you are logging into CPOMS to add an incident, you will need to find the name of the student following any of the methods explained earlier. This is very similar to incident logging and you can choose to alert other staff in the same manner. The benefits of using CPOMS are many. Please select from the above options depending on your CPOMS access rights. The other issue with it (same as with MyConcern), is personnel are sent an invitation email to enroll into the system, as well as create a password. Chronology for child protection records. The CPO will conduct a debrief with the relevant parties before the end of the working day and add a summary report to CPOMS. I If you are using an out-of-date browser or a version of Internet Explorer less than 10, you may not experience the full effect when viewing the site. Can you pronounce this word better Thanks for taking the time to complete this form, submit the form to get the tool. If an incident occurs, which is inevitable in a school setting, staff are . Draft recording form for safeguarding concerns. <> CP-OMS is provided by the Data Integration Integrated Task Team master v3862933 ( 26678 )Data Integration Integrated Task Team master v3862933 ( 26678 ) Practice head Jamie McIntosh. Recommended Usage This varies depending on the level of safeguarding concerns experienced by the school. Fill in the incident text box with all of the details about the incident which you are adding. This site is best viewed using the current browser version of Firefox, Chrome and Safari or Internet Explorer 10 and higher. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 1 0 obj The size can be slightly different for players depending on the devices. This means ensuring that every child has access to high-quality education and experiences opportunities to develop their potential. You get to here by clicking on the students name following the search and selecting the second Incidents tab at the top. Please fill in the details so we can send over the resources. Once the jar is full, the class may choose a . These include: CPOMS is used by hundreds of schools, colleges and organisations around the world. Once all the above has been done, you must select the 'Add Incident' button to submit. <> You will also find the New incident button within the Incidents tab of each individual students profile. 3. Login - CPOMS StaffSafe Maintenance There will be scheduled maintenance on StaffSafe on Sunday 26th February 6:00-8:00 PM GMT. %PDF-1.7 names if used, or the names of any other students who are not linked into the incident. Date and Time of Incident - The date and time can be set. PE?P*Tt}%#1BZsy:kM|e@@7q/(z-Q$yFKr 2ix`RSV0FCz.ZXA4i{do|e7r-q)?#Qv|_}H1n When responding to a MAJOR incident a class teacher can either intervene with the student(s) involved and inform a member of SMT about their actions, or refer the incident on to a member of SMT for further action. It is the tool of choice for protecting, Teachers enter less data manually, which means they can focus on. stream <> Enter your email address and the password you have just chosen. Health and Wellbeing. Incident Management restores normal service operation while minimizing impact to business operations and maintaining quality. Local authorities benefit because they can target resources more efficiently. Add Thread to; Bookmark in Technorati; Tweet this thread; Share on Facebook! The pricing increases with the number of students. When you select to hide Staff Names, the name of the staff member who wrote the report will be -hand side of each incident, as well as the name of the staff member it is 'Assigned to'. incident resulting in an injury. &4tqxggL0,sVg}~=+=]-[ozxO;p. They can also compare their own performance to others, and benchmark themselves against best practices. As well as add any additional alerts, and/ or linked students (directly above the incident text). 5 0 obj applies to all governors, the senior leadership team and staff. endobj Incident Report Template. Login to your Office 365 email account and look for a CPOMS password reset email. Click on Add Incident in the purple banner at the top 2. Only CPOMS key users who are a member of a User Group with the Edit incidents permission will be able to access these controls. 4 0 obj Next, you can choose which members of staff you wish to alert. Salisbury Primary School CPOMS server is accessible at: Your user name is your school email address. This will copy the incident to all pupils selected. Fill in the incident text box with all of the details about the incident which you are adding. When hospital personnel provide services, the following payment requirements must be met. CPOMS Authenticator takes up 5.7 MB of data on mobile. Schools and other settings need to encourage and make it as easy as possible for children and young people to report bullying incidents. Last . Screenshots Compare CPOMS with. It allows you to keep track of all the children in your care. Following this you can select a time and date. This site is best viewed using the current browser version of Firefox, Chrome and Safari or Internet Explorer 10 and higher. Schools should not be afraid to collect data about levels of . This ensures that everyone knows exactly what is expected of them and that there is no room for confusion. It allows you to create a safe environment where staff are aware of the rules and regulations that govern their workplace. The New Incident button is at the top right hand side. x[n:wtP3E`qsA,Eq.\GI:v4Gh[e[-J")p4?9? <>/Metadata 1332 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1333 0 R>> endobj Quatermass. CPOMS (Child Protection Online Management System) is the leading provider of student safeguarding software to schools in the UK. Next, you can choose which members of staff you wish to alert. Schools, colleges and academies can choose to use CPOMS as a standalone solution or add additional modules to suit their requirements. This was confirmed. On the device of your choice download the "CPOMS Authenticator" app iOS / Apple - https . Print view. Thread Tools. <> Admin key holders can choose to edit and remove both incidents and actions within CPOMS. To add a new incident to the system click on theAdd Incidentlink at the top of your screen. In order to ensure that teachers are getting the best value out of CPOMS, it is essential that they understand its features and functionality. It helps schools record incidents of harm and abuse so that they can learn from past mistakes and prevent future occurrences. Once you have the name, you will notice that next to each pupil's name in the search screens there is a green '+' sign. Press Add You'll receive the newsletter every Tuesday, Learn more about the Universal Thinking Framework, Learn more about the Learning Skills Framework, Every institution has its own unique requirements and, The chronology function provides a timeline view of all the events that have occurred in a student's life. Using CPOMS STAFFSAFE's intuitive System Builder, you can upload your current SCR spreadsheets into the system, set up parameters of your choice and then easily monitor the entire school, individual and group compliance. 