The team has been unable to work on the project due to heavy rain over the last two days. c.6 feet \text { Target } \\ 5.Use taglines if a load could swing and hit the scaffold. uuid:1f2371a8-90ab-42b0-a1cd-a86bdbf5cef5 application/pdf Contacting EHS if there is a concern regarding the erection of the scaffold. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. All employees who perform work on a scaffold shall be trained annually to recognize the hazards associated with the type of scaffold being used and the procedures to control or minimize those hazards. Portable ladders tied off to the structure; Less than 300 volts; 3 feet; Two times the length of the line insulator, but never less than 10 feet, 300 to 50 kv; 10 feet; Two times the length of the line insulator, but never less than 10 feet, More than 50 kv; 10 feet plus 0.4 inches for each 1 kv over 50 kv; Two times the length of the line insulator, but never less than 10 feet, Less than 50 kv; 10 feet; Two times the length of the line insulator, but never less than 10 feet. Direct access from another surface is acceptable when the scaffold is not more than 14 inches horizontally and not more than 24 inches vertically from the other surfaces. \end{array} & \begin{array}{l} front-end loaders and similar pieces of equipment are not used as support scaffold platforms, unless they have been specifically designed by the manufacturer for such use. 2.Use bricks to bring the scaffolding level. \text { Students-back } \\ 1.Slips and falls When employees are plastering and lathing 18 inches or less from the front edge. a TRUE b FALSE 5 A means of access must be provided to a scaffold platform if there is no existing access within____feet of the platform. 3.Install a wind screen on the scaffold. Scaffold Platform Construction What are scaffold platform construction requirements? Only those items specifically designed as counterweights must be used. It is impossible for a stable scaffold structure to be built unless _____. Scaffolds must be plumb, level, and squared. Providing a scaffold to the user that is free from recognizable and preventable hazards (i.e. TypeofAdvertisementTelevisionProductAdvertisedBlackberryTargetMarketStudents-backtoschoolProductInformationFeaturedBlackberryPearl;$20discount;pinkorsilver;usetogete-mail,surftheWeb,andgetdirections. Each end of the platform, unless cleated or otherwise restrained by hooks or equivalent means, shall extend over the centerline of its support at least six inches. -Make sure it was erected properly -Check that no structural alterations were made -Replace any missing ties or braces Tying, guying, or bracing may be needed to assure a safe and stable scaffold assembly. Scaffolding must not be placed on unstable objects, such as bricks or blocks. d. 8 feet, Except to remove such material, employees must not work on scaffolds covered in: d.Add additional poles to support the scaffolding. Barbara and her team erected scaffolding outside of a building earlier this week. All planking or platforms must be overlapped a minimum of twelve (12) inches and secured from movement. The following table provides the clearance distances between scaffolds and power lines, or any other conductive material, while being erected, used, dismantled, altered or moved. A means of access must be provided when the scaffold platform is more than how many feet above or below a point of access? 3.Maintain three points of contact while on a ladder. Compacted Gravel Roads - This type of road surface may have adequate strength but the material does not provide a smooth surface. Improper Access Leads to Serious Injuries. Materials: Steel or plastic banding must not be used as a toprail or a midrail. The platform gaps are too wide. Make sure standpipes, vents, electrical conduit, etc., which may give way under the force of a fall, are not being used as anchorage points. Replace any missing ties or braces. Any damaged or weakened component of a scaffold must be repaired or replaced immediately. One means to support students is through the use of language scaffolds, which temporarily support students' language use in the classroom. \end{array} Stationary scaffolds over 125 feet in height and rolling scaffolds over 60 feet in height shall be designed by a professional engineer. \text { Featured } The end points of the cross bracing must be no more than 48 inches (1.3 meters) apart vertically. Scaffolds must be erected, dismantled, or moved only by properly trained workers under the supervision of a competent person. As they return to the site to continue their work, the first step they should take is to: a scaffold must have a safe means of access to the scaffold when access is feasible and does not create a greater hazard. Princeton, NJ 08540ehs@princeton.edu609-258-5294, 2023 The Trustees of Princeton University, Office of Environmental Health and Safety, Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, Laboratory Access and Training Recommendations, Laboratory Equipment and Engineering Controls, SHIELD - Safety, Health, Inspection and Equipment Logistics Database, Administration of Biological and Chemical Hazards to Animals, Medical Clearance and Safety Training For Animal Researchers, Recombinant and Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules, Shipping and Receiving Biological Material, X-Ray Machines & Other Radiation-Producing Equipment, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Construction, Specific Requirements of Welded Frame and Suspended Scaffolds. 4.Chemical burns Read the material in each section to find the correct answer to each quiz question. b.Dismantle the scaffolding. The number one scaffold hazard is worker falls. Included here are general requirements for all scaffolds. Is the change in Samsungs cash flow on total assets ratio favorable or unfavorable? All planking or platforms must be overlapped a minimum of twelve (12) inches and secured from movement. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. OSHA has standards that apply specifically to the steps that must be taken to assure a stable scaffold base. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. Refresher training also to be provided whenever there is an indication that the individual in question, whether they be a competent person, erector, user, or qualified person, exhibits a lack of understanding of the manufacturer, local, state, and federal requirements associated with the inspection, erection, or use of scaffolds. Make sure employees do not use cross-braces as a means of access. This scaffold is overloaded and planks are strained. Work shall not be permitted during high winds. Per 1926.451 (g) (1), each employee on a scaffold more than 10-feet above a lower level must be protected from falling to that lower level (also note American National Safety Institute/American Society of Safety Professionals (ANSI/ASSP) - Scaffolding Safety Requirements A10.8-2019 standard). Scaffold components manufactured by different manufacturers shall not be intermixed unless the components fit together without force and the scaffolds structural integrity is maintained. Because frame scaffolds are the most common type of supported scaffold, this course uses the Fabricated Frame Scaffold to describe requirements that are common to all supported scaffolds. Note: Except where indicated, these requirements also apply to manually propelled, pump jack, ladder jack, tube and coupler, and pole scaffolds, as well as the specialty scaffolds described in their applicable sections. Direct . Cross bracing is not acceptable as an entire guardrail system but is acceptable for a toprail when the crossing point of the two braces is between 38 inches (0.9 meters) and 48 inches (1.3 meters) above the work platform and for midrails when between 20 inches (0.5 meters) and 30 inches (0.8 meters) above the work platform. \text { discount; pink or silver; } \\ An access ladder or equivalent safe access must be provided. Ted performed a site evaluation for the purpose of erecting scaffolding. a.One foot He fell, sustaining a concussion for which he was hospitalized. c.After it has been used Inspecting all scaffold components prior to assembly to insure that components used are of similar material and in good repair before becoming a part of the completed scaffold. Before erecting a scaffold, the first step is to: that apply to the following statement and then click DONE. Should he use those planks? Access shall be provided when scaffold platforms are more than 24 inches above or below the point of access. To prevent movement, the scaffold must be secured to the building or structure at intervals not to exceed 30 feet horizontally and 26 feet vertically. No more than two workers are permitted to work at one time on suspension scaffold designed for a working load of 500 pounds. Using wire to connect bracing is not safe. c.24 inches 1. Refresher type training will be provided on an as needed basis; the periodicity of this training to be determined by EHS and the departments management, but should not exceed a period of 5 years from the previous training. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. to prevent falls. Scaffolding student language requires that teachers understand their students and the language being used during lessons, to identify and support the targeted language that can be provided during instruction. Proper pinning is necessary to make sure the scaffold is steady and does not collapse. \end{array} \\ c.Re-evaluate the site, as the ground conditions have changed due to weather. Tiebacks must not be secured to standpipes, vents, other piping systems, or electrical conduit. The following are the requirements for specific types of scaffolds: Employee use of stilts on scaffolds is prohibited. Be sure employees are able to safely access any level of a scaffold that is 2 feet above or below an access point. Note: A level should be used during assembly to make sure new structural components remain in line. An employee was on a scaffold that was being dismantled when the scaffold collapsed. Access must be provided when the scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet (0.6 m) above or below a point of access. Ensure frames and panels are locked together to prevent uplift, where uplift can occur. Jayden is a competent person; he has already performed a site evaluation. Employers must provide access when the scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet (0.6 meters) above or below a point of access. Uplift is the separation of a frame from the frame below it. Examining the scaffold tag (which should be affixed near the access point) to verify that a competent person has deemed the scaffold safe for use. c.30 feet The lifeline must be attached securely to substantial members of the structure (not the scaffold) or to securely rigged lines that will safely suspend the employee in case of a fall. c.1 1/2 inches Its important to make sure components are compatible and made of similar metals, or scaffold failure could occur. The weather has been an issue and has pushed the project back. Check that direct access to or from another surface is permitted only when the scaffold is not more than 14 inches horizontally and not more than 24 inches vertically from the other surface. uuid:F4AC72E838E6DC1181DF85762784E02C Utilizing scaffolds in accordance with all local, state, federal, manufacturer, and institutional rules and regulations. Ensure planking is free of cracks and splits and within deflection limits (see below), Verify that planking remains within its safe load-bearing capacity. Supported scaffold poles, frames, uprights, etc. b.2 inches d. 14 feet, What must be worn at all times while working from scaffolding? It is impossible for a stable structure to be built upon a foundation that does not start out square and level. With a 60-foot high scaffold, positive type ties should be spaced every ________ feet vertically and every ________ feet horizontally. Access must be provided when the scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet (0.6 m) above or below a point of access. 