9 0 obj The most important part to remember is that you must complete an incident log on CPOMs and alert the relevant staff as soon as possible. When you have finished adding all details to the Incident, press the Add Incident button to submit the content and record it permanently in CPOMS. %PDF-1.7 These will both default to the current time and date you are adding the incident, however if you wish to change it to when the incident actually occurred you can do so here. Host virtual town halls, onboard and train employees . A service provider is required to provide the best care for children and the senior leaders will need to keep track of all the important information they collect and receive. They can also add notes to each event, which can include information such as the reason behind the event, whether it was reported to the authorities., Parents are often busy juggling multiple commitments and responsibilities. endobj Something went wrong while submitting the form. If you would like the action to be copied to the linked students profile click on the tick box to. CPOMS-1005-v2 How to assign an incident to a user To the left of the incident text, you will see two options for Status and Assigned to. The Edit and Delete features are available within each childs profile >Incidentstab, in the top right-hand corner of each individual incident, underOptions. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Charities use CPOMS to monitor the wellbeing of their beneficiaries. For a 100 pupil, primary school, the annual hosted CPOMS service would cost 530; for the same-sized secondary school, it is 1055 and for a FE (Further Education) college, it is 2645. This will take you to the incident page where you can proceed to fill in all the required information. % Lists Featuring This Company North Yorkshire Companies 1,140 Number of Organizations $359.1M Total Funding Amount 62 Number of Investors Track C [Content_Types].xml ( N0EHC-J@5*Q>'E=}=J&R. endobj Guidance for schools and colleges: Child protection record keeping and the transfer of child protection records. Thanks. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 13 0 R 15 0 R 18 0 R 19 0 R 21 0 R 23 0 R 26 0 R 27 0 R 29 0 R 30 0 R 32 0 R 33 0 R 40 0 R 41 0 R 42 0 R 44 0 R 45 0 R 47 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> It allows them to keep track of every aspect of their safeguarding policies and procedures and ensures that they are followed by all staff in school.. https://www. Recording accidents and near misses. endobj Elevating your access requires that you install an authentication app on your phone or tablet. Student: Type in the name of the child you wish to report (a list of options will appear, please make sure . Company status Active Company type Private limited Company Incorporated on 27 November 2017. This guide aims to provide teachers with an overview of the key features of CPOMS and how it can be used to keep all children safe. An administrator can configure the fields that appear on the tagged document cards by configuring the mobile view of the task, for example, the mobile view of the Incident form. 4 0 obj CPOMS Alternatives CPOMS Categories New Products Safeguard Software for Schools You can view any amendments within the History option. The process is started from the CPOMS dashboard - select the Add Incident link on the purple toolbar at the top of the CPOMS page. This will begin to filter through all the pupil names held within the system. Alternatively you can select to alert an entire alert group by choosing the relevant alert group button(s) (beneath the individual alert option). Incident management is a series of steps taken to identify, analyze, and resolve critical incidents, which could lead to issues in an organization if not restored. We use CPOMS and they are on the DfE website for completing the supplier checklist (I think so is MyConcern) relating to cloud suppliers and DPA when we looked into them. Executive in the first instance and as an Incident on CPOMS: 'Add Incident' >> 'Concern about Staff' >> 'Raise a concern with the Mangament Team' If you do not feel that the concern raised is subsequently dealt with appropriately by the Magament Team (or if the concern is about a member of the Management Team), you should log this on For all other users, it will appear as though the incident or action never existed, but those with the Edit Incident permission will be able to see a deleted marker in its place in the chronology with the option toRestoreorView History, as well as view the reason for deletion. Staff morale increases because they feel safe and protected. A Record of Concern on paper or a direct entry onto CPOMS should be completed immediately when a staff member physically intervenes to de-escalate a harmful situation. The process is started from the CPOMS dashboard - select the Add Incident link on the purple toolbar at the top of the CPOMS page. Firstly fill in the free text box with all the information needed about the action taken. 7 0 obj Please select from the above options depending on your CPOMS access rights. Select the date and time you wish to record, if different to the current. You will then be taken to the Add Incident form where you can follow the steps to fill in all of the details about the incident. Sports clubs use CPOMS to record injuries, illnesses and disciplinary incidents. \~(Ic6L'hNFr*zs=u)BLR*"(#4A!~cl9q hqIX5PcbqL):} 2oIbq-}rMaA@%fOyLg5up. Download an overview of our classroom toolkit. . You can add additional students after the incident has been created. If you are using an out-of-date browser or a version of Internet Explorer less than 10, you may not experience the full effect when viewing the site. Cpoms House Unit 7, Acorn Business Park, Skipton, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom, BD23 2UE . The required information are a member of a User Group with the incidents. 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