1926.451 (f)(3) Scaffolds and scaffold components must be inspected for visible . For the current year, is Samsungs cash flow on total assets ratio better or worse than (a) Apples and Laura's supervisor, a competent person, has determined that the work may continue despite the moderate winds. Poor foundation: Scaffold end frames, which have no base plate, are erected on top of scrap wood and unstable cement blocks. Laura and her team are on a deadline to finish a construction project. Please answer all of the questions before checking your quiz answers. He performed a site evaluation and is ready to erect the scaffolding. The work area for each scaffold platform and walkway must be at least 18 inches (46 centimeters) wide. The department also to provide competent person with document indicating that they are competent persons representing their respective departments and shall agree to uphold all local, state, and federal rules and regulations as they relate to scaffolding. 21 0 obj <><><>]/ON[37 0 R]/Order[]/RBGroups[]>>/OCGs[37 0 R]>>/PageLabels 15 0 R/Pages 17 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 36 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Fields 41 0 R>> endobj 18 0 obj <>stream Make sure no ramp or walkway inclines more than 1:3 (1 vertical to 3 horizontal, or 20 degrees above the horizontal). 11. c.No, because the platform is less than three feet from the ground, or point of access. Scaffolding must not be placed on unstable objects, such as bricks or blocks. The means of access must be determined before erection of the scaffold and employees are never allowed to climb on cross braces for either vertical or horizontal movement. \text { Market } The scaffold and its components must be capable of supporting four times the rated load. 2. Ropes capable of supporting at least six (6) times the rated load must be used to suspend two-point suspension scaffolds. Scaffolds and components must be able to support at least four times the intended load. 5. All erection of scaffold greater than or equal to 20 feet shall be conducted by a licensed contractor. He fell approximately 12 feet to a concrete dock. being laid. 4.Wear face masks. Giovanni arrives at a jobsite as part of a team contracted to repair ductwork. 4.Use cinder blocks to level the uneven ground. 904-01 \text { Product Information } \\ Make sure all brace connections are properly secured to prevent dislodging. Ensure each employee on a scaffold more than 10 feet above a lower level is protected from falling to that lower level. Employees erecting and dismantling supported scaffolding must have a safe means of access provided when a competent person has determined the feasibility and analyzed the site conditions. OA025.pdf Ensure each employer working at any level over dangerous equipment while on a scaffold is protected from falling into the equipment. 3.Metal Environmental Health and Safety Reviewing this policy to ensure compliance with current regulations; Reporting any questionable conditions that are discovered to the responsible department; Ensuring all affected employees are trained in accordance with this policy. Workers are most vulnerable to fall hazards when climbing on or off a scaffold. Verify that, when moving platforms to the next level, the existing platform are left undisturbed until the new end frames have been set in place and braced. b. While sitting or kneeling on a fixed deck plank attached to a fabricated frame scaffold, a worker was pulling a 16-foot long 2x4 off the bucket of an excavator. a.16 inches PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 9. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. The team is given a set of scaffolding components to assemble. A competent person is an employee who is capable of identifying existing or predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has the authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate these hazards. The team cannot wait any longer for the weather to clear. 2.Toss tools and other items from the scaffold. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. c.10 To protect against falling objects, screens must be installed between the toeboard and midrail if anyone is required to pass under the scaffolding. The periodicity of this training to be determined by EHS and the departments management, but should not exceed a period of 5 years from the previous training. Scaffold users must be trained in the recognition of the hazards associated with working on a scaffold they may be using including: the hazards of the particular scaffold that they intend to use; the nature of any fall, falling object, or electrical hazards; the correct procedures for dealing with electrical hazards and for erecting, maintaining, and disassembling the fall protection systems and falling object protection systems being used; the proper use of the scaffold and the proper handling of materials on the scaffold; the maximum intended load carrying capacities of the scaffolds used. d.Five times, Which would provide a more stable foundation? Training employees working on the scaffolds to recognize the associated hazards and understand procedures to control or minimize those hazards; and. Select all that apply and then click DONE. and must be provided on any scaffold 10 feet or more above a lower level. The poles, legs, or uprights of scaffolds must be plumb, and securely and rigidly braced to prevent swaying and displacement. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. Additionally a user has the right to refuse to occupy the scaffold should they contest the competent persons findings. d. Repair any defective scaffolding components. (1) A type of supported scaffold set on wheels or casters (2) A simple device consisting of a platform resting on brackets attached to a ladder (3) A uniquely designed scaffold consisting of a platform supported by moveable brackets on vertical poles (1)Mobile Scaffold (2) Ladder Scaffold (3) Pump Jack Scaffold b.Two feet A competent person is one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions that are hazardous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them. Training of other competent persons, scaffold erectors, and users. a.Yes, because any height off the ground, or point of access, requires the use of a ladder or stairway. Designing platforms on two-point adjustable suspension types that are less than 36 inches wide to prevent instability; Making swaged attachments and spliced eyes on wire suspension ropes; and. The victim was climbing the end-frame of a three-tiered metal scaffold when a midrail pulled loose. When erecting and dismantling tubular, welded-frame scaffolds, and end frames are used as climbing devices for access, make sure: Horizontal members are parallel, level, and not more than 22 vertical inches apart. 1926.451 (b) (9) Hot asphalt paving (summer) - This type of asphalt (top coat) is soft when placed and then compacted with rollers. They must be in good worker order or tagged as defective and taken out of service. Make sure each platform is fully planked or decked between the front uprights and the guardrail supports. Standard guardrails (e.g., handrail and midrail) and toeboards must be provided for all open sides of the scaffolding that are ten (10) feet or more above the surrounding surfaces. The top edge height of top rails on supported scaffolds manufactured or placed in service after January 1, 2000 shall be installed between 38 45 inches above the platform surface. Check that scaffolds and scaffold components are capable of supporting, without failure, their own weight and at least 4 times their maximum intended load. Hard hats Cross braces shall not be used as a means of access. What are supported scaffold foundations set on to ensure stability? \text { Product } \\ What is the widest gap permitted between adjacent planks or deck units, or between the platform and the uprights of a scaffold? \end{array} c.Select an anchor point for Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS). Scaffolds must be braced by cross, horizontal, or diagonal braces, or a combination thereof. Crossbraces must not be used as a means of access. Inspections of scaffolds after changes / alterations have been made. A scaffold can be overloaded by removing the braces, which causes the weight on the scaffold to be distributed to fewer structural members. Standard guardrails (e.g., handrail and midrail) and toeboards must be provided for all open sides of the scaffolding that are ten (10) feet or more above the surrounding surfaces. In order to be safe, which two options can Laura's team choose from to continue work? Erecting scaffolds in accordance with local, state, and federal. Ensure scaffolds are altered only under the supervision and direction of a competent person. The competent person / trainer shall be verified to be of sufficient knowledge, skill set, and experience to provide said training. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. Refresher type training will be provided on an as needed basis; the periodicity of this training to be determined by EHS and the departments management, but should not exceed a period of 5 years from the previous training. Wood decking - This may lend itself for use as a foundation. c.Anyone Erectors can solicit materials and components from other employees who may be on the ground, but the ultimate adding / subtracting of components to a scaffold shall be accomplished by an authorized scaffold erector. Note: Except where indicated, these . In the event of an emergency, please call 123 from any campus phone or 773.702.8181, Please direct coronavirus (COVID-19) questions a. Requirements to prevent falls that apply only to these workers are addressed separately below. Jayden and his crew are anxious to begin erecting scaffolding at the new job site. \text { Web, and get directions } %PDF-1.4 % b. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. Check to ensure fall protection consists of either personal fall-arrest systems (PFAS) or guardrail systems meeting OSHA requirements. In general, a level is the easiest way to achieve the desired right angles. 2.Electrical Scaffolding is widely used during construction and renovation activities. The department will designate, identify, and provide training for competent persons within the department. A qualified person must do this analysis. Make sure cross-braces on tubular welded frame scaffolds are not allowed to be climbed. Oversight and inspections of mobile scaffolds. Make a chart listing each ad and describing it as shown in the example below. The department shall maintain a list of all employees within the department who have been authorized (through both training and experience) as scaffold erectors; and provide notice to the employees who have been deemed to be authorized erectors. Ehs if there is a competent person / trainer shall be conducted by a licensed contractor or weakened of... Scaffold platform is fully planked or decked between the front edge listing each ad and describing it as in! 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